Cross-fit for Teenagers

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The upsurge of lifestyle medical conditions such as obesity requires a combination of both corrective and preventive measures to mitigate. Cross-fit is a workout session involving a timed fitness program. In the exercise, the participants engage in weightlifting sessions, gymnastics, running and rowing among other strenuous activities. An active cross-fit session for men can lead to the burning up of 15-20 calories for men and 13-15 calories for women in a single minute. During the first lessons, most participants require numerous breaks to control their breathing since the exercise uses a majority of the dormant muscles in the body. The exercises train the muscles to develop higher resilience and stamina while holding the body at different angles. Greg Glassman, the inventor of the program, redefined working out through quantification of the exercises. Young teenagers can use the program in losing weight, regulating blood pressure, and heightening the energy levels to keep fit.

Cross-Fit for Teenagers

One of the primary advantages of cross-fit for adults is weight loss (Kuhn, 2013, p. 3). Many teenagers are very fond of eating junk foods such as potato fries and pizza. Such foods have very high amounts of fats, and their consumption leads to weight gain. In instances where the consumer does not indulge in exercises, the gradual deposition of lipids leads to weight gain. Teenagers with high volumes and weight tend to feel less confident among their peers due to discrimination especially when on the field. Therefore, the exercises promoted by cross-fit would be beneficial. When working out, the young teenagers will burn calories in their bodies leading to the dissolution of the fats and conversion to energy. Loss of weight would improve their confidence levels as well as keep them active during field events.

The loss of weight has multiple benefits for young persons. For example, obese people expose their bodies to various health concerns such as high blood pressure. When the fat deposition in the body is high, the blood vessels constrict from the pressure outside. Therefore, it becomes necessary for the blood to flow at a higher rate to meet all the needs of the body such as the supply of oxygen to the organs. For a young person, the amount of energy spent on the body is extremely high due to the growth activities (Baye et al., 2013, p. 1734). If teenagers suffer from medical conditions such as obesity, the combined need for nutrients all over the body and the constricted veins might lead to heart failure. Therefore, cross-fit is useful for teenagers in regulating the blood pressure and keeping the young person healthy at all times.

Through the exercises, the young people convert the fat deposits into muscles. Engaging in cross-fit activities such as aerobic exercises leads to burning up of a large number of calories. For example, running up and down requires the joint effort of various muscles in the body, which burn up so many calories. The regular exercises lead to the conversion of fats to tissues in the body. Apart from the practices, the young person gains the ability to undertake strenuous activities due to the resilience enjoyed by the body. The burnt fats equip the body with higher amounts of energy through the conversion of fats to muscles. Therefore, a teenager taking part in cross-fit activities will be stronger than those that do not engage in the exercises (Girold et al., 2007, p. 600). Any background in cross-fit workouts will create a foundation of strength for the child, which he/she will enjoy eternally.

During the introduction to cross-fit, the participants need to participate in simple tasks to build up the resilience of the body. Some of the exercises undertakes by the experienced people are too hard for beginners. Therefore, the instructors use the Work Out of the Day to measure the improvement of the participant. Parents should motivate the teenagers to take part in the fitness program because it is easier to monitor the progress of the child through the time taken to complete the tasks as well as the nature of the activities. For example, if the child slowly completes simple tasks, it will be easier for the parent to determine the fitness of the child and take corrective measures before the situations deteriorate. Similarly, if the child can handle tough tasks, the parent will be in a position to understand the fitness of the child. Such information is essential to bring up a healthy child.

Apart from the physical benefits enjoyed by teenagers at cross-fit, the series of exercises act as a learning opportunity for young persons. The teenagers use the platform in identifying the healthy practices from those that are not. For example, the kids learn how to undertake activities that consume energy in their bodies and reduce the time spent on virtual games. Currently, the invention of technology is one of the aspects of unhealthy living habits. Young people spend too much time playing computer games and browsing the internet. Such activities contribute to fat deposition and weight gaining. Teenagers taking part in cross-fit tend to prefer physical games as opposed to computer games (Smith, 2005, p. 102). More so, the children learn how to engage in healthy feeding habits. The coaches instruct the young children on the types of foods that offer the body higher contents of energy.

The learning process keeps the children informed of the best practices for staying fit. For example, sugary foods have elements of fructose in their structure (Ludwig et al., 2001, p. 506). Regular consumption pushes the consumer into a frequent habit of eating. The frequent use increases the intake of calories in the body leading to weight gain. Cross-fix programs sensitize the participants towards healthy feeding habits that alienate such sugars. When the teenagers learn such information, it will be impossible for him or her to consume the foods. Such knowledge is critical since it prevents the child from obesity and other heart conditions associated with weight gain. Teenagers who do not take part in cross-fix live under the risk of eating unhealthy foods as well as indulging in activities that expose their bodies and health to grave dangers. Therefore, cross-fix activities are right for young teenagers.

The teenage years present the biggest challenges for young children while growing up. At the stage, the development of social interaction skills is a significant achievement that defines the ability of the child to interact with peers successfully. At cross-fit, people work out in groups. The reason behind the groupings is to offer motivation for the persons experiencing challenges in meeting the targets. Due to the group work, the platform assists in growing the social skills for the young people. For example, the children interact and motivate one another throughout the practice. The interaction leads to the formation of friendships based on their mutual need to keep fit. When one teenager fails to meet the target, the motivation rekindles his/her determination making the program very efficient. More so, the competitive nature of the program boosts the morale of the children. All the children aim at succeeding to avoid being the loser in the group. The motivation makes the activity interesting by building their social interactions.

Ultimately, cross-fix programs lead to better educational performance for the teenagers. From the age group, it is possible to identify that most teenagers are still in primary school. Therefore, exemplary performance in education is imperative in determining the future of the child. Exercises make the child very active in sporting events. The weight reduction and athleticism gained make it easy for the child to understate sporting activities successfully. Active children tend to perform better especially in sciences as opposed to the dull children. The logic behind the perception is that the brains of the children are sharp and ready to absorb any information with ease (Leddy et al., 2010, p. 23). More so, the children are active enough to question the tutor in areas that seem hazy to them. Therefore, their level of understanding demonstrates higher abilities to grasping and preservation of information making the brighter.

Apart from a better understanding, cross-fix keeps the children energized and ready to handle long durations in class without losing their focus. A dull mind finds it very hard to concentrate on tough lessons for long. The children tend to shift their focus to other things leading to poor performance. Therefore, parents with children taking part in cross-fix have a higher chance of performing better from the ability to concentrate for longer. More so, the active minds are keen to details. When the tutor is covering subjects such as algebra, which require keen attention, athletic children perform better due to the optimal status of the brain. Many parents consider the benefits of exercises to the well being of the body but fail to identify the social and mental contributions. Such benefits show that cross-fix programs should be mandatory for parents that need to keep their adolescents confident, healthy, and mentally upright throughout their lives.


Cross-fix platform designs timed exercises for the participants to keep fit. Each participant receives a workout plan for the day and tries to accomplish the task within the shortest time possible. Due to the challenging nature of the functions, the individuals begin with general exercises that are simple and advance to the stricter tasks as the muscles become resilient. Cross-fix program is useful for all people irrespective of the age, gender, or social background. Teenagers have the potential to use the platform in keeping fit through the elimination of excessive weight. The weight has the capability of leading to high blood pressure and heart problems due to the constriction of the veins. Therefore, the exercise reinstates the veins to the original status keeping the children fit. Secondly, the practices make the children confident due to their masculine and athleticism. The teenager competes positively with the peers making him or her optimistic in all interactions. Lastly, exercises make the brain sharp. The children gain the advantage of concentrating for longer in class and paying attention to the more delicate details of their lessons. These benefits demonstrate the positive attributes of cross-fix exercises for teenagers.


Baye, K., Guyot, J. P., Icard-Verniere, C., & Mouquet-Rivier, C. (2013). Nutrient intakes from complementary foods consumed by young children (aged 12–23 months) from North Wollo, northern Ethiopia: the need for agro-ecologically adapted interventions. Public health nutrition, 16(10), 1741-1750.

Girold, S., Maurin, D., DuguÉ, B., Chatard, J. C., & Millet, G. (2007). Effects of dry-land vs. resisted-and assisted-sprint exercises on swimming sprint performances. The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research, 21(2), 599-605.

Kuhn, S. (2013). The culture of CrossFit: a lifestyle prescription for optimal health and fitness.

Leddy, J. J., Kozlowski, K., Donnelly, J. P., Pendergast, D. R., Epstein, L. H., & Willer, B. (2010). A preliminary study of subsymptom threshold exercise training for refractory post-concussion syndrome. Clinical Journal of Sport Medicine, 20(1), 21-27.

Ludwig, D. S., Peterson, K. E., & Gortmaker, S. L. (2001). Relation between consumption of sugar-sweetened drinks and childhood obesity: a prospective, observational analysis. The Lancet, 357(9255), 505-508.

Smith, B. K. (2005). Physical fitness in virtual worlds. Computer, 38(10), 101-103.

August 14, 2023


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