The Importance of Technology in the Field of National Security

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Regarding the rising power of national threats and trans-regional criminal cases the United States of America intelligence unit strives to invest in technology as a way of dealing with such unprecedented issues. The army has laid global strategies aimed at curbing the coercions around the world by shrinking the military force and tightening budgets. The United States government through the intelligence personnel has managed to encapsulate the new strategies such as “Win in a Complex World” in the United States’ Army Operation Conception manual. The guidebook comprises the layout of how military force of the future via conflict prevention technology will shape the global security atmosphere and the ability to carry out expeditionary tricks with mutual armaments operations. Therefore, the paper seeks to analyze the kind of threats would likely arise in the United States of American and other vulnerable countries across the world and the intervention of technology advancements as the intelligence prepares to face them.

Basing that the world keeps changing and the rivals are also up to reinventing and applying the tech-know-how when it comes to war it is high time the state intelligence will have to move along with pace or be at the forefront of technologies to destroy or conquer the violent radical organizations. According to August Cole in his book ”Ghost Fleet: A Novel of the Next World War,” discusses the strength of the wave at which the perpetrators are using the technological expertise to strategize on their attacks and the ways that the intelligence system is trying to stay ahead of them (Waltz, 127). Despite President Trump and his entire administration are not taking the situation of the global warming into consideration, the association of the enemies with technological advancements possess a great future threat in terms of national security. Thus, it calls up the state military forces to stay put and prepare extra harder and remain ahead of the game to ensure that they are not ambushed without their knowledge.

No one is so certain of the future and that makes everyone to set the mind regarding the preparation for any shortcomings when basing on state intelligence and military, it would mean every struggle to envision the unprecedented threats that might occur in the near future, such like budgeting for the new form of training, what kind of weapons to buy and so on. Currently, people are going through difficult given the frequent unexpected terror attacks in some states. Although the technological system has helped a greatly in dealing with the situation, the intelligence has a task to ensure that there are asymmetric threats in the future because the life of every citizen depends on their efforts (Waltz, 190). Therefore, the strategy that the army through ranked tech-specialist will put in place will determine the future response to threats that the state would likely face.

Technology is a platform on which every community look upon for better and secured future despite terror act being a global hazard that targets specific defenseless groups of individuals, the military has been able to easily counter them as a result of using high technological devices. Although some incidents are unpredictable and instantaneous, Technology has been in the forefront to bring the culprits to book. The rival countries and organization also use the same technology to conduct their inhuman acts to a selective population. For example, the statement covered in ”The Wall Street Journal” addressed by the chief of staff of the US armed force General Ray Odierno, highlighting that The United States of America is facing threats from Russia, ISIS, and Korea (Bunker 72). It is clear that the two rival countries have high special expertise in the field of technology and have invested much in it in matters of generating deadliest weapons on earth, including devices that can detect enemies from far and monitor their activities. Hence, General Odierno emphasized that facing such threats is a joke thus, it requires serious commitment from the concerned personnel and sincere support from the state administration.

Therefore, trying to empress the idea of technology in the intelligence desk the army has laid global strategies aimed at curbing the coercions around the world by shrinking the military force and tightening budgets. The United States government through the intelligence personnel has managed to encapsulate the new strategies such as ”Win in a Complex World” in the ”United States’ Army Operation Conception manual” (Pool 34). The government has engaged the use of robots in the military, this is through a game box involving graphics interface. This will support much in the next generation’s war troops given that the robots can flexibly operate in water, field and in the air. The Army is absorbing this idea as robots can be used to identify weaponized objects, can be controlled to detect bombs and missiles. They can also be of help in identifying the enemies from far, surveying grounds before invading, and also used in the pick and place duties. There is also the idea of acquiring technology by 2020 in developing and building kind of self-driving robotic cars that would be used to serve in the transportation of weapons and troops to terror-prone regions (Waltz 209). Hence, the project aims at minimizing the use of humans in the battlegrounds to avoid losing lives, although it might lead to job loss but will help to control the degree of future threats in the state.

According to research carried out by world industry analyst report that there is increased market demand for robots in the military sector across the world. For example, the United States has already created the most developed aerial robotic vehicle called the Reaper, which has already been deployed (Udagepola 30). The Reaper is the unmanned and armed drone that can access regions of great risk to humans. Other countries are also not left behind in incorporating the tech-knowhow in their military, China has been discovered to also trying to come up with such a form of robot that resembles and can perform the same task as the Reaper. As witnessed in the borders of Gaza, Israel has already employed the technology of robots by using a ground unmanned operating vehicle with 360 degrees cameras to guard and monitor activities along the perimeter (Udagepola 30). Japan has also come up with a nuclear control plant that produces superb robots with the larger precision that can operate to a no-human-go zone.

Regarding marrying of technology in the intelligence system research by analysts such as Stefano Nolfi and Dario Floreano shows that by the year 2030, shows that the technological advancement and discoveries in the field of science will result in the generation of superior weapons than ever before aimed at protecting the states from future threats (Nolfi and Floreano). Given the anxiety of creating deadly armaments out of technology on earth can also be dangerous to human lives if they get into wrong hands. Therefore, it is the mandate of every state to protect her form of tech-devices and weapons generated in the process to avoid repulsion by proprietors.

There are other technological advancements in the military from the operating strategy that would make the United States of America safe in the near future. Include, the ”Mobile Protected Precision Firepower,” this is kind of lower volume vehicular boards with a lighter weight that the United States has invested in it to enable the soldiers to maneuver easily hence, increasing protection at the point of deployment. The military also seeks to develop sensors on the vehicle that will enable soldiers to detect missiles, trace and recognize threats in the fields to avoid unexpected ambush while on the operation. The Army also has a plan as a strategy to come up with a technological device that would enable the military forces to improve accuracy lethality of future ordnance (Dey et al.). Among them will include the generation of the command coordination for attack unveilings, precision guidance that will help the forces on the operation to minimize chances of killing innocent citizens, and arms systems that are interoperable with associates.

Following the hardship concerning inherent in terms of supply lines that have been extended the intelligence aims to employ new technologies that serve to drastically change the optimization of logistics. The strategy focuses on bringing up 3D printing, the increment in power efficiency, advanced power storage and generation of water that would meet the demand (Turner 125). The changes in the military system will enable swift operations by reducing sustainment, and as a result, will increase efficiency at work and cut down the costs of management. The other strategy meant to optimize human performance is by reducing the period of time used in training and substitute with increasing the skills of militias via involvement various tools. For example, new blended tools for virtual reality that would allow increased soldiers and commanders’ competence amongst themselves (Dey et al.). There are also employment tools that give room for screening that would best match an enlistee with a potential army profession.

The operating strategy by the intelligence also hopes to apply the scientific discoveries in the military that would improve the operations of the mind when it comes to attacks and other invasions tricks. The military through clinical expertise seeks to find the medical support that would boost the life of the retired and aged soldiers who have worked for a long time but still are of great help to the state (Wills 102). The development of supplementary receptive prosthetic knowledge will result in qualitative improvement and, on the other hand, the technologies on saving life will involve researching for appropriate medicine that would diagnose and treat brain injuries that might lead to trauma. It is also the task of the army to strategize using technological advancement on to develop analytical tools as a result to streamline the general operational orders. The generated machinery will serve to aid in making decisions regarding command missions. They will also effect in the creation of cloud-supported systems that would enhance the operators to secure chances of using the new networks in the severe atmosphere (Wills 103). Thus, the state intelligence through the tools will have enough to curb the increased illegal cybercrimes and take advantage of the same to improve its capacities. Although the technological system has helped a great deal in dealing with the situation, the intelligence has a task to ensure that there are reduced threats in the future because the life of every citizen depends on their efforts.

Technological advances have a great impact on the global community in terms of national security and future threats it will outweigh the security allegation in most parts of the world, especially those countries being targeted by the terror groups. However, not all individuals will appreciate the development of technological tools that aim at reducing the safety threats in the states. There are other non-national terrorists, gangs, cybercriminals, militia organizations being sponsored by the state, and other international criminal groups would want to take advantage of technological information to commit crimes in the country. Terrorism organizations such as ISIS, which remains to be a standing threat to the United States of America, have been in the front line in using internet advancements such as Facebook and Twitter to plan crimes and exercise crimes. Recently, the CEO in charge of social media has been threatened by the supporters of the same group for having blocked their account. Therefore, to fully curb future national security threats, the United States of America and her allies who are in the forefront to bring the global community together should absorb more men and women with the technological skills into the military system.

Works Cited

Bunker, Robert J. Non-State Threats and Future Wars. 1 edition, Portland, 2003,

Dey, Nilanjan, et al. “Internet of Things and Big Data Analytics Toward Next-Generation Intelligence.” Technology, vol. 30, no. 1, 2008, pp. 3–20,

Nolfi, StefanoDario, and Dario Floreano. Evolutionary Robotics: The Biology, Intelligence, and Technology of Self-Organizing Machines. 2 edition, Penguin, 2011.

Pool, Robert. Field Evaluation in the Intelligence and Counterintelligence Context Workshop Summary. 1 edition, National Academies Press, 2010,

Turner, Stansfield. Secrecy and Democracy: The CIA in Transition. 1 edition, Houghton Mifflin Press, 1985,

Udagepola, K. P. “Mobile Sensor Networks and Robotics.” Computing Sciences, vol. 49, no. 3, 2017, pp. 21–46,

Waltz, Edward. Knowledge Management in the Intelligence Enterprise. 1 edition, Artech House, 2003,

Wills, Brett J. The Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act and Its Ramifications. 1 edition, Nova Science Publishers, 2010,

September 11, 2023


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