Campflight To Lowland Paradise

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Campflight to Lowland paradise also known as Lowland festival is a music event held annually in Netherlands rural area near the city of Biuddnghulzm. The event is known to host an estimate of 60,000 revelers from in and outside the Netherlands. It’s by these standards that Camp flight to Lowland paradise stands out as one of the most significant festival concerts in the Netherlands. The event in its tradition runs for three consecutive 3 days within the third week of August. Campflight to Lowland paradise present diverse genre of arts namely music, films, stand-up comedy and theatre.

The Campflight to Lowland paradise founded in 1993 has grown attracting lots of people outside the Netherlands that has seen its sustainability over the years. This write-up aims to shed light on the Campflight to Lowland paradise concert and event while examining its expanse and future sustenance.

Campflight to Lowland paradise provides a unique sense of entertainment that involves at least two hundred and fifty activities running for three consecutive days. Campflight to Lowland paradise acquires music across different genres. Campflight to Lowland paradise attracts people from different nationalities across the globe coming to the Netherlands with the intent to enjoy the concert.

Campflight to Lowland paradise provides concert facilities as well as camping facilities. In its arrangement and organisational capacity, Campflight to Lowland paradise composes of 12 different stages/performance platforms strategically arranged into a 5 minutes’ walk from each other. Campflight to Lowland paradise provides for tickets in a block; one can only purchase a three-day ticket as opposed to a one day or a two-day ticket. (Pell,2018)

Lowland festival takes centre stage as one of the pioneers of sustainable events in the Netherlands. This traces back to a supportive policy framework from the local government that offers a tax-free environment for operations. This framework has existed for over 20 years and played a supportive role in sustaining the Lowland festival over time.

Lowland festival boasts of user-friendly policies to its revellers these include but not limited to the leverage and waiver of 5gram own-bag marijuana policy and a baffling clash-free timetable this coupled with strong security patrol has been instrumental in attracting more massive crowds year by year.

Lowland also boasts of environmentally friendly practices by cutting into their carbon emission and minimising water wastage. A vital method and a selling point of the Lowland concert as providing environmentally friendly; attract a much bigger crowd.

Lowlands Festival markets and sells out as one of a pop festival in the Netherlands. The Camping flight To Lowlands Paradise – as Holland’s best all-rounder festival with a standout amongst the most mixed lineups in Europe.

Lowlands festival is a product patented under Mojo Concerts an event organiser. Mojo concert is part of  Lowlands festival as it claims, leases, works, has booking rights for as well as value interests in countless.  Mojo Concert Company plays a vital role in the organization of the concert regarding marketing and branding. Lowlands’ festivals position itself as one of the few shows in Europe that provide a mixture of camping and concert facilities at once. It is against this background that the concert gains its famous name Campflight to Lowland paradise targeting holiday goes and revellers across the globe. (Ribby, 2015)

In Australia, the administration of New South Wales (Sydney’s district) has undermined to forbid all music festivals, after the event of a few drugs overdoses at these occasions. The state head, Mike Baird, said “That’s the last straw, this needs to stop,” in a meeting to Sydney’s Daily Telegraph. In Europe, amid the late spring, a large number of individuals will run to festivals to mingle and appreciate music. Regardless of the considerable number of dangers and warnings, a portion of the festivals’ guests will take drugs. In the first semester of this current year, two youngsters kicked the bucket at the Mutiny movement music festival festival held in Portsmouth, UK.

The most widely recognised drugs expended at such occasions is cannabis, while cocaine was second utilised, at that point rapture and amphetamines. Seeing drugs busts at the Glastonbury Festival, UK, between 2014-16, it demonstrated a sharp decline in the number of captures, even though an ascent in the measure of the ”hard drugs” cocaine and bliss, reallocated by police. Like other European nations, the Netherlands frequently screens and assesses its drugs approach, utilising routine marker checking and specific explore ventures. Long-standing checking frameworks incorporate drugs related crises were observing at various festivals first help stations and medicinal administrations in a few locales.

There has been a sensational ascent in virtue and quality of this drugss, and, even though it is extensively encouraged to festivalgoers to abstain from taking any illicit substances when going to such festivals, or getting it there from street pharmacists, it occurs., But are festivals to a fault? Closing down either music festival may quiet down a piece of society, it is simply not plausible, and it won’t shield individuals from expending illicit drugs. In the Lowlands festival, the coordinators have thought of a one of a kind arrangement which appears to have helped handle such issue. (EMCDDA,2018)

Every guest to the is permitted to bring 5g of delicate drugs - marijuana or hash - into the festival. The festival resembles a little town where the police do not meddle with drugs busts and trusts the coordinators to deal with the drugs circumstance, and they do. The festival supervisory crew trusts that they have fewer issues on the off chance that you enable individuals to acquire with them their 5 grams of weed.

The coordinators have assembled a relationship of trust with the police, government, wellbeing specialists and group the executives. There are no additional expenses because of this standard and takes into account the autonomy of Lowlands. The city hall leader of Biddinghuizen said once that there were ”more issues in their little town on a Saturday night than we get from 60,000 individuals over a whole end of the week”. Guests to the festival are not rough. What’s more, no adversary bunches are visiting. This all adds to the conviction that all is good at the occasion. (Kwai,2018)

The target population are young people aged   20-30 yrs old living in Europe and predominantly Dutch. The Lowland Concert, however, has a major European market now. If you take a gander at Primavera for instance between 30-40% of their ticket deals are made in the UK. Here it’s dominatingly Dutch. Perhaps 1000-1500 English however close to that. ”So, I believe I have to make individuals mindful of what we’re doing. It’s not as though we intend to complete a second end of the week or anything like that, yet the opposition from all over Europe is developing, and I need them to know about Lowlands. It’s as straightforward as that”- proposition on one of the concert organizers on how to increase the scope and lifeline of the Lowlands festival.(Cannon,2018)

Business all over the world faces competition within their niche.  Lowland Festival in its business model is not an exception’s. The concert and festival market crowds and marred with the stiff competition this proves to challenge any business in this category. The timing of Lowland festival coincidentally collides with other festivals around Europe all over Europe struggling to get the same crowd year in year out.

 This provides a stiff competitive environment to the Lowland Festivals. The festivals that occurs concurrently to Lowlands festivals that pose a competitive challenge are the Sthlm, Stockholm, Sweden – 14-18 August ,Brussels Summer, Brussels, Belgium – 15-18 August, The Great Northern SKA Festival, Manchester, England – 18 August, Summer Breeze Open Air, Dinkelbuhl, Germany – 15-18 August ,Krakow Live, Krakow, Poland – 17-18 August and Findings, Oslo, Norway – 17-18 August.(Mangled,2018)

Lowlands festivals face not only stiff competition from outside Europe but also at domestic level there have been  festivals that pose challenges of similar magnitudes these include Drumcode, Amsterdam – 18 August, Decibel Outdoor, Hivarenbeek – 18 August, Straf Werk, Amsterdam – 18 August, Dutch Valley, Amsterdam – 18 August, Rotterdam Rave, Rotterdam – 18 August and  Hidden Garden, Eindhoven – 18 August. These festivals occur almost at the same time as Lowlands festivals.

The festival promotion partook by Mojo Concert group all over Europe. Mojo concert relies heavily on mobile application use to reach its customers. The mobile application relies majorly on visitor’s data to pass their message and candidly reach the intended audience. The concert organisers utilise to the maximum social platform such as Mobile Guide; that provides for an interactive platform for social interactions.

These platforms are key allowing for consumer interactions with their friends and to know the event schedule at a glance. The Mojo concert organisers also use radio stations to push their agenda and marketing goals.

The Lowland concert targets both social and mainstream media to link with its clientele base across the globe.  Lowland uses live feeds on the Radio 3Fm to provide live experience to their fans away from the main conference venue. The Lowlands event has also invested heavily on online social platforms such as Mobile Guide as a customised application that is interactive to their users.

Even though clientele connection and brand penetration are their general advertising objectives, MOJO Concerts has no hard advertising objectives portrayed for the versatile application. The festival coordinator knows about every one of the potential outcomes to utilise shopper information for promoting purposes. As of now, that isn’t the primary focus of the Mobile Guide. The fundamental objective 

Is to give guests festival and craftsman data, to offer a stage for purchasers to collaborate with the festival and one another. By demonstrating its inventiveness, MOJO is fortifying the brands of Lowlands and MOJO with festival guests. The Lowlands Mobile Guide is produced with various accomplices and financed through a marked sponsorship with Converse and Radio 3FM. The general promoting system of MOJO for marshes is that business trips limited amid the festival.

Standards, notices and other advancement apparatuses are not permitted, nearby or carefully. Magic doesn’t expect to be a promoting stage for every one of their accomplices. The result is that supports are most certainly not permitted to send SMS messages to portable clients. By that MOJO is working cautiously towards SMS advertise ing, having just sent one instant message to past Mobile Guide users to announce n new refreshed form just before the festival began. Backers were allowed the chance to post messages in the festival news channel. In any case, didn’t utilise that correspondence channel a year ago.

In 2009 the Lowlands Mobile Guide was downloaded 15 530 times on 377 distinctive cell phones. The primary five cell phones were iPhone (37 per cent), Nokia 6300 (3 per cent), Nokia E71(2 per cent), Nokia N95 8Gb (2 per cent) and Nokia N95(2 per cent).

The versatile application was conveyed crosswise over different channels. Of which the SMS establishments were generally prominent. Practically speaking it worked out that the SMS download channel experienced very some establishment failures. Due to specialized troubles (both on supplier and recipient sides), the quantity of ’uninstalled’ applications went up to one-fourth of all asked for downloads. Other prevalent channels were the online application stores (both for iPhone and Android advanced mobile phones).

For Lowlands 2010 the association expected to fabricate an I Phone local application as it were. On account of the useful open doors that an iPhone offers, the substantial offer of this excellent cell use among the gathering of people and the specialised dependability of the stage itself. The goal was to make more utilisation of choice to distribute festival refreshes (in light of a persistent RSS channel).

 The updates were to comprise of festival news, the festival vibe, and program changes joined with news from the Doily Paradise (day by day printed news· paper for the guests). To screen shopper encounters the messages in the Buddy Finder channel spared and available. Just checked to feel the contemporary vibe at the festival. It went about as a decent thermometer — not all that much. For purchaser assessments, amid the festival, HOJO composed a ’breakfast meeting’ with some buyers at the festival itself. It was increasingly essential to get a reaction to the progressing festival and on any brisk enhancements. 

Amid all festival stages, MOJO checked online networks (like FokForum or PartyFlock) to get knowledge into purchasers’ comments about the festival. Magic found that festival guests were more open on outsider stages than on their Lowlands Community site. Magic’s arrangement was to Screen the of content  of the traded messages. What’s more, to intercede just when realities were wrongly conveyed? For Marketing Manager Bente Bollmann. It was decent to see swamps guests utilising the Mobile Guide to find craftsman data on an entirely unexpected pop festival. (Festival outlook,2018)

Festival guests were not ’spammed’ by promoting trips in the Buddy Finder channels or through direct showcasing activities. The Buddy Finder devices were utilised and experienced as a decent contraption. In any case, the users can make strides. Magic defined with specific issues and challenges with GPS localisation (mainly for the indoor offices) and the speed of handling the sent messages. By and large, this usefulness needs time to work with it. Buyers need to restrict themselves and afterwards communicate something specific. (Eurofestival,2018)

For the new I Phone application, MOJO is thinking about offering as well as coordinating usefulness from location based applications like Foursquare or Gowalla. In those applications the client limits him-or herself with the utilisation of GPS, at that point client created content like instant messages, photographs and recordings joined with an increasingly precise localisation. Another alternative is to work all the more firmly together with the iPhone applications or Hyves (a Dutch informal organization network like Facebook).as long as MOJO can locate the correct equalisation in utilising versatile usefulness and business use or showcasing purposes. (IQ,2017)

The conclusions and recommendations proposed is that festival organisers should move from considering approaches to make their present techniques for sorting out increasingly manageable to expenditures with sustenance on business grounds.

This will prompt averting communication issues rather than problems settling by and large. Reinforcing the brand of the festival, organisers should work with feasible partners, accomplices, suppliers and regions when conceivable. On the off chance that these partners are not manageable right now, organisers can attempt to make a procedure where these partners come together and consider conceivable arrangements where all partners’ objectives fulfilled, and sustainability is a core interest point.

Furthermore, festival organisers ought to be engaged with a benchmarking system with different organisers and conceptualize about new advancements and approaches to take care of issues they are for the most part looking concerning supportability. With regards to the guests, organisers should utilise co-creation as an apparatus to make mindfulness among guests and include them in the festival. This should prompt the contribution of manageability in the experience of the guests. A precedent makes a stage where guests can help consider answers for existing issues or think of developments on the part of sustainability. (Green,2012)


Canon, T. (2018, July 16). Youth Marketing at Festivals | Red Brick Research. Retrieved from

EMCDDA. (2018). Netherlands Drug Report 2018. Retrieved from European Center for Monitoring Druga and Drug Addiction website:

Eurofestivals. (2018, August 23). Lowlands Festival - Holland. Retrieved from

Festival Outlook. (2018, March 2). Lowlands Festival 2018. Retrieved from

Festivals. (2018, December 9). Festivals. Retrieved from

Gourlay, D. (2017, October 24). How To Organise A Music Festival #12: Lowlands. Retrieved from

Greene, F. (2012, October 4). Marketing Plan for Festivals. Retrieved from

IQ. (2017, September 25). Lowlands back on top for 25th anniversary | IQ Magazine. Retrieved from

Kwai, I. (2018, October 19). Are Music Festivals to Blame for Overdose Deaths? Retrieved from

Mangled, T. (2018, December 19). Lowlands Festival 2018 (17th - 19th August). Retrieved from

Pell, D. (2018, July 12). There is more than one reason to why you should attend Lowlands Festival - Decoded Magazine. Retrieved from

Ribby, S. (2015, August 27). What we did at Lowlands Festival 2015. Retrieved from

September 18, 2023

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