Brett Kavanaugh: Confirmed: Can’t Be Trusted

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In July 2018, President Donald Trump nominated Brett Kavanaugh to the position of a judge in the US Supreme Court following Anthony Kennedy retirement. The nomination of Judge Brett Kavanaugh raises several issues among the US citizens and the political divide. Although certain groups feel that Trump’s appointment of Judge Kavanaugh would transform the Supreme Court, other parties feel that Judge Kavanaugh’s nomination is suspicious and fails the integrity test. According to How Brett Kavanaugh Would Transform the Supreme Court, Liptak highlights that Judge Kavanaugh would play a critical role in critical issues such as abortion, affirmative action, and gender rights issues. As opposed to former Judge Anthony Kennedy who has had a divergent decision in the previous rulings, Judge Kavanaugh is set to remain firm in representing President Trump’s initiative (Liptak). Furthermore, Liptak highlights that Judge Kavanaugh is an ideological key figure in President Trump’s decision making on essential issues. Additionally, it is anticipated that Kavanaugh would make up a conservative majority who would drum up the debate against racial discrimination in college admissions and restrict the rights to abortion. Also, with the previous position Judge Anthony Kennedy took regarding matters of national interest, Liptak asserts that the entry of Kavanaugh would reduce the implication of the swing vote for the Republicans in crucial decisions by the US president.

Elsewhere, the New York Editorial Board in the article, Confirmed: Brett Kavanaugh Can’t Be Trusted, emphasize that nominated Judge Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court is misleading as his facts fail to relate to various situations. For instance, Kavanaugh has failed to convince the judges regarding his evidence and facts on the previous Republican administrators. As such, senators feel Judge Kavanaugh has problems remembering his facts posing integrity questions towards his nomination by President Donald Trump. Besides, the editorial highlights key questions regarding Judge Kavanaugh’s position on particular issues such as the 2003 emails that leaked to the New York Times (The Editorial Board).  Moreover, Kavanaugh’ comments regarding the theft of the strategic documents for the year 2004 and 2006 contradict. During his vetting for a position in the federal appeals court, he denied any knowledge of the theft. Nonetheless, during the current vetting, he claims that indeed the documents might have been stolen making it difficult to ascertain his position regarding the issue. Thus, the editorial edition raises several integrity queries relating to nominated Judge Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court. Indeed, the editorial’s rationale premises on the different views from Judge Kavanaugh at the present and his initial presentations of the issues.

Indeed, the Editorial Board’s article, Confirmed: Brett Kavanaugh Can’t Be Trusted, is more compelling of the two articles. Throughout the article, there are numerous inconsistencies highlighted by the writer regarding Kavanaugh. The inconsistencies prove that Kavanaugh fails to appreciate the need to remain truthful over sensitive matters. Since the Supreme Court is a significant decision maker in the United States, it is possible that his decisions would fail to reflect the actual position of the situation. In addition, Kavanaugh’s failure to recall facts in his earlier interrogations contradicts the evidence in book putting him under integrity questions if confirmed for the position of a judge at the US Supreme Court (The Editorial Board). Certainly, the article provides specific scenarios and shows up examples that depict Kavanaugh as a liar failing to recollect his former statements regarding sensitive information.

Additionally, the editorial board’s article on Kavanaugh, Confirmed: Brett Kavanaugh Can’t Be Trusted, provides evidence-based and factual information while reading mischief in Kavanaugh statements and contradictions (The Editorial Board). As a high ranking judge who has overseen many judicial decisions across the United States, judge Kavanaugh needs to ensure that his past and present assertions of proofs concur. Nevertheless, the contradiction makes it possible for the editorial to provide a detailed confirmation of his incoherent information regarding critical decisions. Besides, the editorial article is coherent and provides a clear thought in its evidence regarding Kavanaugh’s incompatible statements. With the high level of integrity, the US requires an individual with a reputable and indubitable character to hold the position of a US judge. Through the article, judge Kavanaugh fails the test of reliability with the anomalies in his statements. The anomalies could have a negative connotation for the US top court in crucial decision making.

Furthermore, the editorial board’s logic evidence concurs with its conclusion. The article, Confirmed: Brett Kavanaugh Can’t Be Trusted, provides sufficient evidence implicating judge Kavanaugh on integrity and sensitive information (The Editorial Board). However, the article fails to exhibit any instances of a personal attack towards judge Kavanaugh character or personality. The article only provides reliable and conclusive information with illustrations to various circumstances. Despite judge Kavanaugh quick response to counter the discrepancies, the article points out that he failed to meet the provision of a judge at the US Supreme Court. Also, the article substantiates the information without any derogatory remarks or personal emotions as a way of creating appeal to a wide range of audience across the United States. Since the article Confirmed: Brett Kavanaugh Can’t Be Trusted provides a logical connection to Kavanaugh remarks, the writer provides a realistic and rationale presentation towards discrediting Kavanaugh for the nominated position of a judge by the US President.

Works Cited

Liptak, Adam. “How Brett Kavanaugh Would Transform The Supreme Court”. Nytimes.Com, 2018, Accessed 11 Sept 2018.

The Editorial Board. “Opinion | Confirmed: Brett Kavanaugh Can’t Be Trusted”. Nytimes.Com, 2018, Accessed 11 Sept 2018.

September 04, 2023

Government Law

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