More on Global Warming

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Global warming is a well-known environmental problem that has resulted in economic and social difficulties. Human actions appear to exacerbate this reality, which is cause for concern considering the negative consequences. Scientists have expressed doubt for this and have gone on to defend the reality of global warming. As proof of global warming, some facts include the emergence of frequent droughts, the strength of storms, warmer water temperatures, and intensified human economic activity. Other pointers to the same fact are the extinction of some of the animal species, increase in the spread of some tropical diseases such as malaria to the warmer regions, the rise in ocean temperature, and the decreased snow cover in the northern hemisphere.


Global warming is the increase in the earth_x0092_s temperature due to climate change. The rise in temperature majorly occurs in the lower parts of the atmosphere and is attributed to the release of the chlorofluorocarbons and carbon dioxide that are responsible for the greenhouse effect (Easterbrook 35). The gasses accumulate in the atmosphere where they absorb heat that causes the rise in temperature. Today, global warming has become an issue of concern given its economic and social outcomes. Economically, it has led to failure in agriculture in some areas where crops cannot do well with excessive heat. Additionally, too much heat often lowers the work rate of employees. Socially, the phenomenon has led to migrations from areas where there is too much heat or rise in the sea level (McCright and Dunlap 172). Therefore, the existence of global warming is the fact that scientists have several proofs about.


Researchers have cited several reasons that point to the existence of global warming. First, they note that the occurrence of frequent droughts is as a result of the rise in temperatures. When there is excessive heat, the ground tends to dry fast because of the increased evaporation (McCright and Dunlap 170). However, the same is rampant with the climate change that is as a result of today_x0092_s use of technology that is responsible for the release of greenhouse gasses. For example, California experienced the worst drought in 2015 for the last 1,200 years. Another scientific evidence is the occurrence of powerful hurricanes. As the time goes by, the frequency of Hurricanes increases and this is as a result of the rising temperatures. The Hurricanes take place when there is the rise in sea water that outflow in the surface (Easterbrook 235). The process occurs when the excessive heat melts the ice glaciers and causes heavy rainfall that leads to the rise in water level.

The scientists have also found out that the ocean temperatures have become warmer. A fact that is attributable to the global warming. The fact that there are increased human economic activities such as manufacturing and transportation also justify the existence of global warming. Such operations often release the greenhouse gasses whose effects on the atmosphere is known as the cause of the earth_x0092_s warming after forming a blanket layer that absorbs heat from the lower atmosphere (McCright and Dunlap 156). The experts have expressed fear at the continued consumption of the biofuels that release carbon dioxide into the air and that there are not sufficient rules or remedies to curb the same.

The extinction of some of the animal species is also attributed to the global warming. The scientists note that the rising temperatures have led to the destruction of the natural habitats of the extinct animals such as the Vietnamese Javan rhinoceros and Hawksbill Turtle that found it hard to cope with the rising temperatures or even suitable environment to stay(Easterbrook 45). There is also the increase in the spread of some diseases such as malaria to the warmer regions. Malaria is rampant in relatively warm areas, and the rise in the number of such places has seen the disease affect those who live in such areas.

Another scientific pointer towards the existence of global warming is the increase in ocean acidification by up to 2 billion tons in one year (Easterbrook 59). The primary cause of the acidity is noted to be the carbon dioxide that exists in the atmosphere. The oceans absorb the gas that pollutes it surface. Such a consistent increase in the acidification from the carbon dioxide justifies the claim that there is a rise in the release of the gas into the atmosphere which in turn leads to global warming. Finally, the decreased snow cover in the northern hemisphere over the last five years also point out to the increased temperatures (Diffenbaugh and Scherer 621). Snow would stay for longer time than it does today given the increasing temperature caused by the greenhouse effects.


Overall, global warming is a non-desirable phenomenon that the earth continues to witness as a result of the accumulation of the greenhouse gasses in the atmosphere. It is a fact that has led to both economic and social concerns in particular by the scientists that have proved its existence. They note that the occurrence of frequent droughts, frequency of hurricanes, warmer ocean temperatures, and increased human economic activities as evidence of global warming. Other pointers to the same fact are the extinction of some of the animal species, increase in the spread of some tropical diseases such as malaria to the warmer regions, the rise in ocean temperature, and the decreased snow cover in the northern hemisphere. Evidently, the scientific reasons for the existence of global warming are valid because most of them are easily seen and understood. Therefore, it is worth the concern that would eventually lead to concrete plans in dealing with the same.

Works Cited

Diffenbaugh, Noah S., and Martin Scherer. “Observational and model evidence of global emergence of permanent, unprecedented heat in the 20th and 21st centuries.” Climatic Change 107.3 (2011): 615-624.

Easterbrook, Don J. Evidence-based Climate Science: Data Opposing Co₂ Emissions As the Primary Source of Global Warming. Amsterdam: Elsevier, 2011.

McCright, Aaron M., and Riley E. Dunlap. ”The politicization of climate change and polarization in the American public’s views of global warming, 2001-2010.” The Sociological Quarterly 52.2 (2011): 155-194.

December 08, 2022

Environment Science

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