Body for Life Diet

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In today’s world, people are so used to getting things in a flash and it is not a surprise they would want a quick fix of their obese bodies. People will be attracted to steps that are concise, simple and do not cause them to change their lifestyle even when those steps are not scientifically proven (Reilly 206). Money is also a contributing factor where publishers will publish any material without prior investigation of the studies as long as the agreed amount is paid. The publication is made in a way to lure the consumer with a definite end result the very thing that the user is in need of. Testimonials will be included as a way to show that the diet really works (Nouvenne, Antonio, et al. 303).

Body for Life


It is a 12-week diet and exercise program generated by Bill Phillips, an industrialist of nutritional supplements which has been commercialized by a record-breaking book using the same name. Philip advocates consuming a diet with low caloric and protein intake aiming at a fat loss while enabling protein and calories to build muscle and cardiac stamina (“Body For Life Diet 1). In addition, the diet is to balance the blood sugar, enhance the energy and avert starvation response. The dieter is to have 5-6 smaller meals per day with carbohydrates and proteins portions proportional to their fist and taking vegetables with at least two meals daily. Proteins allowed include lean poultry, fish and seafood, soy; carbs allowed include sweet potato, wheat bread, and whole grains: vegetables allowed include peas, celery carrots, and broccoli. Fat should be minimum, daily intake of 10 or more glasses of water, additional nutrition supplements with restriction of junk food and sweets (”Body For Life Diet 1).


Body for life exercise program is more demanding consisting of 45 minutes weight-training for the upper and lower body each. Exercises for the upper-body include biceps, triceps, and deltoids; exercises for lower-body include calves, hamstrings, and quadriceps. Running, walking and swimming are other exercises included. (”Body For Life Diet 1). Repetition of the exercises s emphasized to produce the intended results. Philips strongly believes that these exercises burn more calories when the program is faithfully followed. The program also has a free day where the participants are allowed to eat whatever they crave for and no exercises for that day (”Body For Life Diet | The Diet Channel).


Body for life program has a way of motivating their dieters by encouraging them to have specific goals for desiring to change. Philip employs consciousness aspects where he established competition where the contestant would use it to achieve their goals and in addition get a prize. (”Body For Life Diet 1). In 2018, the Grand Champions were Emily Alvers and Colby Knight.

The Author

Bill Philip is the founder of the Body for life program who uses the principles of bodybuilding because he was a former competitive bodybuilder. These principles were publically acknowledged and this gave him a great boast in the market. He was the owner of EAS, a company that manufactures nutritional supplements but he later sold it. Philip created EAS Grand Spokesperson Challenge which was intended to work as a motivation for the dieters. It was later given a new name, the Body for Life Challenge. With the publication of Body for life: 12 Weeks to Mental and Physical Strength (1999), books, videos, and a Web site the program has become famous. Philips believes that the program has transformed many people. (”Body For Life Diet 1).


Some physiologists and nutritionist have disapproved the Body for life asserting that its claims are not scientifically backed and the time given (12 weeks) is too little to achieve the promised results (Hall 15). Although there is no learned research completed on the program, the principle for bodybuilders used in the diet and the training has been practiced and accepted for many years. Philips put emphasizes intense 20-minute exercise while others argue that the same health benefits can be attained from slower periods of restrained exercise. Many agree that too much of protein is not healthy and a healthy diet does not have to include intake of supplements only the multivitamins (Hall 15).


The idea of taking in few calories and burning more calories is a great combination for weight loss. Controlled portion sizes, increased exercises, minimum fat and high protein diet may result in dieters building muscle and strong bodies. Reducing weight may be helpful in preventing and treating conditions like diabetes, high blood pressure and heart disease with a careful watch on cholesterol, salt and fat intake (Keith, Hemmerlein, and Clark 39).


The program requires vigorous exercise which may result in injuries, it is time-consuming and may not be fit for everyone especially those who do not like intense exercises. The swift weight loss may cause the body to gain the lost weight as fast as it was lost when the program is forsaken. The frequent eating is not only costly in terms of food preparing, but it also calls for a lot of time which may not be practical for the working class. People with kidney and other related diseases may be at risk due to the high intake of protein. To establish a better diet that would suit a particular individual, constant consultation with a doctor would be advocated (Hager 297). This would help to minimize the unseen risk that may be associated with any chosen diet.

Work Cited

”Body For Life Diet | The Diet Channel”. Thedietchannel.Com, 2018, Accessed 4 Nov 2018.

Hager, Kristy K. ”Healthy weight loss for the cancer survivor.” Journal of the advanced practitioner in oncology 5.4 (2014): 297.

Hall, Harriet. ”Food myths: What science knows (and does not know) about diet and nutrition.” Skeptic (Altadena, CA) 19.4 (2014): 10-20.

Keith, NiCole R., Kimberly A. Hemmerlein, and Daniel O. Clark. ”Weight loss attitudes and social forces in urban poor Black and White women.” American journal of health behavior39.1 (2015): 34-42.

Nouvenne, Antonio, et al. ”Fad diets and their effect on urinary stone formation.” Translational Andrology and urology 3.3 (2014): 303.

Reilly, Norelle R. “The gluten-free diet: recognizing fact, fiction, and fad.” The Journal of Pediatrics 175 (2016): 206-210.

September 18, 2023


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