Health Care Services

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Mossialos, Emilie, Huseyin, Shalom, Marcel, Karen, Peter and Ingrid (628), described health care as a simple process of improving an individual(s) psychological and physical well-being, which is vital to all human beings. Health is a pivotal aspect in a person’s life, and everyone seeks all possible means to keep him/herself in a healthy state. Because it is one of the essential needs people require in their day to day lives, healthcare services remain unaffordable to many. As a result, respective governments come in to ensure that the society at large can access and benefit from health care services, to collectively strive to build strong nations with healthy citizens. In providing that this is achieved, the governments extend their efforts in structuring and implementing some health care services to locals at their benefit.

The government introduces healthcare services such as; outpatient services, inpatient services, Medical Rescue Service and Emergency Service, dispensary care and occupation-related care to its citizens (Kitapci 162). Other services like rehabilitative care, provision of medicine and medical devices and preventive care are also made jointly made available to those whose health conditions may require. In the recent past, many healthcare service providers have failed to attend to patients who fail to meet their terms and conditions of service. Most outpatients could not get access to any diagnosis or treatment of any kind if they are not insured by the health insurance agencies in contract with the health facility. Since not every person is in a position to acquire the insurance covers requested by the doctors, the majority ended up succumbing to their illnesses.

    Health insurance cover recalled by service providers upon health checkup visits, created avenues for business in the health industry and shifted majorities’ interest from providing those services to maximizing their investment. The government shows their support for health affairs of its state, by ensuring that individual people can acquire a regular medical insurance cover to ease service delivery at all levels (Bloom et al. 459). The governments have also seen the introduction of these procedures useful and stipulate terms and conditions that every health insurance organizations must follow to curb patients’ exploitation when looking for services. Primary outpatient care specialized and stationary outpatient care services can now be accessed to the majority of citizens at an affordable rate since the majority of authorities offer to subside to the service providers.

    Inpatient services that have long been a challenge to many people, whose income is low, are available to many currently with the influence from the state initiative. Inpatient services like acute standard inpatient care that handles patients with sudden sickness and those with chronic disorders, application of specific medical procedure and stages beginning for prescribed rehabilitation program all are available. Through government efforts, loss of lives due to social disparities have been reduced, by enacting of many health amenities across their states and subsidizing the cost of acquiring those services (Kitapci 164). State governments have also incorporated mechanisms to deal with other inpatient services, such as acute intensive inpatient care, follow up inpatient care and long-term inpatient care among others. Through the passing of bills that accommodate all aspects of inpatient healthcare, relevant authorities (government) have made it easy for facilitation of these inpatient services mentioned.

It has not been easy for people with sudden illnesses from marginalized areas of a given state(s), to respond accordingly to the needs of their conditions which have been leading to deterioration of their health and death. It has ever been happening due to lack of immediate medical and rescue services to individuals that have no means or are not in a position to take them to the hospital (Acharya 2). With the majority of nations having many of their inhabitants living under the poverty, a few of them could make it to hospital conveniently at times of need due to lack of transportation means and or finance to cater for their transportation. The government through its state corporations have made medical and rescue services available to all people inclusive of those from poor backgrounds and those from marginalized areas.

Medical and rescue services are currently available in many countries, with a designated purpose to respond to health emergencies that need immediate attention like accidents and to help patients with difficulties to get to a healthcare facility. Mechanisms have been designed overwatch of the state authorities, to respond to any emergency outbreak in all parts of the nation (Joshi 88). Through the facilitation of ambulances, people can quickly be recovered from an emergency and rushed to healthcare centers for the diagnosis process to take place. Developed countries and number of developing countries are also going an extra mile and providing those rescue services with primary care on board. Government purchase ambulances that have first aid services facilitation platform, for patients with acute sudden health disorders to save lives that may occur as a result of severe injuries.

The government also plays a supportive role in the healthcare sector of any given state to its people, by the development of work-related medical services that many could not find without government interventions. Many of the employers would want their tasks to be carried out to completion by the laborer, without taking into account their impact on the workers’ coexistence (Kitapci 164). People could work under strenuous conditions that may be could affect their health in one way or the other, i.e., working for so many hours with little pay. Through government initiatives outlined in the healthcare act(s) and employment act, clearly explains to the employers what nature of the job they should subject their employees to and under what circumstances. Provisions about health condition assessments and appropriate preventive evaluations are made available to employers by the state authorities, to conduct fitness evaluation and to ascertain whether there are any job-related risks at employees’ disposal.

Apart from examination about individuals’ fitness, the government facilitates numerous rules and regulations to guide safety-related issues of the workforce at their respective stations of work (Bloom et al. 461). It’s through proportions made by the political leadership of a country that employees get rights that protect them while at work to keep a mutual relationship between them and employers. Employers are thus expected to conform to those guidelines failure to comply attracts a justice penalty for violating the rights of employees. Besides, regular supervision of employees working conditions and places of work is advocated for by the government, an initiative that could not be effective to individual levels without state order and directives.

Last but not least, governments make initiatives of ensuring that locals with long-term illness problems are attended to locally without having many strains looking for a natural healthcare center (Acharya 2). Many states now have their locals benefit from dispensary care programs, where dispensaries are developed in various parts of the country to ensure constant care for individuals residing in marginalized areas away from major hospitals. Not forgetting the effort of proving medicinal drugs and preventative care programs for their people, the government ensures that a state has enough drugs to cater to the needs of local people. Preventive care programs like the vaccination against infectious diseases like polio are part of the governments’ healthcare development agenda to prevent people from acquiring some health disorders, of which majority cannot find to their level.

The discussion explains many significant roles the government plays in day to day lives, in the healthcare industry to take care of the locals from succumbing to health disorders that have claimed the lives of many. It’s clear that the government not only initiate affordable care to its people but also invests in many mechanisms that when applied, can help to reduce mortality extensively. Services such as outpatient care, inpatient care, dispensary care, medical rescue, and emergency services are now available with the support of the government. In addition to this, work-related medical services, provision of medicinal drugs and preventative care programs have also been facilitated to local people through governmental initiatives in conglomeration with none governmental agencies and donors. Most of these health services are much expensive for a personal effort, but the state collectively provides them to state members at a subsidized cost and ensure those requiring them are not exploited. The government has, therefore, an important role to play in the healthcare industry in solving health challenges and stabilizing the general health conditions of the state, which is crucial to the society as a whole and peoples general well-being.


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Mossialos, E., Emilie C., Huseyin N., Shalom B., Marcel B., Karen F., Peter N., and Ingrid S. ”From ”retailers” to health care providers: transforming the role of community pharmacists in chronic disease management”.” Health Policy (2015): 628-639. 119.5 .

August 14, 2023

Health Life



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