Definition of sex and sexuality and sexual identity

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Sex and Sexuality

Sex is a commonly used term that refers to the biological, physical, or physiological distinctions that distinguish males from females. It is an amalgamation of the traits or characteristics of being female or male in plants and animals. Chromosomes, internal and external reproductive organs, and hormone profiles can all be different. The dynamic interaction between hormones, chromosomes, and anatomy still determines sex. In humans, for example, a child’s biological sex is determined by a number of factors including internal reproductive anatomy, genitalia, gonads, and hormones. On the other hand, sexuality is the central feature of being human that seems to be deeply individualized. It is the capacity of people to have the erotic experiences, attraction to others, responses, sexual feelings, thoughts, preferences, emotional and biological feelings as well as behaviors. For example, the sexuality within the holy matrimony is justified only as the necessary part of the reproduction. Sexual identity involves an individual’s sense of self regarding whom one is sexually or romantically attracted. It includes how a particular person will identify with the sexual orientation. For example, one can identify himself as straight or gay.

Things influencing my values around sex

Values include an individual’s standards or principles that help in making a judgment on what is useful, worth or necessary in life. Values determine the priorities of a person. Making of responsible choices and sound decisions concerning the sexual activity when one is a teenager are important aspects that have immediate together with lasting implications on the overall health outcomes of the youngsters. Parents, other family members, peers, access to the education and services, media, religion, personal experiences among others are some of the factors that influence a person’s values around sex. They help one decide on matters regarding relationships, participating or abstaining from sex and protection from sexually transmitted diseases and many more issues. Such social factors facilitate the process of making effective sexual health interventions.

Parents and Family Influence

Parents and other family members have significantly influenced my sexual attitudes, beliefs, and values in different ways. It is from home that I became aware of how women and men express and live among themselves. It is from home that I knew myself, how to interact with others and expression of love, affection, and empathy. My older sisters and brothers provided a straightforward education on sexuality. The parents influenced my gender development through role modeling and encouraging and discouraging different behaviors depending on the sex of a person. From here, my self-esteem, identity, and gender role grew significantly. The parental-child communication in my childhood made a significant contribution towards self-reliance and the self-esteem. Male and female children could play using different tools where we encouraged that some belonged to boys and others to girls. However, at some points, we could have the gender-mixed activities to enhance equality among the different genders. I got advice that people who identify themselves as gay or lesbians are mentally ill and that heterosexuality is the culturally accepted. Therefore, up to date, I identify myself as heterosexual, and I naturally do not like the gay and lesbians. Hence, the family of origin has a significant impact on the sexual identity development.

Media Influence

From the sexual content in media, I have come to learn many things regarding the differences between women and men. Different forms of media have been communicating images regarding sexes which may perpetuate the stereotypical, unrealistic, and limiting perceptions. There is the distortion of reality where underrepresentation of women is evident, and men portrayed to be standard in their cultures. In sometimes back I believed to some extent that males are more important in the society than the opposite sex but from my personal experiences during adolescence and early childhood education from parents, I disapproved such misperceptions provided o media. From the images shared on the social media, I was able to make right decisions on the lifestyle and consumption patterns. However, to some extent, media influenced my value of believing that women are symbols of attractiveness and sexual objects.

School Influence

The schools also play an essential role in the socialization of the gender differences, sex, and sexuality. It is from the school setting that I learned about the existence of the bisexual, lesbian, gay, intersex and transgender communities. Additionally, I learned a lot from the peers who we studied together as boys and girls could play differently and it is not easy for a boy to be involved in many of the games that are mostly played by the girl child. Also, I could watch how the male and female teachers interacted and expressed their opinions, ideas, and differences. In schools, students are also taught and gain experiences from their role models on the strategies of addressing the issues that are affecting people of the different sex, gender and sexuality individuals and the health and personal development of sexuality. As a student, I came to know that it is paramount to respect people of different sexes and I am nowadays at the forefront of ensuring that there is the elimination of the gender and sexual identity discrimination.

Religious and Cultural Influence

The religion and faith have significantly impacted my gender relations in the society. It has shaped my character through differentiation of men and women roles in the community and their communication and interaction with each other with people from different sexual orientation. Ideas drawn from my religious belief includes expecting a man to be the bread winner in the family while the woman has the duties and responsibilities concerning the domestic work like cooking and taking care of children and females are usually dependent on women. However, from the cultural interactions with students from different family and religious backgrounds I have come to realize that different people have varying understandings of sex, sexuality, and sexual identity. Parents, schools, peer groups, personal experiences media and images and other factors are among the familiar things that significantly influenced my values regarding gender identity and roles and the sexual orientation. They helped me to develop positive attitudes towards socialization and learned several lessons. It is essential to have equality between the sexes, respect for people of all genders and maintain some of the good morals that enhance socialization and positive sexual health and development among children, teenagers and adults.

January 05, 2023

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Reproductive Health Love

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