Application of Theories of Communication in Social Care

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The development of care delivery is essential in promoting supportive relationships to enhance professionalism in health care.

Further, maintaining safe models of relationships in health care reflects on the level of comparison and vigilance for patient welfare in regards to wellbeing and social care practices initiated by health care institutions.

The understanding of various models and theoretical perspectives should be determined to demonstrate the efficiency of different models of communication practices.

The behavioral and psychological impacts in the social care practices are also significant aspects which provided necessary professional relationships.

The paper will highlight a case study analyzing and evaluate models of communication linking the theoretical perspectives to determine the effectiveness in wellbeing and social care of patients.

Models of Communication Approaches Used in Social Care

Communication is considered a transactional process in social and health care in the various context given the fact that it is a purposeful and instrumental process.

Various theories can be used to analyze in regards to social responsibility.

Further, the essence of these theories focuses on supporting dignity and self-awareness among the people in social and health care professionals.

The behaviorist theory of communication is one of the aspects discovered by John Watson.

The perspectives addressed here entails the human needs as the central approach of communication between the patient and professional health care.

The behaviorist theory describes the behavior of a service provider when passing the message through the surrounding environment.

The essence is to explain the association that individuals have with responses and stimuli.

Considering the patients in the community care, one of them is in the institution recovering from alcoholism.

Therefore it is vital to measure and observe the behaviors of such a patient using this theory (Valente 45).

Moreover, the correlation towards the patient’s health to recover focuses on how the individual is thinking and feeling rather than focusing on someone basing on how they learn.

The understanding of this communication theory assists to state the way in which the behavior of people can attribute to the responses received.

Further, the cycle in which the reinforcement forms are established is also critical to detecting the future changes in recovery from alcoholism.

The other communication theory which should be addressed is the cognitive approach which is considered to be scientific result oriented.

Additionally is indicates that people behave in given ways which have the basis on the way their mind processes information.

The essence of this theory is through the comparison of the human brain and computer where the information can be accessed and retrieved from their sources at any time needed (Bridges et al. 6035).

Primarily this theory also addresses the schemas as the platform of intelligent behavior which allows individuals to create the picture as well as the ideology of the surroundings.

The focus is on the reasoning of people and knowledge regarding their environment.

The perception of behaviorist is developed through the response of stimuli while the intellectual ideologies influence cognitive thinking.

The importance of the cognitive theory of communication results in an actual decision made between the response and stimuli phase.

The Application of Selected Theories of Communications

The behaviorist theory of communication is the approach which determines the association of stimuli and responses which the patients or individuals possess.

The process favors scientifically proven methods which are observable and measurable to essential behavioral perspectives.

The application of this theory is majorly on the treatment of mental problems for modifications.

The processes of learning can be wondered the change in behavior that is molded by experience and can be accomplished through either operant or classical conditioning (Caro et al. 670).

Therefore as a patient of ex-alcoholism the advancement of this theory links between the environment and the individual mind.

The operant conditioning explains the behavior modification type that can be useful or decrease or increase the likelihood to a given aspect of behavior which will occur.

The processes rely mainly on ideas that individual response to the stimuli and whether they can learn to associate these specific stimuli with a particular behavior.

There are two types of incentives that can be helpful in operant conditioning.

The reinforcement is one of the stimuli designed to encourage a person to repeat the behavior for a change.

For instance, the patient recovering from alcoholism would require a positive reinforcement to be added as an environmental reward.

The essence of this is to learn how to adapt to the decisive events of the behavior to learn how to begin repeating it in the entire process of recovery (Moser and Kalton 70).

On the other hand, the classical conditioning technique is also used for behavioral learning.

Conversely, this type of conditioning entails learning processes where something which had not to produce a given stimulus has an association with an unconditioned response.

The theory can be useful to understand scared of something which may hurt them.

The automatic reaction in either positive or negative would prove the unconditional stimuli to alarm the response for the patient.

The cognitive approach often assists in the understanding of the attention, problem-solving information processing, thought, memory and perception of an individual.

The theory shows development through several stages which build on things to be learned in every determined form.

The sensorimotor stage is one of the steps where an individual experience common perception of what they view and have the belief.

The pre-operational state is the ability to think on the broader language of the memory.

Lastly, the formal stage which is associated with the ability to recognize given objects regardless of the mold.

Cognitive approach is vital in assisting people to deal with their feelings of depression as the principles of this theory works with the way people understand their surroundings.

The understanding of schemas can be critical in providing the preconceptions which often makes information to be rapidly processed.

Besides, they are used in filling the gaps where the information is missing and through the interpretation of new experiences.

The essence of schemas in cognitive approach is to provide relief from the processing burden of treating each stimulus which requires careful and deliberate attention (Bowling 57).

Therefore, patients can be able to describe and view things in a point which can explain the abnormal behavior such as the one the patient is experiencing.

The goal is to link the pattern of response to produce positive feedback on handling the feelings and depression as the behaviors which a patient can experience.

The irrational thoughts and situational disorders determined from the patients can be predicted and encountered to assist the process of patient recovery (Prochaska 1998).

As a result, the social workers would always provide or involves patient interrupt and assist in building shifts from problematic to automatic modes of processing to be adaptive and deliberate in recognizing their conditions.

Mediation Responses in Regards to Social Care Practice Concerning Communication Approaches.

The development and ever increasing patient expectations, the frontline health care professionals challenges requires mediation responses in regards to the communication approaches.

The essence of this is because disputes and conflicts are often common since it is personalized in social care practice.

Further, the differences are invariably related to the dissatisfaction with a health care provider for a positive outcome (Rubin and Babbie 57).

Notably, there is no form of indemnity between a social worker and the recovery of a patient.

However, on the contrary, there is a special relationship between them given that there are vulnerability and trust and on the other side caring and professionality.

As a result, the correlation to communication approaches depicted in this study would be relevant to address the possibility of mediation in social care.

The focus should be an examination of the potential dispute mediation process about medical context and communication application practices.

The patient under the case is in the contemplation where there is no intention to take action in the foreseeable future.

Interestingly, it can be difficult to determine the appropriate mediation process to solve the problem given the patient was at the initial stages of acceptance to take action.

Therefore, the understanding of this communication theory would be convenient to assist in the mediation process (Mattoni and Treré 270).

For instance, the application of cognitive theory would be useful to ensure people make sense of themselves in regards to the surrounding.

The essence of this is applicable following the social psychological contributions which summarize the positive perspectives to perceive, apply information and interpretation of meaning to form interaction with the surrounding.

The mediation can apply the uses of this theory of communication through its principal benefit for social work practice.

The essence of this can be achieved through its empirical support that can be a broadly applicable framework in explaining forms of interaction that might alter social work practice within the community center.

Moreover, this also extends the ability of social theory of understanding the input from the environment which is mediated which are continuously bombarding with far more information that can handle.

On the other hand, the behaviorist theory can also be useful in deliberately explaining the role of mediation in regards to the practice of social care.

Behaviorist theory entails two subsets which illustrate further details of the approach.

The operant conditioning is one of the subsets which is a behavior modification which can decrease or increase the likelihoods of a particular aspect which occur.

Primarily this can be effective in mediation given the fact that it relies on the idea to respond to stimuli and can be taught to associate to specific stimulus with a particular behavior (Bowling 60).

The other subset in behaviorist theory is the classical conditioning that can be appropriate for mediation since it is used in learning behavior.

The essence is to learn the aspect os condition and unconditioned stimuli which produces the response.

In this regard, the mediation process can be elicited to the reaction determined by the automatic lead or provoked a response to make a rational decision.

The Process of Self Efficacy for Service Users

The primary function of social workers is to ensure the development and delivery of personalized social care and support services to the patients in a rehabilitation center.

Further, the crucial contribution of social work to personalization is often through affirmation by the need to meet the supporting independence, choice promotion, and control of issues affecting mental disabilities of individuals.

Most of the social care workers have adjusted to the development of care act 2014.

The primary measures in meeting the minimum eligibility threshold across the country to set the standardized criteria where the local authorities will be required to provide support to the people have been significantly attained.

Besides, the care workers have taken personal considerations in regards to the planning strategies to meet the patient’s needs.

The aspect is stipulated in the care act 2014 and requires the focus on preventative care instead of responding to health care crisis and emergencies within rehabilitation facilities.

The social workers have achieved the requirements to enhance self-management of working in close collaborations with the community services to improve the quality of life (Repper and Carter 400).

Therefore, the distinct contribution in the process of self-efficacy for service users is to make sure that the personalization of services in safeguarding different ambitions are maintained.

Firstly, this entails building professional relationships and also empowering individuals in the community center for quicker recovery.

Secondly, working through solving or mediation of conflicts and supporting people in managing risk and safety is imperative to be achieved.

Lastly, the application of and accessing practical support and services with the professionals to obtain the best outcomes as a result .

In regards to the process of self-efficacy, there are strategic needs which should be followed.

These entail the values and skills which social workers can bring to personalization.

The essence of this aspect originates from the understanding of values where good social practice always involves putting the person first as well as promoting independent living.

Primarily this exposes the respect for individual and self-determination to encourage self-efficacy (Tew et al. 450).

Besides the use of social work skills for better outcomes can be essential in the assessment and support planning for the review of the performance of patient recovery.

Therefore it is imperative to understand the contemporary strategies in the sector.

The significant social work in organizations would see the vital skills in supporting people with the assessment needs options, circumstances to evaluate the condition of the patients.

Similarly working with the families to improve the wellbeing and safeguarding people who can make them vulnerable to neglect.

Nevertheless, determination of early intervention to assist in solving the problems of patients is also vital in building capacity, innovative support services, and social enterprise cohesion.


The application of Communication which is considered a transactional process in social and health care in the various context is useful because it has a purposeful and instrumental process.

Various theories can be used to analyze in regards to social care since the essence of them is to focus on supporting dignity and self-awareness of the people in social and health care professionals.

These theories consist of the behaviorist theory that describes the behavior of a service provider when passing the message through the surrounding environment.

The other method is the cognitive approach often assists in understanding the attention, problem-solving information processes, thought, memory and perception of an individual.

The application behaviorist theory is majorly on the treatment of mental problems for modifications.

The process is essential in favoring scientifically proven methods which are observable and measurable to essential behavioral perspectives.on the other hand; the cognitive approach describes development that can be done through several stages which build on the possibility of learning every determined form.

The application of this theory is to deal with the feelings of depression as the principles in which it works with as well as the way understanding of the surroundings.

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October 13, 2023




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