Kingfisher Garden Center: Information Management Practices

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Most of the organizations in both public and private sector focus on improving their information management practices through ensuring that proper and efficient records are kept for all sorts of internal and external communication. Factors such as increase in demand for the organizations to comply with the set communication regulations, need for improving business processes and the desire to deliver new services had increased the need of managing information through deploying new technology solutions such as data warehousing, content or document management systems and portal applications all as part of automation of documentation and moving from the paper to paperless workplace environment (Jayarajan & Gupta, 2017). Proper documentation ensures that all communication barriers are eliminated and that both encoding and decoding process for both the sender and the recipient respectively is efficient. This essay sets to critically complete four tasks that are all part of the workplace documentation and correspondence of Kingfisher Garden Center.

Task One: Mail Merge

Most of the companies are involved in sending letters and emails to their key stakeholders such as the clients, employees and top management in the process of communicating vital messages to them regarding relevant business issues. Most of workplace communication takes place in a very formal way since the kind of interaction that tends to take place in this environment involves individuals belonging to different ranks with the company (Guerin, 2017). This task aims at providing a brief and clear letter that is written by the office administrator of Kingfisher Garden Center to some of the recently selected new employees in the effort of congratulating them for successfully passing the hiring process and also welcoming them into the company as they are scheduled to start working from Monday the following week.

Kingfisher Nurseries & Garden Centre Ltd

SG13 8QA White Stubbs Lane

Fairfield, Vic.

01992 511611.

October 21, 2018

Ms. Benita Bennett

IT Technician                              

3 Waraji Drive

Monbulk, 3793

Cc: Mr. Faheem Kumar

Administration Assistant

24 Weston Rd


Cc: Mrs. Gemma Lunardi


229 Anton Street

Box Hill

Cc: Huan Zhai

IT Technician

40 Bridge Cres

Laverton, 3028

Dear Sir/ Madam

I hope this finds you well. I am writing to congratulate you for successfully securing a position within our company following the recently advertised positions for two IT Technicians, an

Administration Assistant and a Receptionist whereby you have been selected for the position you had applied for in regards to your professional qualifications. It is my pleasure as the office administrator of the Kingfisher Garden Center to cordially welcome you to our company where we are looking forward to a long-term working relationship towards helping the company achieve its vision and mission and also effectively deliver its mandate to all its stakeholders. Please note that you are expected to report to our office on the coming Monday at the times listed below depending on the job position that you have qualified for during our selection.

Ø I.T Technician- 8:30 am

Ø Administration Assistant- 9:00 am

Ø Receptionist- 12:00 pm

We look forward to seeing you on Monday in the listed times as you report for orientation and completion of other procedures which will see you become a permanent employee in our company.

Thank you very much for considering working with us towards achieving the organizational goals and objectives of this company and we are looking forward to hearing from you soon. 



Office Administrator



Source: Microsoft Word Work Sheet

Task Three: Delivery Log Form and Email

In the last five years, the logistics activities of most of the companies have become very complex due to the numerous transactions that companies are conducting with their customers hence increasing the need for proper documentation of such activities for future references and also facilitating informed decision making whereby the top management tend to use such information to assess the company’s progress in its attempt of achieving its objectives (Benevolenski & Toepler, 2017). Such business needs are what have influenced the Kingfisher Gardens Center to introduce a new delivery log form in its attempt of enhancing its record keeping and information management practices as stipulated here below (Benevolenski & Toepler, 2017).

1. Email Outlook



Subject: Notification of New Driver Delivery Log Form


Here comes to notify all our employees in the Kingfisher Garden Center that the below new delivery log form has been approved by the top management and will become effective as early as from next month. In case you have any queries regarding this new information management system development that is meant to help the company maintain close relationships with all its key stakeholders and at the same time improve the general productivity of the company through enhancing information management practices, please kindly contact the manager as soon as possible for clarity and any other sort of confirmation.

Office Administrator,

Administration Department,

Kingfisher Garden Center,

01992 511611.


Below is the new driver delivery log form that will be in use starting from next month for all the logistics employees of the Kingfisher Garden Center.

2. Driver Delivery Log Form

Driver Delivery Log Form

Kingfisher Garden Center

 SG13 8QA White Stubbs Lane

Fairfield, Vic.

Date: ……………………….

Driver Name: ………………                             Employee Number: ……………………….

Vehicle Type: ………………                            Vehicle Registration: …………………….

Client Name

Street Address



Contact No.

Delivery Item

Pick Up Item

Time Delivered/Collected


Edward Caruso

14 Glen Dale Drive

Glen Waverly


0427 367 674


Broken Typewriter

3:47 pm


Employee Signature: ………………

Source: Microsoft Word Work Sheet

Task Four: Sales Promotion

One of the best strategy of increasing sales both in the short and long-run involves the use of sales promotion activities as part of the marketing tools of a company. It is through sales promotion that a company is able to enhance brand loyalty of its customers. Moreover, most of the marketers are in general consensus that it is only through sales promotion that a company can manage to chance the customer’s perception of its products (Chong Li, Ngai, Ch’ng & Lee, 2016). However, it is important for every company to put into consideration different market factors such as age of the population, cultural differences, gender and financial status while undertaking their sales promotion activities in order to efficiently meet all the customers’ needs. Such factors may make a company to incur huge losses if they are not effectively addressed. Every company allocates numerous resources and energy towards its marketing department in the attempt of ensuring that appropriate sales promotion strategies are employed in the attempt of capturing the interests of the consumers in given target market or segment (Chong Li, Ngai, Ch’ng & Lee, 2016).

Kingfisher Garden Center is a good example of those companies that are committed into ensuring that appropriate promotion strategy is employed at all time. Below are both a flyer and a Facebook post made by the marketing department of the Kingfisher Garden Center in the goal of ensuring that more people are attracted to buying the products that is offering hence increasing its sales volume.

1. Sales Promotion Flyer

2. Facebook Post

“The Valentine’s Day is just around the corner and we have pretty of gift vouchers just for you. We are committed to helping you make this special day more memorable for your sweethearts through the offering our products at substantial discounts. Following the numerous complaints from our customers regarding lack of enough varieties of valentine gifts, we have introduced new gift hampers just for you which you cannot get at the same shopping stop anywhere else in this world. We are dedicated to meeting your needs this season and assisting you in winning more trust and love from your spouses. The Kingfishers Garden Center offers you the opportunity to buy your loved one the perfect valentine gift that he or she will love. We have also partnered with Imzoo to help you make the day more memorable for her or him through taking photos with animals using the variety of roses that we have in-store just for you.

Say no more about the exhausting hustle of getting a beautiful scene to have photo session in which you present you valentine gifts to your loved one.”



Benevolenski, V. B., & Toepler, S. (2017). Modernising social service delivery in Russia: evolving government support for non-profit organisations. Development in Practice, 27(1), 64-76.

Chong, A. Y. L., Li, B., Ngai, E. W., Ch’ng, E., & Lee, F. (2016). Predicting online product sales via online reviews, sentiments, and promotion strategies: A big data architecture and neural network approach. International Journal of Operations & Production Management, 36(4), 358-383.

Guerin, L. (2017). Smart Policies for Workplace Technologies: Email, Social Media, Cell Phones & More. Nolo.

Jayarajan, P., & Gupta, A. S. (2017). Unit-13 Internal Correspondence At The Workplace. IGNOU.

October 24, 2023


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