Management of Innovation and Continuous Improvement: Response to Assessment Questions

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One of the reasons why businesses should review programmes, businesses, and processes is the incorporation of new business trends in the market. New business trends may work well for the success of the business hence the necessity to review the current working systems. In some instances, a company may wish to integrate technological advancement in the organization. A business entity may also review programmes, businesses, and processes for purposes of re-strategizing the business operations.  Thus, the new strategic plan for the company may force the company to review processes and programmes within the organization. Other reasons of business review of programmes and business operations include the necessity to enhance efficiency in   control and coordination of business operations, enhancing efficiency in the utilization of organizational resources and ensuring that employees embrace the spirit of renovation (Hamel, 2006).

            It should be noted that the review of business programmes and operations can sometimes result in both positive and negative consequences. The positive consequences of the review should be embraced by the organization. They should be enforced and enhanced during business operations in a company. On the side of the negative consequences, the company should seek to address the issues that are forthcoming. For instance, a new technological system will have both positive and negative impacts on the organization. Thus, the organization should not complain about the negatives of the system but seek to improve the system to suit the organizational needs effectively (Hamel, 2006).

Question Seven

             One of the different ways of identifying and analyzing the changing trends of business operations as suggested by Hall (2018) is the continuous evaluation of industry progress reports. This evaluation indicates the causative factors of progress and which greatly determine the existence of operations within an organization. Further, one can also make regular follow up on influencers to a particular industry. This follow-ups result in the understanding the exact influence a particular factor causes in an industry. Thus, the importance of emphasizing such a factor is emphasized.

Another way of identifying changing business trends is the use of different business analysis tools. These tools will provide, by analysis, the trend of the current business operations and even give advice on the approaches to be embraced by different organizations. Lastly, the maintenance of close advisors, as well as the analysis of customer satisfaction review, is another way of identification and analysis of the trends for a business entity (Hall, 2018).

Question Eight

            One of the methods used in the collection of data in the quest to establish new opportunities in the field of technology is the identification of specific objectives which necessitate the purpose of collecting data. Another method is the selection of the subject cases. This is used for specific purposes for which the data collection is made to take place. Besides, one can also do the set-up of use cases. This infers that one can carry out the data collection for the different groups in terms of their nationalities, languages and even ages. This form of data collection is done to see how the new target groups are affected by new technologies (Globalme, 2018).  

            Further, another method of data collection is the collection of data based on the set up of the research for the new technology. This will involve an assessment of issues of quality, location and even the type of technology to be employed. Lastly, the selection can entail the grouping of the different data types and categories; clean versus raw data, and, testing of the process to see if the new technology is fit for adoption (Globalme, 2018).  

Question Nine     

            According to Anard, Begonha, and Caldo (2015), there are several approaches that a telecommunications company can embrace with regards to innovation. The first approach is to digitalize the customer management processes. This way, it is possible to capture all complaints and compliments in a professional manner without bias. Besides, it ensures that customer satisfaction is a priority for the company.  Besides, the company can also digitize order management processes. This infers that most of the functions need to be digitized. This way, the management, and other officers can carry out approval of orders made from any geographical location. Other innovative approaches for a telecommunications company include streamlining of the company application landscape and automation of the ICT infrastructure. This means that the application process for a subscriber should be easy and quick. This way more subscribers apply for the use of a given product.  

Question Twelve

            A forum group is a good way to the public a quality initiative in an organization when the organization needs feedback after piloting a quality initiative. Besides, the forum group gives honest responses about their experiences after the enforcement of a quality system. Further, a forum assists the company management in brainstorming about a given quality initiative. This way, the management knows the best way of implementation so that the initiative becomes a policy that has been embraced by all members of an organization.

Question Thirteen

            One of the ways that an organization can promote quality initiative within the organization is the creation of an anonymous feedback system. This will welcome free reactions to employees about a suggested policy. Their feedback will show the company management the various ways that the policy will affect the people. Another way is creating an open meeting policy for employees to discuss the quality initiative. This way, employees will share their independent   views and even give new suggestions on how they feel about the new initiative. The management will have collected information about how the new initiative will affect employees of the organization. Quality circles will also help a quality initiative to make penetration effectively into the organization. Quality Circles enable an organization to evaluate different employee teams in departments and how they embrace a chosen quality initiative. Lastly, employees can make a commitment on how they wish the organization to fore forward with regards to the maintenance of quality (Stayer, 2010).  

Question Sixteen

            There are several ways in which change affects the employees in an organization. First, employees always face fear in the phase of occurrence of a new change. Employees always fear that the effected change may affect them at individual levels. Besides, employees always tend to have little trust in their leaders about a given change that is set to occur. They imagine that the change is occurring because the leaders have a hidden motive in their sense of well-being in the organization. Further, employees bear different interpretation of the occurrence of change. For them, they fear that the change is meant to cause negative effects like demotions and even unemployment. Lastly, the change affects even the levels of job satisfaction, levels of productivity because of the fear caused by change in an organization (Amanda, 2017).

            Therefore, an organization should always ensure that communication is done on time prior to effecting of change. Communication, in this case, refers to either advance training about the introduction of the new concept. This particular approach gives employees an opportunity to understand the changes in a positive manner. This approach also gives the employees an opportunity to raise any concerns about their fears. These concerns prompt responses from about the specific issues of concern. This way, the employee minds have no doubts about the changes affecting them at an individual level. Instead, the employees realize the benefits of the new change to their work practices (Amanda, 2017).

Question Seventeen

            Lotich (2017) suggests the following eight steps in the successful implementation of change in an organization: successful support by management for the occurrence of the suggested change, understanding the rationale for change, involving employees in the process of change, ensuring that there is good communication for the change, making follow-up surveys after implementation of the change to assess the views of employees about the change, removing barriers hindering the implementation of change in an organization and lastly, celebrating the successes brought by the change to the organization.

Question Nineteen

            There are several ways to review and gauge whether a change has successfully taken place within an organization. First, one can evaluate the success of change by checking  the key performance indicators of a particular aspect. Besides, the success of change implementation can also be done by assessing the returns on investment of a particular business. Further, one can also evaluate change implementation with regards to adherence to timelines and set targets. This way, the organization can check on the performance. High performance indicates that the employees have adopted the changes made to the organization positively. Moreover, the speed of execution of tasks as per the new processes will clearly indicate if the changes have been implemented successfully or not (Prosci, 2018).

            Other ways that can be-be used to gauge whether the changes effected in an organization have been adopted include assessment of reports. Some of the reports which can be analyzed include reports on surveys carried out on employee feedback and compliance and utilization reports; in case the changes made were using a new technological system. Assessment of the extent  of adoption of changes can also be done through observation of the behavioral change of the employees. When positive adoption occurs the behavior of employees within an organization significantly  changes (Prosci, 2018).

Question Twenty

            A contingency plan often comes in handy when unplanned events occur in an organization. Some of the unforeseen events can be natural disasters, personnel loss through death, financial crisis, and mismanagement of resources. Thus, the implementation of a contingency plan will entail analysis of the possible risks and impacts which are caused by the risks, broaching of risk mitigation measures and suggesting possible solutions to the occurrence. In the event of no-performance in an organization, the contingency plan would entail the enforcement of the policies which can be employed in  the event of non-performance. This includes disciplinary measures which can be instituted to employees who are not compliant on the new changes. This way, compliance of set policies becomes a must for this employees (Woolton, 1977).

Question Twenty One

            A company can manage emergency challenges and opportunities effectively in several ways. First, the company is expected to manage the risks by assessing the employee and customer input to the organization. Besides, the organization should engage multidisciplinary teams to evaluate and inform the management in case the organization is exposed to any risk or the presence of an emerging opportunity. Further, the management of a company should always employ the appropriate action in the event when an opportunity or risk presents itself. Lastly, an organization should also insure its assets. This serves as a mitigative measure against the un-expected risks or calamities (Carrier Management, 2018).

Question Twenty-Two

            When evaluating continuous systems of improvement one should check the following: attainment of objectives, rating by the key performance indicators, achievement of set targets and continuous evaluation of feedback from both employees and customers.  


Part A

            In an attempt to improve some of the services at bay Call center, the first action would be to digitalize most operations.There are several advantages that come with the digitalization of operations. Most operations within the company will be automated. Analysis of customer feedback will also be done with ease. Approval of procurement operations will be done easily and saves time.

            Another way in which the company operations can be improved in the bay Call Center Company is the formation of a detailed organizational structure. A detailed organizational structure indicates specific tasks for each section. This way, there is job clarification. Aspects of job ambiguity or duplication of duties will be avoided. The structure should clearly indicate the flow of command in terms of communication. This way, the company will monitor all operations with ease.


            Some of the benefits of critical thinking to an organization give an organization the benefit of broaching of new viable ideas. New ideas will make the organization move forward in terms of innovation and creativity. This way, the organization will make tremendous progress in the industry. Another benefit of critical thinking to an organization is the fostering of a spirit of teamwork and cooperation among workers in the organization. Besides, critical thinking promotes options at the workplace from a problem-solving approach perspective. Lastly, critical thinking helps broach solutions which can be applied in other future situations (Root, 2018).

            There are several communication strategies which can be employed and used effectively in evaluatory systems within an organization. An organization should use negotiation strategies during communication. Negotiation strategies ensure that conflicts are avoided at the organizational workplace. Besides, the communication strategies ensure that there is a clear flow of command in the organization. When there is a clear organizational flow of command, then, there is clear communication about the goals to be pursued by the organization. The employees work towards the achievement of these goals. Moreover, the communication strategies serve the sole purpose of promoting great opportunities for different people to learn to co-exist within the organizational set up (Root, 2018).

               It is of the essence to note that when the proper communication strategies are used within the organization, evaluation of performance within the organization is done with professionalism. Further, the evaluation of performance becomes an opportunity for employees to learn about their points of strengths. The strengths greatly contribute to the success of an organization. Moreover, communication strategies ensure that change occurs in a formal manner without bias. Thus, employees believe that the organization has the best of their interests. Lastly, communication strategies promote efficiency in terms of worker productivity (Root, 2018).


            Some of the tools used in evaluation of performance within a telecommunication organization include the use of performance appraisals, 360feedback system, management using objectives and evaluation of feedback by the customers and employees. In the case of appraisals, the employees will be evaluated aginst the key performance indicators. Scores of the same will be computed and the employee rated. The 360 feedback system ensures that customer feedback is analysed and issues addressed in due time. All these activities are done to improve the performance of the employees and the organizations to a higher level (Benard Marr & Company, 2018).

TASK 3      

My organization of choice is in the hotel industry. My passion for the hospitality industry is driven by the fact that I love the fast rate at which the hotel industry has been expanding in the recent past. One of the ideas that promote innovation in the hotel industry is the use of cloud technology for business expansion instead of using remote computers. This promotes efficiency in terms of the space and efficiency in the management of the business regardless of the location.

Another innovative approach for an organization venturing in the hotel business is ensuring that the hotel rooms and guest rooms have an easy check-in system. These systems are promoted by technology. For instance, the use of fingerprints to check in instead of manual registers promotes efficiency and attracts most clients in the industry. This way, the clients to a hotel enjoy the confidentiality of their details. Their security also remains a priority to hotel management. Further, innovation in the hotel industry can be promoted by the presence of leisure items in the guest rooms. These items serve the purpose of encouraging the guest to relax while utilizing the facility (Soeg Jobs, 2018).

Other innovative approaches which can be used in the hotel industry involve the use of work management tools in the organization. Work management tools make the execution of functions easy and save on time. Besides work management tools employ automation of very many functions with the organization.  Work management tools will automate scanning functions, invoice matching, contacting of suppliers, a functional online archive and eventually the making of bookings and reservations using the Enterprise Resource Planning System (Soeg Jobs, 2018).

            The systems of supply and service delivery within this specific organization will be facilitated using the ERP system. This system will ensure that the customer data is transmitted from one point to another within a clear. Further, the procurement processes are made efficient and fast using this system. It is of the essence to mention that the ERP system ensures that approval of procurement orders from one supplier to the organization is done within the shortest time possible. Consequently, it is important to note that the ERP systems can ensure that customer requests and complaints are recorded and addressed in a fast and efficient manner (Soeg Jobs, 2018).

            Additionally, the ERP system will ensure that the reports regarding the performance of the organization can be analyzed with ease. Thus, it is easy to draw the reports from the system. The reports give details about the business transactions with accuracy. The data analysis can indicate the performance trend of the organization. This way, it is easy for the organization to take mitigation measures in case there is an issue to address. Specific details about customer transactions are noted. Payments for suppliers are approved within the system by click (Soeg jobs, 2018).

            In the event that non-performance is realized, the company uses employee strategies of performance management to ensure that the organization does not lose out in the attainment of the strategic plan. Benchmarking with other organizations which display high performance will work well in boosting the organizational performance. Benchmarking will make the hotel management address the pitfalls in their business by emulating the success principles of the organizations. The hotel management will broach viable ways of motivating its employees. There will be rewards for the employees who surpass their targets. This makes the employees work harder towards the accomplishment of the organizational goals (Soeg Jobs, 2018).

            Presentation of the ideas to the staff of an organization with hotel business will be done using the forum groups during the annual staff seminar. If the presentation is done during the staff seminar, no staff will feel victimized about their delivery of services. Instead, they will take the presentation as an opportunity to learn and improve on their delivery of services to the public. The management of the specific hotel organization in context will also learn various exemplary management practices for the organization. They will endeavor to enforce the best practices into their system of practice. An evaluation of the validity and viability of my ideas will be tested through piloting of the presented ideas in phases. Thereafter, analysis of the surveys regarding the ideas presented will be done. Feedback regarding the same will be analyzed. Lastly, if there will be implementation of the ideas if the feedback received is positive (Soeg Jobs, 2018).


Amanda, L.W. (2017). How Organizational Change Affects Employees. Retrieved from:

Bernard Marr & Company. (2018). What are the Key Tools and Techniques for Effective Performance Management? Retrieved from:

Carrier Management. (2018). Best Practices for Managing Emerging Issues. Retrieved from:

Globalme. (2018). Data Collection Methods for Emerging Technologies. Retrieved from:

Hamel, G. (2006). The Why, What and How of Management Innovation. Harvard Business Review.

Hall, J. (2018). Seven Ways to Identify and Evolve with Business Trends. Retrieved from:

Lotich, P. (2017). Eight Steps to Implementing Successful Organizational Change. Retrieved from:

Root, N.G. (2018). What are the Benefits of Critical Thinking at the Work Place? Retrieved from:

Stayer, R.C. (2010). Fie Ways to Improve Quality. Retrieved from:

Soeg Jobs. (2018). Ten Top Innovations in the Hospitality Industry. Retrieved from:

Wooton, L. M. (1977). The Mixed Blessings of Contigency Management. Academy of Management Review, 2(3), 431-441.

October 24, 2023

Business Economics

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