Equal Rights to Women Essay

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The true equality of women in areas like freedom of chance and choice requires feasible and practical innovations at the national level, according to the National Organization for Women (NOW). In the long run, raising a kid would not require women to leave the community, thanks to facilities like childcare centers. They also suggest national initiatives that might be able to offer retraining to all women who decide to care for their children full-time. The group was not in support of the perception that the solution to the inequality of women to be a sole responsibility of the affected parties (Friedan). They had it in mind that the nation at large can invent new social institutions such as the ones stated above which would give women a chance of enjoying real equality of responsibility as well as an opportunity without tempering with their responsibilities we homemakers and mothers.

The nation is letting individual women down by lagging behind in critical matter such as this, and the organization believes that the woman does not have to choose between marriage and motherhood while balancing participation in the labor force (Friedan). The expectation of the society for the women to retire for more than ten years while caring for their children only to return to work as minors are discrimination to them. It deters the aspiration of women to become managers along with acceptance of professional training courses.

Qn2. What social changes permitted advancing the “unfinished revolution”?

The advancement of the unfinished revolution is boosted by the significant social changes in the society. To begin with, the life expectancy period, which is the lifespan length, has increased to almost seventy-five years. This notable social change has to be considered with the seriousness it deserves (Friedan). The long lifespan has deemed it unnecessary for women to devote the most significant part of their lives to childbearing. However, it is a disappointing fact that child-rearing has been considered as the most vital part of the women’s lives and has been unruly used to justify the level of inequality in the labor force.

The community is using the excuse of childbearing as well as rearing as an excuse to impede women from the equal opportunities towards professional together with economic participation and advancement. Secondly, the other rapid social changes are about technology. It has considerably reduced most of the productive chores, which were considered for women to perform ion the homes as well as the mass production industry, which were reliant on routine unskilled labor (Friedan). The change in the availability of women branded job has to instigate the motion of equality for them to be given a chance of participating in professional works. Furthermore, it is no longer a requirement or rather a job qualification to have muscular strength thanks to the invention of technology. Most jobs nowadays require creativity and not big muscles. The industrial revolution has given women the opportunity to have the ability to participate in old as well as new fields of the society with full equality.

Qn3. What goals did NOW seek, and what tactics did they intend to use? Whom did they consider allies and enemies? What were the significant barriers to achieving their goals?

NOW seek to ensure that the American Laws a supported by the USA constitution is applied efficiently. The organization seeks to ensure that the patterns of gender discrimination are isolated or eliminated, the equality of opportunity in both employment and education, and finally they fight to retain the equality of civil together with political rights as well as responsibilities on behave of the women and the minority in the society.

“NOW” considered the American government and the industries as allies towards achieving their goals. The government has to initiate programs, which will support the female gender in the society as a professional being while the industries were to offer professional jobs to women (Friedan). The enemies were American educators who were discriminating against the girl child education, the media that falsified the image of women and any political figure along with the parties that denies full equality between the sexes. ‘NOW’ cited the decline in the proportion of women registered ion higher and professional education institutions as evidence of the discrimination against the education of a girl child (Friedan). With the educator playing a significant role by denying them the chance of admission to college as well as professional schools. The media on the other had been responsible for the prevalent lousy imaging of women.

Qn4. How might men benefit if NOW's goals were realized?

Men will also be the beneficiaries upon the realization of the “NOW” target. This is because NOW is targeting to enhance equality and remove the full responsibility of supporting the families from men. For many years, it has been assumed that the man had to carry the full burden of helping his wife and the entire family (Friedan). However NOW rejects this perception of making the woman receive an automatic lifelong support from their husband upon marriage. By forging, an actual partnership between the married couples will lead to an equal sharing of responsibilities of the children’s, home as well as the economic burdens. Therefore, in the end, the male gender will also benefit from the objective of the organization.

Work Cited

Friedan, Betty. "Statement Of Purpose | National Organization For Women." Now.Org, 1996, https://now.org/about/history/statement-of-purpose/.

July 07, 2023


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