The Origins of Civilization

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Civilization: The Rise of Agriculture and Trade

Civilization stands to prove the sophisticated way of life of human beings as they began to build interconnectivity into towns. Therefore, some of the critical issues surrounding this culture include the preservation of cultural beliefs and heritage, mass movement to the cities, and use of a common language. Nonetheless, some of the scholars argue that civilization came because of the development of communication. This essay seeks to illustrate the early culture resulted due to the rise of agriculture and trade which in turn led to the economic stability experienced in the modern day today.

Development of Agriculture and Rise of Civilizations

According to Bentley et al., the earliest civilization began between 3000 and 4000 BCE, when the increase in agricultural produce in Mesopotamia gave way for farmers to engage in business and other occupations. This resulted in the establishment of companies that were highly dependent on the farm produce. Similarly, these jobs and companies were dependent on the potential of the farmers to supply the increasing population with produce continually. Therefore, it is correct to argue that civilization first took off in the areas where agriculture was favorable. Further, to ensure that there were law and order, governments were formed and rules documented. Through writing and communication, different people would record their transactions and consequently, the birth of literature. A critical benefit of developing communication was the fact that the written laws brought about consistency that was lacking in verbal communication. Thus, language played a crucial role in civilization although it was not the core of civilization. Besides, the first written literature emerged around 2100 to 2050 BCE, yet civilization began about 4000 to 3000 BCE.

The Role of Agriculture in Social Administration

Additionally, the growth of agriculture within the fertile regions led to the use of irrigation methods and modes of transport, which brought about sophisticated needs and the urge for the people to be self-sufficient. These rapid changes necessitated a more complex means of social administration. In addition, plant domestication became important. Historians point to the Near East Region of Syria as the root of cereals such as barley, wheat, rice among others. Additionally, the origin of millet farming can be traced to China over 9000 years ago.

Barter Trade and the Need for Communication

Further, the farm animals such as cattle, goats, pigs, among others all have a history of first being bred at these fertile valleys. Humans at these times, therefore, needed to travel as they sourced for fellow traders to conduct business. Since there was no form of currency developed, most of the transactions were done through barter trade.

Agriculture: The Backbone of Civilization

Precisely, it is evident that many historical facts prove agriculture was the backbone of civilization. While language and communication developments were critical factors for culture to take off, excessive production of agricultural produce and the constant flow of the same is what necessitated urbanization. Thus, the need to keep up with the changes is what saw growth in communication and innovation from the diverse careers people embraced during these times. For instance, the domesticated farm produce and animals that can be traced to the Fertile Crescent valley of Mesopotamia over 12,000 years ago is one such evidence that indeed agriculture was the bedrock of these mass changes. Besides, people were still communicating, and there was no civilization. Through the economic growth that was as a result of the excess supply of agricultural products, the residents realized the need to be more creative and innovative to handle the discomforts that came with excessive farming. For instance, technology advanced to enable the farmers to preserve their farm produce for more extended periods, and communication allowed them to take stock of their work and pass information swiftly.

Work Cited

Bentley, Jerry H., et al. “Traditions & encounters: a global perspective on the past.” (2006).

November 13, 2023


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