The Transtheoretic Model and Motivational Interviewing

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Every individual decides on how to run his or her lives, and some of the choices an individual makes have an impact on the person. A person may make a wrong or right decision regarding their health, and this affects the health of that person. The decision in which an individual makes might negatively impact the individuals’ health and will require the assistance of health care providers. Health care providers assist patients who have formed bad health behaviors such as smoking, drinking, and other risky behaviors that might kill the patient. Health providers use a method called the transtheoretical model to assist patients in changing their risky behavior and having better health behavior. The transtheoretical method has also been used to support health providers to help patients with conditions such as stammering, physical activity, and eating habits. The transtheoretical model involves several steps which a patient has to go through to leave the bad behavior and get a new one. The model which includes stages of change which the patient has to go through to change their health behavior. Some of this risky behavior is addictive, and it can be difficult to change the behavior of the patient. The paper will look into one of the patients called Alistair who has a total knee replacement which was caused by his overweight. The article will also assist on how to recover from the total knee replacement and the changing his overweight issue.


The changes in the human behavior need to be understood to be able to develop new and innovative ways of treating patients. The transtheoretical model gives health providers an opportunity to analyze the changes in human behavior and also find new processes to assist the patients. Prochaska and DiClemente first developed the transtheoretical model in the late 1970s, and it has evolved to help patients in their recovery (Wayne, 2018). The purpose of this paper is to understand the ability of the transtheoretical model and motivate the patience to make the correct behavior changes. Apart from the transtheoretical model, another method that will be used is motivational interviewing where the patient will be motivated to make confident decisions towards his health. Both ways will give the best result to the patient. The transtheoretical model involves several stages that the patient has to go through to achieve the ultimate healthy behavior. The procedure can be extended or undersized depending on the condition of the patient. The different stage of the model needs different input so as the method can be useful and also prepare the patient for the next step. The motivational interview can also be done at the end of every step to help the health providers understand and monitor what the patient is going through. It can be helpful in preparing the patient for the next level and also getting feedback on any progress in what is being done for the patient.

Pre-Contemplation Stage

The patient already knows the problem and do not intend to take action in the foreseeable future (Wayne, 2018). The patient usually underestimates the benefit of changing his behavior and only looks at the negative of changing his behavior. The patient will be looking at what the issue but will need help to understand that he must do to achieve. The period to complete this stage is usually six months but by motivating the patient and letting them know this stage will help us to move to the next step of change (Johannes et al., 2004). Our patient Mr. Alistair might have identified the problem which is overweight that is causing him to have a total knee replacement. The process in this stage will be quick since it will only require convincing Mr. Alistair that he needs to change his diet to improve and avoid such a scenario occurring again.

Contemplation stage

The stage involves the patient recognizing that their behavior is problematic and should consider changing their behavior (Wayne, 2018). The paramount technique to approach this stage is to highlight the advantage and disadvantage of the changing this behavior. Although still, the patient might feel that they even do not require to change their behavior (Wayne, 2018).  The need to help them understand the advantage of behavior change is necessary as the patient might also lose interest. The benefits of weight loss and even the need to be doing physical activity will enable Mr. Alistair to decide on his behavior changes.


At this stage, the patient is ready to take action, and the patient is seen taking steps towards the behavior changes (Johannes et al., 2004). The signs of new healthy behavior changes can also be seen. The patient can be seen taking good healthy foods, and after getting full strength, the patient can start participating in physical activity. The changes might be small, but it will be making changes in the patient. It will enable the patient to move to the next step which will involve changing his behavior entirely.


The stage involves changing the behavior entirely and moving forward with the new healthy behavior (Johannes et al., 2004). The patient needs to be encouraged o that they can see the benefit of the change. Progress can be monitored to support the patient and also help them in adjusting their development. A program can be drafted to help the patient in the physical activities and also the diet program.


The stage involves the patient to sustain the change for a certain period, and this will be helpful in monitoring the progress of the patient (Wayne, 2018). The patient needs to understand that if they are achieving their target, they are necessary to keep up the excellent work. Constant encouragement to the patient is required to maintain the target acquired. New ways to achieve the objective can be implemented to make the patient comfortable. The patient can learn a new skill which can assist them in reaching their mark. Sometimes at this stage the patient may The motivational interview will come in handy at this stage to bring them back on track and not to relapse to their old unhealthy behaviors. Constant encouragement from the health providers and family will be required to keep them on track.


The last stage of the transtheoretical model, the patient, has no desire to return to their unhealthy behaviors, and at this stage, the patient cannot relapse (Wayne, 2018). Majority of the patient usually do not reach this stage hence the majority of the health providers do not concentrate on this stage. However, current explorations are being done on the new way to enable patients to reach this stage.


The method will assist the patient in fast recovery, and to be able to achieve a healthy behavior. The transtheoretical model is helpful for a patient who wants to change his behavior. The decision making is necessary for the patient to go through since it will make the patient a better meaning of what they want to achieve. The progress can be monitored, and this is helpful to the health providers as they can be able to see if the treatment being given is appropriate. It will also in making the correct decision for the patient whether the procedure can be discontinued or the patient to continue with it. The motivation interview of the patient will also be helpful in setting the mind of the patient. The patient needs to be in a proper set of mind to achieve the target that they want.

Currently, health researchers are also looking for ways to improve the whole transtheoretical process to help promote better and augmented health levels for the patient. The other methods that the health providers can include in the model are skill improvement, dealing with barriers, and goal setting (William & Stephen, 2002). It will give the patient an in-depth analysis of the problem they are facing and how to deal with it. The process itself can be challenging, and if the patient can get help, the whole process can be beneficial to the individual and the society. The two methods can work hand in hand to make sure that all the patients have reached the final stage of the model hence considering the program a success. Although there are other treatment approaches that health providers are coming up with these two methods when appropriately effected, they will give the best response.

References (2009). Stages of Changes. Retrieved from

Johannes, B., Mark, C., Niki, H., Stef, K., Susan, M., & Sandy, W. (2004). The Transtheoritical Model and stages of change. Health Education Research, 244-258.

Wayne, W. L. (2018, August 29). The transtheoretical Model (Stages of Chnages).

Retrieved from Behavioral Changes Models:

William, R. M., & Stephen, R. (2002). Motivational Interviewing. In W. R. Miller, & R. Stephen, Motivational Interviewing. New York: Guilford Press.

October 13, 2023


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