The September 11 Attacks

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The Aviation Industry and Aviation Safety

The aviation industry is a sector of business operations that deals with the manufacture and operation of all varieties of aircraft. Aviation safety and security, on the other hand, involves all aviation activities that are associated with reducing and controlling the risks that may occur in the operation of aircraft (Wong and Brooks, 2015).

The September 11, 2001 attacks

This sector has been subject to attacks by terrorists over the years with the September 11, 2001 attack, in the United States of America, being the most defining one. The fatal attack was carried out by militants of the al-Qaeda terror group in Washington, D.C and New York City (Plaw, 2016).

Details of the September 11, 2001 attacks

Four planes were hijacked by these terrorists. Around 184 people were killed at the Pentagon, 40 in Pennsylvania, and 2,750 in the New York City. According to research, all the terrorists were killed together with 400-plus firefighters and police officers. Since then, measures to inhibit hijackings have been put in place and programs to sensitize people on their aircraft safety adopted.

Chronology of the attacks

The attack occurred on September 11, 2001, where a group of terrorists boarded four United States Aircraft at three airports on the East Coast. After the takeoff, some of the aircrafts’ crew were killed and disabled by the hijackers. They then took control of the planes which were flying to the West Coast. At around 8:46 am, one of the aircraft, Flight 11 of the American Airlines, which was coming from the Boston airport was headed into the north tower of the W.T.C (World Trade Centre in the New York City). Initially, people thought that this was a minor technical error until the second flight, flight 17 of the United Airlines, from Boston, was reported to have struck the south tower 17 minutes later (Heilman, 2018). This indicated that an attack was underway in the United States Aircraft. These towers were incredibly damaged, and explosions of flames were witnessed. Some of the workers inside the towers managed to escape while others were trapped inside. Those trapped succumbed to the infernos in the towers.

The aftermath of the attacks

At 9:37 am, the third airplane, flight 77 of the American Airlines, was reported to have struck Pentagon in the southwest side. The plane was flying from the Dulles Airport near the Washington, D.C. Immediately after this three incidents, the Federal Aviation Authority of the United States of America issued an order commanding the immediate ground stop of Airplanes nationwide (Baker, 2015). After around an hour, 10:03 am, the fourth plane, flight 93 of American Airlines crashed close to Shanks Ville. It had taken off from Newark Airport in New Jersey. This was after the passengers who had boarded tried to overpower the assailants since they had received the news about the tragedy that had befallen the other three planes.

Impact of the attacks

The world trade center southern tower collapsed at around 9:59 am and the northern one at approximately 10:28 am. People and office workers ran out of the place in fear of their lives. Adjacent buildings to the two towers were severely damaged, and others even collapsed. The streets of Manhattan were filled with smoke and remain of the wreckage. There was a state of panic in the city as businesses were shut down and others damaged. Fires smoldered for around three months in this area.

Rescue and aftermath

Immediately after the attacks, operations to rescue the victims began in all the four areas. The total number of people that that was said to have died was 3,000. Among them were 19 terrorists, 40 in Pennsylvania, 2,750 in the New York City, 400 firefighters, and police officers, and 184 at the Pentagon (Gold and Faust, 2014). The attack affected the world markets badly leading to the closure of New York markets for four days. Enormous losses were recorded by businessmen. Also, thousands of people were stranded in the United States as the airspace remained non-functional until its resumption on September 13.

Measures after the attacks

The September 11 attacks were one of the defining attacks in the United States since it saw significant reforms and the introduction of elaborate aviation security measures. After the attack, the Transportation and Aviation Security Act was passed by the US Congress. It led to the creation of the Transportation Security Administration(TSA). It also instructed that airport screening to be carried out by federal employees (De Neufville, 2016).

Enhanced security measures

Also, the TSA implemented comprehensive screening techniques for passengers and luggage. Currently, passengers are checked under metal detectors, and bags are also x-rayed. An explosive detection system was implemented in airports where passenger’s baggage passes through to be checked.

Increased police presence and passenger screening

Intensified police presence in airports was ensured, and airlines were structured to improve their cooperation with security officials. Since then, minor but essential security measures have been taking place in airports. Such include passengers removing their shoes and the prevention of carrying liquids when aboard. Also, the TSA implemented the prescreening of passengers. The names of passengers are submitted to the TSA which then compares them with a watch list (Wong and Brooks, 2015). Either, this kind of prescreening was subjected to objection by the civil liberties. They argued that it is unfair for passengers to share their personal information. As a result of these objections, the TSA developed a program known as the Secure Flight Program with the aim of achieving a balance amongst passengers’ security and their rights (Baker, 2015). Moreover, an additional program named Registered Traveler that permits regular flyers to undertake biometric identifications and give in their background information was also implemented.

Fight against terrorism

Significantly, these attacks sparkled the U.S government unending fight against terrorism. In September 2001, the president of the United States then, George Bush, ordered the capturing of the leader of Al-Qaida, Osama bin Laden. Additionally, a bounty of $25 was issued for anyone who would avail any information leading to the capture or killing of Laden. He was tracked by the U.S forces in December 2001 but evaded to the Tora Bora mountains of Afghanistan. He was later killed by the U.S Navy Seals on May 2011 in Pakistan under the presidency of Barrack Obama (Stern, 2015).


The four-plane attack is one of the deadliest terrorist attacks in the aviation industry. Up to date, there are around 700 victim remains that are unidentified. The United States government set a victim compensation fund where those who got personal injuries were compensated. Also, those who lost their family members received from the fund. The attack also led to the implementation of thorough screening in the airports hence ensuring security and safety for those flying. These security measures have been maintained, and the responsible bodies keep on improving the existing ones as well as implementing new ones.


Baker, D. M. A. (2015). Tourism and Terrorism: Terrorist Threats to Commercial Aviation          Safety & Security. International Journal of Safety and Security in Tourism and    Hospitality, 1(12), 1.

De Neufville, R. (2016). Airport systems planning and design. Air Transport Management: An        International Perspective, 61.

Gold, S. N., & Faust, J. (2014). Trauma Practice in the wake of September 11, 2001. Routledge.

Heilman, S. (2018). Introduction. In Death, Bereavement, and Mourning (pp. 1-14). Routledge.

Plaw, A. (2016). Targeting terrorists: a license to kill? Routledge.

Stern, J. (2015). Obama and Terrorism. Foreign Aff., 94, 62.

Wong, S., & Brooks, N. (2015). Evolving risk-based security: A review of current issues and        emerging trends impacting security screening in the aviation industry. Journal of Air Transport Management, 48, 60-64.

October 30, 2023

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9/11 Attack

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