What Is an Employee Civility?

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Civility is the act of displaying good etiquette when collaborating with others in a group to achieve a collective purpose. A civil act is critical to living a happier life because it changes our habits while fostering stable relationships that contribute to a happy life. Employee civility instruction in organizations helps to prevent misunderstandings around history, faith, and ethnicity. It promotes social connections, which boosts staff productivity at work. Fidelindo A. Lim and Ilya Bernstein (127). The scene’s dialogue reflects the relationship between principles and real policies by interventions that minimize incivility while preserving a welcoming work atmosphere. Value and policies in the workplace are important as they bring advantages that are long term to an organization.

Incivility drains productivity

Incivility lowers the morale of the employees. When employees don’t get a working environment that is conducive they are constantly worried and therefore not in a position to deliver the services as per the customer expectations. If one client is not happy, they will share the negative experience to others. Civility increases the quality of services an individual receives from the organization. Quality services retain customers and therefore, increases the cash flows. The increase in income will lead to opportunities such as promotions. More funds will be available for employee training and motivation. The programs aid in boosting the confidence of an individual while maintaining a positive attitude at work.

Civility retains employees

Employees are assets to an organization. They have individual rights, and once they are not happy they can resign. Retaining skilled employees gives the company a chance to generate more revenue. In firms that deal with professional services, such as law and accountancy, losing an expert in the field can lead to a massive reduction in income. A culture of civility will retain the employees and therefore increase revenues. The organization stands a chance of maintaining long-term relationships with clients while creating new opportunities that will facilitate growth (Lim, Fidelindo A., and Ilya Bernstein 123). The cost of hiring and training new employees will reduce significantly.

Civility increases the reputation of the organisation

To be successful in business, a corporate image is essential. People no longer want to be in association with companies that engage in ethical violations such as the breach of law. Technology and media facilitate information sharing. If an individual initiates an action against a company whose outcome is unfavorable there is a loss of confidence from the clients. It can demotivate the employees and decrease productivity. A good image can increase sales in businesses which enhance the revenue of the organization. Good ethical practices enhance the reputation.

Civility Reduce the rate of absenteeism at work

Research shows that one in every three employees harassed will fail to report to work the next day. Absenteeism decreases productivity and increases the cost to an organization as individuals engage in overtime to complete the assigned tasks. A culture of civility energizes the individual and makes them look forward to being at work on a daily basis (Fevre and Ralph et al 40). It increases productivity while maintaining skilled personnel in an organization.

Civility reduces the cost of operation

There are various costs associated with running an agency both direct and indirect. Indirect cost reduces significantly when an enterprise adopts healthy working relationships. In departments, teamwork is essential because the functions are related. For instance, the finance department requires the IT department to maintain the software that is important in computing transactions that generate revenue to an organization. The entire structure depends on marketing department to sell products that will increase revenue to the company. Maintaining healthy relationships reduces the cost of subcontracting for services that can be provided by in-house departments (SIM SEONG BO 115). Teamwork allows people to open about their skills outside the field of practice reducing costs significantly.

Civility eliminates drama and conflict at work

Incivility increase conflicts in the organization. It encourages people to form groups that support specific individuals even in wrong doings. It demoralizes the employees thus making them fail to work towards a common goal as their focus will shift to chaos. Professionals who embrace the concept of civility are less likely to tolerate conflicts. They are ethical and keen not to engage in conversations that can lead to arguments. Doing decent things improves the level of communication thereby facilitating smooth flow of information among departments.

Civility improves the quality of life

Civil behavior contributes to the quality of life. When the quality of life is higher employees are likely to be relaxed at work. They will provide quality and efficient services to the customers. In situations where the company is new and faces competition from large corporations, the business has to have excellent customer service skills that will attract new customers and generate more sales (SIM SEONG BO 101). Toxic behaviors not only pollute the work environment but contribute towards the loss of potential clients.

Consideration of civil behavior in gravity kills me

I would consider Wallbergs and Jan’s behavior to be civil in gravity kills me. A civil behavior is one that is respectful and portrays good manners. It includes an act of kindness to one another fairness in our dealings and consideration of others. Individuals are able to act responsibly therefore eliminating any chance of conflict.


The scene in the movie educates us that an action of civility is crucial in everyday life. We all want to be treated with respect, and it can never happen if we do the opposite of our expectations. It begins with an individual setting up changes and making adjustments to certain behaviors that are not right. We are not perfect, and sometimes people are carried out by negative emotions that result from hatred towards particular race culture and religion. If we train ourselves to love and appreciate one another incivility will reduce around the globe, and we will make the world a better place for everyone.

Work Cited

Fevre, Ralph et al. Trouble at Work. Gordonsville, Bloomsbury Publishing, 2012. Print.

Lim, Fidelindo A., and Ilya Bernstein. “Civility and Workplace Bullying: Resonance of Nightingale’s Persona And Current Best Practices”. Nursing Forum, vol 49, no. 2, 2014, pp. 124-129. Wiley-Blackwell, doi:10.1111/nuf.12068.

SIM SEONG BO. ”Civility Education through Co-Existence of Politeness and Political Civility”. The Korean Journal of Philosophy of Education, vol 36, no. 2, 2014, pp. 101-119. The Korean Philosophy of Education Society, doi:10.15754/jkpe.2014.36.2.005.

December 28, 2022

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