Essay on The movie One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest

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The film One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest

The film One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest tells the narrative of Randle McMurphy, a criminal. The film is set in 1963 in Oregon, when McMurphy is sent to a mental institution after spending a short time at a prison farm for raping a fifteen-year-old. However, it turns out that McMurphy is not truly mentally ill, but is acting that way in order to avoid the harsh and hard labor associated with modern jails, and to serve the balance of his term in a peaceful atmosphere. Interestingly, when McMurphy arrives at the facility, things do not go as planned. Except he finds himself immersed in an awkward world where Nurse Ratched-an aggressive and steely individual runs the wards with an iron fist.

McMurphy's Surroundings

Apart from the mean nurse calling the shorts within the wards, McMurphy also finds himself surrounded by a host of weird patients. Among them is the stuttering Bibbit Billy; Cheswich Charlie, who exhibits childish behaviours; and Bromdem the "Chief" a tall Native American who is thought to be deaf and dumb. Besides, Ratched also views McMurphy as an overly rebellious individual whose presence threatens her authority. As a result of McMurphy constantly engages in battle with Ratched. In one instance, he steals the facility's bus and proceeds with other patients to a fishing expedition in addition to always encouraging his friends to become self-confident.

Plotting an Escape

Upon learning that his sentence may become indefinite, McMurphy begins plotting for an escape together with Chief by convincing him to throw a hydrotherapy cart over the window. During an incident with the orderlies, McMurphy realizes that Chief can speak. However, before taking the escape plan, McMurphy organizes a party where things turn severe soar leading to Billy committing suicide in the aftermath. Ratched on learning about what transpired during the party is enraged with McMurphy where they fight, sadly, that night Chief sees McMurphy being brought with severe wounds to the head. In the act of mercy, Chief takes the life of his friend and quietly escapes by throwing out the hydrotherapy over the window as one of the patients cheers him.

October 07, 2021


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