The Relationship Between Employee Satisfaction and Customer Satisfaction

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Satisfied employees within a firm play an important role in producing happy and contended customers. The presented factor originates from the notion that satisfied employees have an increased likelihood of assisting consumers with a pleasant demeanor alongside a desirable customer service. The presented aspect results to the creation of a better customer experience, enhanced loyalty, and the ultimate drive of increased profitability. On the contrary a poor level of customer satisfaction provides an indication that the members of the workforce lacked the right morale and drive to dispatch their duties are required. The presented aspect can significant influence the general operations of a firm. Raharjo et al. (2016) indicates that the dissatisfied customers can significantly affect the profitability of an organization. The presented research provides an analysis of the existing relationship between satisfied employees and contended customers.

The Relationship between Satisfied Employees and Satisfied Customers

            A relationship exists between the satisfied workers and satisfied consumers. Yaya, Marimon and Casadesus (2014) suggests that the level of employee satisfaction not only have an impact on employee loyalty and commitment but also have a direct and indirect impact on the variables which determines customer satisfaction. The presented relationship is summarized in the figure below.

Figure 1: Relationship between the perceived employee satisfaction and customer satisfaction

            The existing link between customer satisfaction and employee satisfaction have been confirmed by various researchers who investigated the presented relationship in the past. For instance, a meta-analytic study revealed that companies will always show a practical value between the level of employee satisfaction within a firm and the unit outcomes such as productivity, consumer satisfaction, employee turnover, profit and accidents (Jinsoo & Jinlin, 2010). The relationship between the two aspects can also be measured. El-sharkawy (2015) measured the existing link between customer satisfaction, employee satisfaction and the accrued profits.  El-sharkawy (2015) provided an indication that although the impact of customer and employee satisfaction on the profits generated by a firm at a specific point in time may not be easily detected, they are easily noticed over a period of time. Apparently, El-sharkawy (2015) found that a positive relationship exists between the changes in the levels of customer satisfaction and sales and a positive link between the change in employee satisfaction and business profit.

            Businesses should always focus on the front-line staff members’ efforts. The presented group of workers includes those who have a direct contact with the consumers and are highly likely to have a daily contact with them. Establishing a connection between the identified members of the staff and the consumers should always be at the center of the attention of the management. Su, Lin and Chang (2015) provides that the managers of an organization need to consider the extra aspects which yield profitability at every organization level. The presented factor includes investing in competent and quality workers as well as technology focused on making their work easier. Additionally, the management has an obligation of focusing on the strong recruitments and training practices since they form the fundamental basis of satisfied employees within the firm. Additionally, to ensure that the level of satisfaction of the members of the workforce remain high as expected, the management should ensure that the members of the workforce are compensated based on their performance.  Ažman and Gomišček (2015) shows that if the employees are provided with the right tools that they require in the workplace, chances are higher that their satisfaction levels in the workplace will be enhanced. The increase in the presented factor means an enhanced employee productivity which further suggests an increased service and value to the consumers. A high satisfaction level of the members of the workforce suggests a better profitability and a constant success.

Understanding the Relationship

            Employee satisfaction will always have an impact on the level of customer satisfaction. According to Hyewon and Hyosun (2017), the workers within an organisation who are provided with an opportunity to interact with the firm’s consumers are located in a position where they can establish an awareness of and respond to the consumer needs and goals. The presented factor provides an indication that the employee is provided with the responsibility of representing the firm while serving the consumers in the best way possible. However, the presented factor is only achieved in cases where the employee is satisfied with being the member of the workforce. A satisfied worker is always motivated to dispatch his/her duties effectively, therefore, resulting to a derived customer satisfaction (Hyewon & Hyosun, 2017). Clearly, satisfied employees display a high level of motivation in the workplace hence are able to deliver adequate care and effort when interacting with the consumers.

            Satisfied employees within a firm will always result to satisfied consumers. The presented aspect stems from the fact that when the members of the workforce are continually satisfied, chances are higher that they will become highly empowered to dispatch their duties in the best way possible. Apparently, a satisfied worker has the requisite resources required to understand the demand and needs of the consumer in question. In support of this, Aksoy, Şengün and Yilmaz (2018) derives that satisfied workers in the workplace have the requisite training, resources, and responsibilities which are highly important in understanding the customer requirements. When the general needs and requirement of the consumers are effectively met, the most common outcome from the process is not only happy but also satisfied customer. Providing the employee with the right resources and training in the workplace enhances their satisfaction levels. Martínez-Martí and Ruch (2017) derives that a satisfied employee will always be willing to provide a good service to the consumers. At the same time, the employee in question will always have a high energy which at work. With the presented factors in mind, the staff member will have the desire and the ability to deliver a positive perception of the offered goods and services.

            Satisfied members of the workforce can offer consumers with an interpersonal sensibility alongside a social account which are some of the factors which drive consumer satisfaction. It is apparent that the customers in question have the potential of offering the consumers with an adequate explanation about the services offered by the firm or its products to achieve an undesirable outcome. Ishaque and Shahzad (2016) suggests that the aspects of interactional justice, such as the quality of the interpersonal treatment offered during the process of negotiation, have a great impact on the level of customer satisfaction. Taking the presented view into consideration, since satisfied workers exhibit an element of interactional justice, they have the potential of delivering the same. Evidently, the satisfied members of the workforce have an enough level of emotional resources which are focused on showing respect, understanding, empath, and concern when interacting which the consumers.

            Satisfied customers are regarded as important organisation’s assets. The presented factor stems from the notion that the satisfied customers are known to remain loyal over the long term and are always willing to purchase the company’s products for the long-term benefit of the business in question (Scharitzer & Kollarits, 2000). Similarly, satisfied members of the workforce are also considered to be important for the firm since the firm have extensively invested in them through aspects such as training. The process of training grants them with the opportunity of obtaining the right skills needed to be considered as competent hence a satisfied workforce.

            Employee satisfaction and customer loyalty are directly related concepts. Scharitzer and Kollarits (2000) provides an indication that the level of employee engagement is always driven by the value of emotional commitment that the workers have with the firm as well as its vision. The outlined emotional commitment motivates the members of the workforce to put in an extra effort in their work, thus performing it better. The aspect of employee engagement is regarded as one of the most vital criteria for running a successful business and establishing benefits for the customers, employers and the members of the workforce themselves. Engaged employees will always derive high levels of customers satisfaction scores. Moreover, the presented members of the workforce have a strong understanding of the company’s brand and its value. As a result, they can easily engage the consumers in the workplace and make them understand how to utilize a product to their satisfaction, thus improving their general level of experience with the firm’s product. Employee engagement is directly related to the high level of employee satisfaction as well as the high level of customer satisfaction (Scharitzer & Kollarits, 2000).

            A satisfied employee will always prove to be highly engaged in the tasks and activities which are likely to enhance the level of consumer satisfaction in the long term. A satisfied employee will always be more careful when handling the products and services of a firm or when interacting with the members of the workforce in comparison to dissatisfied workers. The presented aspects reduce the chances of errors when handling quality concerns of the product or service in the workplace. With quality products means more satisfied consumers in the workplace. The benefit arising from the presented fact is increased sales and revenue for the business towards the close of a financial period.

            The satisfaction of customers is considered as a necessity for business who seek to remain competitive in the current business age. The presented factor stems from the notion that the high level of satisfaction from the employees will always be associated with an increased level of consumer satisfaction. According to Thibault Landry et al. (2016), the rate of globalization alongside other aspects have enhanced the level of competition in the markets. Various studies have revealed that most of the satisfied customer will always serve as repeat purchasers (Thibault Landry et al., 2016). The presented notion originates from the concept that the consumer in question will seek to purchase the products and services of the firm even in the future to obtain the desirable customer service which was experienced during the previous time.

            The fact that the customer satisfaction depends majorly on the level of employee satisfaction means that business managers should always take the initiative of investing in various activities and services which drive the level of worker satisfaction. For instance, when the employer offers desirable IT facilities to the members of the workforce, it is highly evident that the employees will transfer the positive aspects drawn from this move to the consumers. Ishaque and Shahzad (2016) expresses that providing the employees with a comfortable working environment in the form of desirable and adequate resources, then the consumers will also feel contended in the long run.

            The fact that employee satisfaction will always result to an enhanced customer satisfaction levels suggests that organizations should focus on understanding the various service quality dimensions which should be monitored in the workplace in order to establish customer satisfaction awareness, accountability and customer-oriented behavior. Hyewon and Hyosun (2017) recommends that communication is an important factor for consideration in the presented case. Apparently, when the management engages the members of the workforce in communication, it is possible to understand the areas which needs adjustment to consider the interests of the staff. Communication is also an important consideration since it communicates a notion that the management greatly values the interests of the members of the workforce as well as their input in the decision-making process. The presented factor will result to an improvement in the satisfaction levels of the members of the workforce.

            Providing security to the members of the workforce is an important factor which suggests that the firm cares about the interests of the employees in the workplace. Despite the fact that the state has established various laws to ensure the protection of the members of the workplace, it is highly recommended that the business in question should go behind the legal provision to provide security to the staff. The identified aspect plays a significant role in enhancing the level of employee satisfaction in the workplace which is important towards enhancing the firm’s success. Most of the members of the workplace will be highly satisfied with the services of an organisation if they are effectively compensated for their tasks. When the employees feel that the management is willing to compensate them when they work harder in the workplace means that the members of the workforce will always be satisfied and willing to put in an extra effort when administering their duties in the workplace. Through effective compensation and bonus techniques, the employees are more likely to constructively engage with the customers in the marketplace, thus resulting to their increased level of satisfaction. Compensating every effort of the work is a psychological strategy which provides an indication that the management cares about the general being of the members of the workforce and it is never willing to overwork and underpay them.

Organizational antecedents for consideration

            Ažman and Gomišček (2015) points out that there are three major antecedents of employee customer service and employee satisfaction. Perceived organizational support is the first antecedent for consideration in the presented case. Ažman and Gomišček (2015) explains that the presented factor refers to the extent to which the members of the workforce believe that the firm values their contribution and cares about their general well-being in the workplace. The second antecedent for consideration is the perceived supervisory support. The presented aspect provides an insight into the extent to which the supervisors of the firm establish an environment defined by trust, friendliness, and helpfulness. A high level of perceived supervisory support provides an implication that the vital socio-emotional resources are immediately made available to the existing work environment (Ažman & Gomišček, 2015). The third antecedent revolves around customer participation. The presented aspect provides an indication into the extent at which the consumer is mentally, physically and emotionally involved in the process of the product or service delivery (Ažman and Gomišček, 2015). At the presented level, the information and resources which the consumers bring into the transaction as well as the actual behaviors which they engage in during the presented process is considered as highly significant.

            Considering the three presented antecedents, it is evident that the perceived supervisory support is a powerful factor which predicts the level of job support of the members of the workforce as well as the employee service effort. Furthermore, El-sharkawy (2015) notes that the level of job satisfaction is considered as a more vital aspect which predicts the level of employee service quality in comparison to the employee service effort.


            To summarize, satisfied employees and satisfied customers are directly related concepts. The presented aspect stem from the fact that when an employee is satisfied, he/she will be willing to put in an extra effort in marketing and selling the company’s brand to the consumer. When the customer received desirable services from a satisfied member of the workforce, it is evident he/she will be more satisfied and hence become a loyal purchaser. The presented factors provide an indication that the employees have the ability to strongly contribute to the success of a firm. Through implementing a customer-centric approach, the satisfied worker will focus on work-related interaction which the consumers in the market are always looking to achieve besides quality products.

            Having in mind the value of the employees in the workplace, it is the duty and responsibility of the managers to ensure that the members of the workforce are always satisfied. The presented aspect can be achieved through various aspects such as offering enough compensation for the tasks carried out by the employees in the workplace. Additionally, the management should always observe the safety of the employees while in the workplace, thus communicating a notion that they are valuable and the firm cares a lot about their input. Moreover, engaging the employees in the process of decision making is a requisite step towards enhancing the satisfaction level of the members of the workforce. Additionally, since the workers have proven to be a valuable asset of the firm, it is recommended that the organisation’s management should consider it its obligation to invest in their training and development. The presented move will expose them to a situation where they can master new skills which are further utilized to the benefits of the firm. For instance, it is apparent that satisfied members of the workforce can offer consumers with an interpersonal sensibility alongside a social account which are some of the factors which drive consumer satisfaction. Therefore, training the workers to master new skills associated with interpersonal sensibility may come in handy in the presented case which the organisation can still use even for its future benefit.


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November 24, 2023


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