German Resistance

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The Rise of the Nazi Party

The Nazi party was a massive association led by Adolf Hitler in Germany which endorsed German pride and anti-Semitism. Hitler became a dictatorial leader because of the frustration of losing in the world war one. Germany democracy was terminated due to the abolishment of fundamental freedoms thus violating their rights. During the reign of Hitler, an intensive policy was established to ensure that each political groups and state government were in line with Nazi agenda. Nazi-controlled all the sectors in Germany such as education, culture, constitution, and culture. Trade associations were put to an end forcing the workers to join the organization. Any rule proposed by the superior leaders were supposed to be employed regardless of the consequences thus Hitler would ensure that laws would make him more powerful were established.

Hitler’s Rise to Power

Hitler’s motive can be seen in 1933 when he presented a bill that would give his government the influence to order laws without succumbing them to a vote in the German parliament which failed. After the loss of the party, Adolf proposed a bill that would grant his government legislative power. The key opponents were arrested to pave the way for the passing of the bill. The bill passed giving Hitler four years to amend laws without any public consultation resulting in the supremacy of the Nazi party. In 1934, the Germany president Hindenburg died creating a way for Hitler to take the presidential position. The motives of Hitler had always been to deprive the citizens’ fundamental rights to promote his dictatorship agendas. The German resistance later began aiming to outdo Adolf from authority and overthrow the Nazi party leaders. The group comprised of citizens and other political leaders who were willing to risk their lives for the sake of the state’s freedom. The resistance arose due to increased maltreatment of Jews, homosexuals, communalists, collectivists and violent foreign policies.

Resistance Efforts and Consequences

Later, the groups came to acknowledge that a government dominated by one man can be only taken down by the eradicating of that man either by assassination or staging a coup of the army against him. The idea was disapproved by several people who believed that Hitler could amend his leadership style. The lack of agreement in their goals would delay them from making any significant progress. Hitler openly displayed his plans to attack other cities hence creating more enemies to himself. An attempt to assassinate him by a carpenter failed which made Hitler suspect the resistance groups thus putting their plans at danger. Open protests were carried forth to ensure that everyone had an opportunity to voice their complaints of Hitler maltreatment to the public. It was reported that Hitler and his one day wife committed suicide in 1945 placing the Nazi leadership at risk. The German resistance against the Nazi party resulted in a couple of consequences in the country, for example, the fall of the Nazi party was initiated by the opposition which resulted in the death of Hitler. German resistance was provoked by various inhumane acts of the Nazi leaders like the mistreatment of the Jews, deprivation of human rights and dictatorship ( Editors 2018).

Causes of German Resistance

Mistreatment of German Jews

German Jews were wholly excluded from society due to racial diversity hence Hitler aimed to destroy them through torture, bully and finally killing them. Terror campaigns were conducted after the seizure of Nazi intending to attack the Jew population. The first set of Jews was ferried to the concentration camps where they were treated inhumanely. Several laws were made which limited them from pursuing any profession and entering public buildings. The main aim of the anti-semitic activities was to eliminate the Jews out of the economy. In 1933, the Nazi government initiated a boycott of Jewish professionals denying them from participating in any income generating activities. Jews who joined in prestigious positions such as art, science, medicine, and law were removed from the civil service. The defeat of Germany in the First World War and the consequences were pinned on the world Jewry thus convincing people that doing away with Jews was the only option to enable the German thrive again. Various books were published destroying the public image of Jews to children and adults. The surviving Jews were left homeless making the refugee the only option because Nazis had already tainted their image to other nations. The Jews rights were violated like their freedom of association, movement, and worship. Denying them access to various profession subjected them to poor living conditions and standards by making it hard for them to attain basic needs. The Germans were not happy with the persecution of their fellow folks hence decided to form strong resistance groups to fight the Nazi government (Terezin studies 2016).

Massive Killings

The Nazis plan to destroy the Polish state was initiated through the strategy of plunder and manipulation to impose a material loss on them. The industrial, Agricultural, infrastructural and cultural sectors were significantly destroyed leaving the country powerlessly. The war caused the loss of lives which affected the economic status of Poland. Also, the borders were moved, and Polish children were kidnapped while professional folks were forced to work for the Nazis and others were killed. The State’s skilled personnel were reduced resulting in poor productivity and low gross domestic product. Low gross domestic product resulted in poor economic development thus difficult to restore the state after the war. Trade between Poland and other nations was affected because of the war. The German resistance groups chipped in to stop the Nazis from creating unnecessary enmity because it would trigger other countries to fight back thus affecting the economy of German. Germany had recently withdrawn from the world war one thus exposing it to more enemies would delay its healing process (Holocaust 2017).

Infringement Of Human Rights

The third Reich encouraged torture, starvation, and killings of innocent civilians which is a crime against humanity. Jews were quickly killed by the Nazis and deprived of various freedoms such as association, life, education, and movement. The passing of the bill gave Nazis the supremacy to amend and make laws without consulting the public infringed people the right of expression. Killing communists and socialists is one of the destructive actions of the Nazis which were done to eliminate any persons against Nazis. Mass killings were witnessed during the reign of Hitler. Any idea that would not coincide with Nazis manifesto would be eliminated, and the people involved killed. The Jews were mistreated in the camps to the extent of being killed while the survivors were left homeless without a family and any personal belonging.

The use of violence to control people denied people the freedom of speech to express their desires. Banning trade unions created an open way to misuse the professionals and other people. Preventing the Jews from partaking any profession or income generating activities denied them the freedom of owning property. Employing spies to investigate civilians’ ideas and eliminate those against the Nazis was a significant threat to the privacy of people. Forcing people to worship a leader because of some supernatural allegations violated the right of worship choice. The German people were believed to have been birthed to be servants of the government. The Nazis people thought that they were more superior to any other group which gave them the power to exploit other citizens. People were treated as slaves in their own country which is a significant threat to human rights. German resistance groups expanded due to these violations aiming to put an end to any form of human suffering (Paul 2015).


Appointing Hitler who was known to be a great racist was the greatest mistake the Nazis group ever made. Nazis would have functioned better if the bill to give Hitler the legislative power was not voted. Most of these reasons for the German resistance are as a result of power abuse thus States should learn from Hitler that delegating authority to incompetent leaders is a threat to human life. The leading causes of German resistance are an abuse of the Jews, infringing of human rights and massive killings. Human rights should be protected to avoid unnecessary fights and ensure that citizens are well in all aspects. All states should stop any leader who is involved in terror activities and punish those who misuse their power.

Bibliography Editors. “Nazi party.” history. september 14, 2018. (accessed December 13, 2018).

Holocaust. ”Polish Victim.” encyclopedia.

July 7, 2017. (accessed December 13, 2018).

Paul, Ronald. ”Human Rights Abuse By The Third Reich.” jhu. June 4, 2015. (accessed December 13, 2018).

Terezin studies. ”The Persecution Of German Jews After The Nazi Seizure Of Power.” holocaust. jan 3, 2016. (accessed December 13, 2018).

November 13, 2023



Nazi Germany

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