The Relationship between Literature and Film

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Art and literature have been used to convey a message. The intended audience is addressed by the persona in different ways. With the advancement of technology, literature matured from just being written on books. During the old days, people practiced their creativity on paper. Shakespeare is one of the most influential artists of all time. However, with changes in time and technology, literature was placed in another format which is video. Despite the difference in presentation, there are some similarities that can be observed between video and written art. Comparing the movie Jurassic world: fallen Kingdom and Shakespeare poem “as you like it” will in expressing how literature is related.

The Jurassic world and ”As you like it” are all comic works. Shakespeare writes an innovative piece where humor dominates it. Similarly, the movie ”Jurassic world” has a lot of humor. Even though both pieces seem to be surrounded by other factors. Humor seems to be the underlying principle (Norman, 2015). The two pieces are also beautiful and innovative. Shakespeare manages to envision a world with a difference. The inclusion of modernity in the writing is well brought. The same is expressed in the movie Jurassic Park. The actors and the directors have managed to create a world with new possibility. The invasion the dinosaur have made characters to live in fear. As a result of this, the community has been forced to become innovative in how they deal with the situation.  The act of protecting animals by one of the characters showcases an aspect of care. This depicts that in every situation, there is always a way out. Even though the movie is scary, the courageous outburst of some of the characters is recommendable.

As you like by Shakespeare has a lot of symbolism, imagery, and allegory. Rosalind decides to escape from duke’s court. She does this with the knowledge that a possibility of rape is evident. The decision is made in terms of self-protection. The same is evidenced in the Jurassic park as characters are forced to flee the safety of their homes due to the invasion of dinosaur (Lynch , 2014). The symbolism in these two actions is that life at times can force people to abandon some situations. This is not only limited to the physical aspect but also transcended to psychological issues.

Both the two pieces have an element of creativity. The document portrays extended research and understanding of the society. Jurassic Park has effectively mixed the creative world and fiction. The use of different stage settings has made the movie to have a clear point of analysis. The principal of love is evidenced in both cases. In Jurassic Park, love has dominated most of the scenes. This has been used to indicate how situations can be used to display different elements in an organization. Apart from this, the two pieces have effectively applied the use of themes. The themes such as love and dominance have helped in stitching the narrative together. Ideas have been expressed in a logical and strategic manner which enhances the quality in flowing of ideas (Lynch, 2014).

Jurassic world: fallen Kingdom and Shakespeare poem ”as you like it” depict the importance of creativity and art in the society. Through skillful use of language, the two pieces of art have managed to send a message to the audience. Though they have different orientations, the required effect has been well expressed in both cases.


Lynch, S. J. (2014). As You Like It: A Guide to the Play. Westport, Conn. : Greenwood Press,

Norman, D. (2015). Dinosaurs: A Very Short Introduction. Oxford University Press.

August 21, 2023

Art Literature

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