An Evolution of Business Report

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The firm needs to consider a number of variables to ensure that it will help in ensuring that will aid in ensuring that will aid in positively responding to change as a result of the company opening a new office in Miami, Florida. The organization’s ability to manage diversity that arises from hiring new personnel will depend heavily on these criteria as well. These elements must be considered in order for the organization to be able to overcome obstacles and change-resisting individuals.

Innovation in the business world is extremely important since it sets one company apart from its rivals. Innovation enables an organization to have a better understanding of the environment in which they are operating, a better understanding of the business operations and a better understanding of the changing needs and preferences of one’s consumer segments. These elements are crucial as they primarily ensure that in implementing change, the company managers are able to take into account strategies that will add more value to the organization. They will be in a better position to eliminate non-value adding activities by applying innovation in executing change strategies. Company managers will also be in a better position to implement differentiation while applying innovation when it comes to change. For example, they might seek to outsource part of their organization functions and this will benefit them as they will be able to reduce on costs, benefit from specialist skills and also be able to focus on key areas within the organization (Goldsmith, 2009).

As innovation is mainly characterized by the adaptation of technological advancements, this will mainly lead to streamlined business processes driving efficiency and effectiveness in the production process. The company will not only be able to provide consumers with goods and services that are in line with their demand, but also that consumers have gained a new experience with the company different from our competitors. Innovation in executing change can provide an edge over a company’s competitors by ensuring that the company has added unique features to its products and services (Silverstein & Samuel, 2017). This will keep consumers attracted and will be crucial in ensuring that the company retains its market share. It will also lead to improved financial performance as the company will experience growth in sales combined with cost reductions.

Innovation can also ensure that the employees within the organization are kept motivated and that they react positively to change thereby having less resistance to change. Innovation, which mainly is centralized around technological advancements, can keep the employees motivated as it will enhance the manner in which they carry out their job duties and responsibilities. This can include the use of new systems that have not been adopted by competitors and ones which will not lead to employees being laid off. Employees will be happy to be part of an organization that adapts current trends within its operations and will be motivated to remain a part of such an organization in comparison to working where old systems are in place. Innovation within the workplace can also be used to enhance communication within the employees and also with their managers. This can be used to unite members of the organization and cut down communication barriers that may make it hard for employees to express their views and opinions. Such innovation can inspire employees to share their ideas on how best to execute change as they are the ones who directly deal with the consumers.

This will go a long way in creating a loyal work force, one which is ready to adopt various elements of change when necessary as they already know their input will be valued in executing change strategies. Employee involvement will also aid the management to choose feasible strategies regarding innovation, for example, changing the product design or adding a new product to their existing portfolio.

Managing diversity in the workplace

Most multinational organizations have employees from different races and ethnical backgrounds. Primarily, organizations should ensure that the recruitment and hiring process conducted by the human resource function of the organization focusses on the performance of the employees. This means that the human resource management should avoid any form of bias that may come from favoring any race or tribe and looking down on foreign employees. All employees should be treated equally and should be allowed to have equal opportunities of promotion within the organization.

The organization should also be able to treat all cases of favoritism and discrimination in a serious manner so that members of the organization know that such practices are forbidden (Baxter, 2016). This can also be emphasized by having a code of ethics in place that will ensure that moral principles are embedded within functions of the organization. Employees who are caught in violation of these principles of ethics should face stiff penalties.

Diversity can also be managed by creating awareness about the various cultures represented within the organization. This can take place by having a day where people are allowed to come to work in cultural wear to show that every culture is valued. This can be followed by an award to the employee who has the best cultural wear. In this way, employees will be eager to learn about the various cultural backgrounds represented.

The top managers should also ensure that they have certain days where people are able to make presentations about their cultures. This will also educate employees about the history and mannerisms that are condoned in various cultures. Employees who represent their cultures should be allowed to spearhead such presentations. This will be crucial in learning how to deal with foreign clients and other business partners in a respectful manner. This can also include quarterly training sessions and meetings on the importance of having diversity within an organization. Employees also need to be made aware of the demerits that come about with encouraging favoritism, discrimination and bias especially how it affects overall productivity and the performance of the organization (Baxter, 2016).

Diversity can also be managed by balancing team members within teams within the organization. These teams should definitely take into account the skill set held by the employees however the team leaders should ensure that gender and race equality is emphasized within each team. This will lead to value creation as team members will be motivated to share their ideas and opinions towards the achievement of the goals and objectives of their projects.

Succession planning should also encourage gender and racial equality if an individual possesses the right skill set for such a leadership position. The managers should set an example of fostering diversity by interacting with all the employees within the organization. They should also discourage communication in other languages other than the one universally used in the organization (Kilbourne, 2010).

How technology facilitates the implementation of change in the workplace

Technology has been key in the adaptation and implementation of change in many workplaces. Particularly with the advent of the Internet, most businesses have been transformed immensely to try and obtain an edge over their competitors through various benefits including cost reductions among others. Primarily, technology offers various benefits which when taken into account prove to reduce expenses for the organization and increase productivity which are the primary objectives for most organizations. Employees therefore find it easy to accept change (Goldsmith, 2009).

When an organization is faced with the need for change, the primary role played by technology is to reduce the resistors to change. This is mainly facilitated through the benefits that technology will add to the organization. Technology is primarily used to delivery efficiency within the operations of an organization. If the company managers are able to show the employees how technology will reduce their work load, add value to the organization and reduce non-value adding activities; this will go a long way in convincing employees as to why the required change is necessary.

Technology is also essential in enhancing communication while implementing change within an organization. Technology ensures that both vertical and horizontal communication is enhanced within an organization allowing employees to even take part in decision making within the organization. Lower employees can easily express their ideas and opinions to top management. Employees can easily communicate to each other and decision making is also enhanced as input from colleagues who may be away from office can easily be obtained. Enhanced communication within an organization can go a long way in motivating the employees and it also adds a sense of unity to the organization therefore making it easier to implement change (Goldsmith, 2009).

This can also be evidenced whereby employers have an easier way of making employees aware of impending change. Through enhanced channels of communication that are availed by technology, employers are able to address impending issues that may arise due to ineffective communication. For example rumors on certain aspects in relation to change and demerits to the particular change that may make employees resistant among other reasons.

Benefits to the company workforce of welcoming a diverse workforce

A new and diverse workforce is able to provide a sense of motivation to the existing workforce in the environment. A diverse workforce provides a new and refreshing work environment where people are able to learn from one another and appreciate new ideas and values. Such a learning environment motivates employees as it reduces boredom that may exist from carrying out routine activities by creating a fun and engaging work environment. The existing employees are able to feel challenged as well by some of the new ideas and values that they may gain from the joining employees.

These new ideas foster an environment of collaboration and cooperation where employees get to learn from one another and improve some of the processes and operation in place. This is crucial in creating various opportunities for growth within this organization and creating an innovative environment as employees come up with various solutions to achieve a common goal (Johnson, 2011).

Current employees will also be challenged to carry out their job duties and responsibilities effectively due to the fear that they may lose out their current positions to members of the new team joining them. The new employees will definitely enter the organization with the eagerness to learn and with a lot of energy which they will use to increase the amount of productivity within the organization. Current employees will therefore be challenged to step out of their comfort zones and work equally as hard enhancing the overall performance of the organization.

Current employees may also get the opportunity of sharpening their mentorship and coaching skills with the inclusion and diversity brought about by new employees to the organization (Talent Intelligence, 2014). This means that current employees are able to guide new employees on how to easily settle within the organization and expose them to elements of the organizational culture. This provides an opportunity for current employees to nurture their leadership skills by guiding employees on how to settle and how to go about their duties and responsibilities.

Benefits and opportunities brought about by a diverse workforce

A diverse workforce is able to bring about enhanced teamwork and synergy which leads to enhanced productivity within the environment. New employees are able to bring about new innovative ways that can be applied in achieving goals and objectives which when used well may lead to the achievement of synergy. The company is also able to benefit from an increased pool of skills, experience and talent which may be a source of competitive advantage in the industry (Baxter, 2016).

A diverse workforce also sharpens the language skills of other employees who were in the organization. This is because employees are able to learn new languages from people of various racial backgrounds reducing language barriers. This can be highly effective when the organization has a diverse consumer segment as it makes it easier for consumers and members of the organization to communicate. This also makes it easier for the organization to expand to international regions as they already have employees who are conversant with the language and way of life for people in different international communities. Having such employees can prove to attract and retain consumers who will want to be associated with an organization that is able to familiarize themselves with the people’s language, respect their values and beliefs and tailor their products to reflect such cultural factors. The organization is therefore able to benefit from increased revenue margins as well as a high market share with the ability to retain consumers.

Employees are also able to appreciate various cultural backgrounds which aids in reducing the cases of racial discrimination and gender inequality within the organization. Creating awareness about other cultures represented in the organization fosters a sense of unity where people are able to work together regardless of their ethnic backgrounds (Johnson, 2011).


With the dynamism of the business environment on a global scale, it is imperative to prepare the current employees to accept change in the form of a new and diverse workforce. The above information will aid the employees in understanding some of the challenges and benefits that come about with having a diverse workforce in the organization. These factors will make it easier for the current employees to appreciate the opening of the new office in Miami. It will also aid in making it easier for the new employees to learn the organizational culture and settle in their new job duties; while avoiding any cases of racial discrimination.


Baxter, J. (2016, March 14). 7 Tips to Manage a Diverse Workforce. Retrieved April 19, 2017, from

Goldsmith, D. (2009, May 15). A leader’s role in innovative strategy execution. Retrieved April 19, 2017, from

Johnson, R. (2011, August 12). What Are the Advantages of a Diverse Workforce? Retrieved April 19, 2017, from

Kilbourne, C. (2010, July 14). 5 Steps for Successfully Managing Diversity. Retrieved April 19, 2017, from

Silverstein, D., & Samuel, P. (n.d.). The Role of Innovation in Strategy. Retrieved April 19, 2017, from

Talent Intelligence. (2014, March 6). Connecting the Dots. Retrieved April 19, 2017, from

March 02, 2023
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Organization Diversity Change

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