Wind Power Generation and Its Future

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Wind power is the use of airflow through wind turbines to mechanically power generators for electric power (Morris, 2010). Wind power is mainly used as a substitute method of burning fossil fuels or using hydropower because it is plentiful and renewable. The need for environmental protection is an issue that has raised global awareness especially with the rise of catastrophes such as acid rain, global warming and an increase in drought-affected areas. As such, wind power is preferred to other sources because it doesn’t produce any greenhouse gases and thus, contributes to environmental protection (Morris, 2010). This paper aims to conduct a detailed analysis of wind power generation and even provide some recommendation on its future.

Wind Power Generation

A Brief History of Wind Power

            Human beings have relied on wind power for many decades. Energy generated from the wind was initially used for grinding grain and pumping water. However, advancements in technology have led to more uses of wind power such as making electricity, providing consistent water to arid regions such as the American mid-west and even draining the polders in the Netherlands. In 1887, James Blyth was the first person to build a windmill that would be used for electric power production. Many countries have now begun relying on wind power to generate electricity for its citizens. Statistics indicate that China is the country with the most prominent wind power sector, accounting for 31% of the world’s total (Global Wind Energy Council, 2018). Other countries include the United States with at least 4.4% of its power being generated through wind power, Germany, India, United Kingdom, Canada, France, Italy and Brazil (Global Wind Energy Council, 2018). Developing countries especially those in Africa are also making efforts to transform into the use of wind power.

Generation of Wind Power

            Wind comes from changes in the atmosphere, where variations in temperature and pressure make the air move around the surface of the earth. Wind is a form of solar power because variations in pressure and temperature are triggered by the sun. Wind turbines are used to capture wind to produce energy. Wind turbines usually have three propeller-like blades that are called rotors and are attached to a tall tower which is approximately 20m high in residential areas (Breeze, 2016). Tall wind turbines are usually preferred because the higher wind is from the ground, the stronger it is and also has a minimal buffeting effect.

            Wind spins the rotor, and as it moves, it drives a generator that creates energy. The motion in the wind turbines produces kinetic energy which is converted into electricity by magnets that move past a stator. A stator is made up of stationary coils of wire which allow for the production of AC (alternating current) electricity which is then converted into DC (direct current) (Breeze, 2016). DC is used to charge batteries which usually store electrical energy for future use. The direct current can also be fed into an interactive inverter grid which then provides power to the electricity grid which gets it to consumers. Wind turbine installation can be done on boats, caravans or properties which makes it very flexible. Wind turbines should be installed in areas with dependable amounts of wind which is anything above 5m/s for speed (Breeze, 2016). Regions that have minimal buildings are the fittest for turbine installation, and they include places such as the coast and large farms.  

Why Wind Power?

Wind Power Fosters Economic Development

            There has been an emphasis by governments from different countries on the need to focus on sustainable development. Sustainable development is an advancement that concentrates on meeting current needs without comprising the ability of future generations to meet theirs. Sustainable development also concentrates on economic growth that doesn’t contribute to a depletion of natural resources. Wind power is a significant contributor to economic growth mainly because it is a cheap form of energy when compared to coal, gas or nuclear. Moreover, wind power is readily available and plentiful as compared to other forms of energy.

            The use of wind power allows countries to utilize their funds and resources in other aspects of development. Wind power is cost-effective and as such, very competitive against other conventional technologies (Ellabban, Haitham, & Blaabjerg, 2014). Moreover, wind energy, unlike fossil fuel, is stable and predictable which reduces price volatility for countries and their citizens. When power is produced cheaply, it also means that the consumers get it at subsidized prices. As such, citizens in countries where wind-powered electricity is used can engage in the production and manufacturing sector since the primary resource is readily available. An increase in the investment of a state leads to a rise in its productivity and hence it’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP). As the GDP of a nation improves, so do the living standards of the people (Ellabban, Haitham, & Blaabjerg, 2014). Besides, foreign investors get attracted to countries with stable growth in their economy.

            Wind energy provides employment opportunities as it creates an industrial fabric. Approximately 1.2 million people globally are working in the wind power sector, and this figure is estimated to hit 3 million by 2030 (International Renewable Energy Agency, 2016). The Global Wind Energy Council (GWEC) also states that for each megawatt of capacity installed by wind in any country in any given year, it creates 13 full times jobs in different countries such as utility suppliers, development of wind turbine companies and many others (Steel, 2018).  

            As wind power increases employment opportunities, it will also foster economic development in those specific countries. Higher rates of employment will help in reducing the income inequality amongst the population which will translate to an improvement in living conditions (Wei, Patadia, & Kammen, 2010). Most of the citizens will be empowered to afford decent housing, proper medical care and even allow them to invest in different sectors. Moreover, a higher employment rate translates to a rise in the fiscal dividend of a country as the government collects more tax revenues from its people. The governments that use wind energy will, therefore, spend less on welfare programs that are meant to fight poverty and unemployment related problems such as crime, school dropout, and use of drugs and so on. Thus, governments will spend more resources in the development of roads, adoption of better technology and thus create even more employment opportunities (Wei, Patadia, & Kammen, 2010). It is clear that the use of wind energy is a crucial contributor to the economic development of countries that use the technology.

Wind Energy Fosters Environmental Protection

            Climate supports more than 70% of living things. One of the most significant problems that humanity is dealing with currently is climate change. Research by scientists has concluded that climate change is the action of human beings mainly due to the emission of greenhouse gases, primarily carbon (iv) oxide. Greenhouse gases lead to the greenhouse effect where these gases absorb and retain the heat of the earth leading to global warming. In 2013, the World Meteorological Organization (MTO) stated that the past three years had been the warmest since the pre-industrial era (Osborne & Lindsey, 2013). The earth’s temperature has risen with approximately 1.1o c.

            The electricity sector has been identified to be one of the leading causes of climate change. The industry is responsible for approximately 40% of the carbon (iv) oxide (CO2) gas emissions (Global Wind Energy Council, 2018). Therefore, there is a great need for all the nations of the earth to change the way they produce electricity to promote the efforts of climate change. The use of wind power is the most suitable alternative because it doesn’t emit any greenhouses gases or other air pollutants. As such, the use of wind energy will promote the well-being of all living things worldwide as it supports suitable climatic conditions.

            Wind energy will also seek to protect water reserves and other ecosystems that are linked to them. Hydro-energy not only uses the highest amount of water but also leads to water pollution which eventually affects animals, humans and aquatic lives. In 2007, at least 11% of the individuals living in Europe were affected by water scarcity. Moreover, the cost of drought has escalated to more than €100 billion in the last thirty years. In 2012, the use of wind energy saved about 387 million cubic meters of water which is the average annual household water use of nearly 7 million European citizens (The European Wind Energy Association, 2014). Statistics generated by the EC 2050 Energy Roadmap’s projection indicate that in 2030, avoided costs of water in that year would amount to between €3.34 billion and €4.30 billion. Moreover, the use of wind energy will prevent the wastage of between 1.22 billion m3 and 1.57 billion m3 of water in the same year (The European Wind Energy Association, 2014).

            The use of wind power as opposed to other sources of energy will not only provide more water to the citizens but also help to maintain the purity of the water sources. Therefore, governments and international bodies that seek to promote the welfare of human beings by dealing with natural disasters such as drought and water scarcity will use their resources and funds for other developments. The use of wind energy especially in developed countries will provide an opportunity for relief programs in developing countries that will assist them also to implement the use of wind energy.

The Future of Wind Power

            The cost of wind power is expected to keep decreasing especially with the technological advancements of the turbines used. Technology has been focusing on providing turbines with higher efficiency, more useful life, fewer maintenance costs and improvements in the supply chain. Therefore, countries such as China which prides itself in the production of turbines with a permanent magnetic levitation that produces electricity at very low wind speeds will enjoy significant boosts in their economy in the future (Barlas & Kuik, 2010). As other countries seek help from them on how to advance their wind technology, they will have mastered the art of producing cheap electricity. As such, wind power will be a crucial component of economic growth in the future.

            In the recent past, there has been a significant rise in environmental pollution and hence climate changes. A fight for ecological protection focusing on the need for DE carbonization of the economy is currently taking place and is very likely to receive international attention in the future (Bataile, et al., 2016). A decarbonized economy is one that is based on minimal carbon power sources and as such doesn’t emit greenhouse gases into the biosphere. As international environmental bodies such as the United Nations Environment Programme, Global Green Growth Institute, and Earth System Governance Project amongst others create awareness on the need for governments to focus on a decarbonized economy, wind power is going to provide an opportunity for economic growth and wealth (Bataile, et al., 2016). Countries across the world will all be seeking means to adopt and implement the use of wind power.

            Currently, wind power is facing challenges especially from debates against the use of wind power. One of the critical issues being highlighted is that wind power is unpredictable and uncontrollable especially due to swings in outputs and shutdowns (Frangoul, 2017). However, there are grid operators who are dealing with this challenge by developing large-scale grids that have up to 20% penetration without major technical problems (Frangoul, 2017). Experts in wind technology are also coming up with ways to set up an interconnected group of wind turbines over large areas to guarantee the production of a minimum amount of power. Studies on methods that can be used to store surplus electricity especially using batteries are also ongoing. Therefore, when the problems that are currently facing wind energy are solved, there is going to be an increased demand for this source of power.

            There is an industrial revolution that is taking place in the world. There are more electric vehicles in the streets, advanced mobile technologies and even an increase in the use of smart technology in homes. The need to develop different types of energy generation in the electricity systems globally is also a vital part of the revolution. The focus is not just on a clean source of energy, but also on creating a key driving force for this economy and future ones. The wave of using wind power is about to hit the globe, and those countries that haven’t begun laying strategies should start preparing. Wind energy is offering numerous opportunities to governments worldwide to improve the lives of their citizens continually.


            Wind power is a form of technology that is certain to bring a positive change to the economy of the world. As scientists are racing to develop advanced wind-turbines that can harness stronger and more consistent winds in the atmosphere, more governments are setting strategies to adopt the use of wind power in their countries. An increase in human suffering from climate changes, high unemployment rates, and natural disasters is also moving international welfare bodies to create awareness campaigns for governments and their citizens on the need to embrace wind power generations. Furthermore, researchers and scientists are concisely looking for more ways to increase the reliability of wind energy which will allow more governments to adopt it. All countries should aim to be a part of wind-generated power.


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September 04, 2023

Science Environment



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