The Concept of Corporate Social Responsibility and its Role in the Development of a Competitive Market

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CSR is a critical component of the present day and future social policies in the business environment. According to Jamali $ Mirshak (2010), and Kolk & Tulder (2010), social corporate responsibility strategy primary objective is to develop the multinational financial and economic groups which are required in the global market economy or firms which are undergoing a serious internal crisis (p.243; p.120). Matten $ Moon (2011), argues that if properly utilised, the CSR will serve as a replacement for lots of ethically and socially irresponsible practices to lessen or avoid the likelihoods of fraudulent activities, bankruptcies in addition to the disrespecting for the working values that are basic to an organization (p.422).

Research Questions

1. In which ways can the CSR take part in the development of a competitive marketplace?

2. How can the organisations see the CSR as a solution to engage the companies in seeing value and solutions for the good practices promotion of their own key initiatives and values?


Persons being brought by their attitudes and values in the workplace are guided by the core values and their reflections on the moral principles (Dahlsrud 2008, p. 8; Moon 2012, p. 298; Garriga $ Melé 2014, p.58). The motivation behind this research is the knowledge that over the past decades, these values have been affecting the situation in facing the problems and issues on the perception of an individual in relation to their actions and choices.

Project Background

The CSR’s concept accommodates a broad variety of initiatives and achievements which covers the ethical and moral concerns such as good governance and code of conduct (Visser 2008, p.97; Weber 2016, p. 252). Few types of research have been conducted on this topic (Du, Bhattacharya & Sen 2013, p.11; Carroll, A.B. and Shabana 2010, p.86). Given that CSR is an essential approach for the organisations to increase their contributions to the sustainable development and the society in general, substantial studies and investigations must be carried out on the said topic.

Project Objectives, and Aims

The prime aim of the study is to recognise the CSR towards the environmental protection and sustainable development. The objectives include:

To formulate recommendations for the purposes of facilitating the effectiveness of the CSR’s methods.

To assess the CSR’s effectiveness in through comparing its practices for the various organisations as well as relate it towards their commitment and success in the environmental and social developments.

To tackle the theories of an organisation which might fit right to the Corporate Social Responsibility implementation.

To determine the CSR’s essential contents of the organisation.

Expected Research Contributions

The research contributions will be of great significance particularly in determining the literature gaps in both business and academic contexts regarding the Corporate Social Responsibility. The inability of some of the respondents in clarifying the questions could be a big challenge.

Research Approach/Programme

The research approach will involve qualitative method. Data collection will be through interviews and questionnaires given the fact that the participant’s contribution is key in the study. The subjects to be interviewed will include project supervisors or managers who are responsible for the CRS projects in their organisations; thus they will be able to relate it towards effectiveness. Relevant academic findings and application theories will be taken into consideration as they will be suitable in the provision of explanations in terms of comparison of situations and experiences.


The study through tackling of various factors and areas that take part in structuring CSR might be recognised by the potential beneficiaries as another ideology to emphasise the significance of CSR.


The project does not need any special software, hardware, or other equipment.


Carroll, A.B. and Shabana, K.M., 2010. The business case for corporate social responsibility: A review of concepts, research and practice. International journal of management reviews, 12(1), pp.85-105.

Dahlsrud, A., 2008. How corporate social responsibility is defined: an analysis of 37 definitions. Corporate social responsibility and environmental management, 15(1), pp.1-13.

Du, S., Bhattacharya, C.B. and Sen, S., 2013. Maximizing business returns to corporate social responsibility (CSR): The role of CSR communication. International Journal of Management Reviews, 12(1), pp.8-19.

Garriga, E. and Melé, D., 2014. Corporate social responsibility theories: Mapping the territory. Journal of business ethics, 53(1), pp.51-71.

Jamali, D. and Mirshak, R., 2010. Corporate social responsibility (CSR): Theory and practice in a developing country context. Journal of business ethics, 72(3), pp.243-262.

Kolk, A. and Van Tulder, R., 2010. International business, corporate social responsibility and sustainable development. International business review, 19(2), pp.119-125.

Matten, D. and Moon, J., 2011. “Implicit” and ”explicit” CSR: A conceptual framework for a comparative understanding of corporate social responsibility. Academy of management Review, 33(2), pp.404-424.

Moon, J., 2012. The contribution of corporate social responsibility to sustainable development. Sustainable development, 15(5), pp.296-306.

Visser, W., 2008. Corporate social responsibility in developing countries. In The Oxford handbook of corporate social responsibility.

Weber, M., 2016. The business case for corporate social responsibility: A company-level measurement approach for CSR. European Management Journal, 26(4), pp.247-261.

January 19, 2024


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