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The business is a component of a larger system

The business is a component of a larger system, and as such, it has a duty to make sure that it supports local initiatives for infrastructure development, environmental preservation, and support programs.

Upholding values of social justice

By upholding the values of social justice, freedom of expression, and respect in all of its activities, TechFite is dedicated to ensuring that there are equal opportunities for all of its workers, subcontractors, and visitors.

Establishing full-time employment arrangements

By modifying the work agreement to take into account daily work schedules and the perks that come with being a full-time employee, the company hopes to establish full-time employment arrangements for all of its employees. There is a need for the company to develop a work program that will enable it to uphold the promises it made to the employees of Dellberg. The policy on working hours and benefits will ensure that the 40-hour working schedule is implemented in the system. Since the company wishes to give bonuses based on hard work and performance, all full-time employees shall be liable to benefits. TechFite’s culture on employee remuneration will be upheld through the policies which will ensure that the lives of the residents who work in the company change positively.

Acknowledging the impact on the environment and community

TechFite acknowledges the fact that its operations affect the surrounding environment and the community around it. The policy will see to it that all the promises that were made regarding the development of infrastructure, sponsoring community events and supporting leadership programs are upheld. The organization operates in such a way that it brings a positive change to the surrounding people and the environment by developing strategies for implementing participation programs. In TechFite, our word is our promise, and as such, the company intends to fulfill all the promises it made in terms of giving back to the society.

Culture of equal treatment for all employees

The company has grown through a culture of equal treatment for all its employees. The policy will, therefore, ensure that remunerations are given based on performance. A review of the budget will ensure that excessive bonuses are not paid out to top executives even though they do not deserve the payments. TechFite also advocates for a system of equality without any form of favor in its operations. All stakeholders will be given equal consideration depending on the value they add to the company. The policy will be aligned with a culture that embraces freedom of expression and justice for all.

Ethical Issues

A2. Ethical Issues

The main difference between ethical issues and legal issues lies in the fact that the latter is based on the law whereas the former lies in the field of moral principles (Ahner, 2007). Laws control what people can or cannot do whereas ethics refers to the moral values that govern what people should and should not do (Icheku, 2011).

Whistle Blowing

Whistle Blowing. In the scenario, the residents of Dellberg have raised concern over foul play in the company’s operations. The issue mainly lies in the fact that TechFite was not able to meet its promises on wages, benefits and weekly hours and as such, employees work below the 40-hour requirement.

Conflict of Interest

Conflict of Interest. There exists incompatibility in the interests of the organization and the interests of the community and its residents. Due to limited access to funds, the company has opted to cut down on the number of working hours for all employees so that it can minimize its labor costs. The initial agreement was, however, aimed at improving the lives of the community members through better salaries and benefits, which have not been provided so far.

Role of Ethics Officer

A3. Role of Ethics Officer

The role of an ethics officer is to develop and supervise the ethics of an organization (Shaw, 2008). They provide leadership services when it comes to the process of adopting and implementing business ethics procedures within a company. They also ensure that an organization complies with set policies and make adjustments whenever accusations or objections are made. An ethics officer at TechFite is tasked with the responsibility of performing an internal review of the corporate policies so that he/she ensures there is integration, consistency, and conformity with the company’s ethical philosophies. The officer will oversee the development and implementation of the policies to ensure that the interests of both parties are met.

Corporate Social Responsibility

Corporate Social Responsibility

Corporate social responsibility refers to an ethical framework which stipulates that an organization has an obligation to ensure that its operations and practices benefit the society (Ahner, 2007). It can be termed as a moral duty that must be performed to maintain a balance between the economies and ecosystems. CSR is important because it creates a positive impact on the social community and allows a company to go beyond their responsibility to the community and environment. There are some initiatives that can benefit the society. CSR contributes to sustainable development and gives TechFite an opportunity to contribute towards the environment and the community. It ensures growth and long-term success for the company. Dellberg will benefit through the development of new infrastructure, initiation of leadership programs and conservation of the environment. The living standards of the employees at TechFite will go up through CSR.

Ethical Perspective

B1. Ethical Perspective

It is very important for a company to be viewed as socially responsible because its success in the market is not only measured by productivity and profitability but also its impact on the community. It is very important for TechFite’s employees to view it as a socially responsible company because it will alleviate their motivation to work and improve performance. If they see that the company adds value to the society, they will be inspired to ensure that its success lies in their personal interests. One of the ways TechFite can reduce its environmental impact is through the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. It can also ensure that it manufactures energy efficient products as a means of conserving environmental resources.

Ethical and Socially Responsible Course of Action

B2. Ethical and Socially Responsible Course of Action

TechFite is governed by values of integrity, accountability, excellence and diligence. The company fosters a culture which is focused on fairness at the workplace. It is focused on ensuring that it meets its obligations to its employees and the community even though it has not been able to achieve that so far. Its biggest challenge lies in the issue of accountability and integrity. Large bonuses are paid to top officials even though they are not necessary. This has limited the amount of funds that can be allocated towards employee remuneration towards bonuses and benefits. In addition to this, the company has also not been able to meet its obligations to the community. TechFite should conduct a review of its practices and develop a strategy that will ensure it meets the CSR. Moreover, a revision of the budget and work schedules should be done so that benefits are awarded to the employees who work full time.

Ethical, Social and Environmental Responsibility

B3: Ethical, Social and Environmental Responsibility

The procedures that are aimed at reducing the emission of Greenhouse Gases and are a good example of the environmental responsibility of the company. The use of efficient energy sources also falls under CRS. Participation in community activities and support of programs presents social responsibility. This involves all the activities that will benefit the community. A review of the practices to reform the working hours and benefit schemes presents the company’s ethical responsibility to its employees.

Rights and Responsibilities

Task Two

Rights and Responsibilities in the Workplace

A1: Rights and Responsibilities

Compliance with the company’s ethical standards, rules, and regulations of operation. This is important because it enables employees to be fully aware of what is required of them when they work. They are therefore less likely to go against the organization’s principles and values.

Honesty and Truthful Information

Employees have an obligation, to be honest and consistent in providing truthful information to employers so that the latter can make informed decisions. They should be able to understand that honesty is a morally acceptable path for the company and it should be practiced by all employees.

Fair Treatment

They have a right to receive fair treatment at the workplace that is free from discrimination based on gender, age, ethnicity, nationality or religion. This is important because it ensures equality at the workplace and creates an ethical business environment for all employees.

Ethical Responsibilities for Employers

A2: Ethical Responsibilities for Employers

Employers have a moral duty of ensuring that they look out for the welfare of their employees. This is not limited to good working conditions and fair pay but rather a genuine concern for the well-being of workers. Decisions and policies should be geared towards ensuring that the employee welfare is considered (Fredrick, 2007). In addition to this, employers also have a responsibility of ensuring that they maintain openness with their employees regarding the disclosure of information that pertains to their work. By doing this, employees are more bound to report problems and issues as they arise. It provides an ethical environment and makes employees feel as if they are an important part of the organization.

Ethical Dilemma

A3: Ethical Dilemma

The ethical dilemma presented in this scenario is about an employee who conducted personal business on company time. Now, this employee also happened to be a close friend and a member of my team. His excuse was that he spent most hours of the weekday at work and as such, he did not have enough time to do his work at home. He made frequent calls to his side businesses to confirm how they performed. At the end of the day, we could not meet the targets that had been allocated for our unit. I often ended up doing most of his work, and this became a serious issue. If I told the boss, I would ruin my friendship with him, but if I remained quiet, then I might also have ruined my reputation at the workplace as a hardworking person. I could have made the decision to talk to my friend and tell him what he was doing was not right, but I was not sure how he would react. After weighing my options, I came up with an ethical decision, to inform the boss of the situation and advise an approach that may be used. It turns out that I ended up saving our careers because we had been monitored for the past two months due to low productivity.

Evaluation of Dilemma

A4: Evaluation of Dilemma from Utilitarian and Relativistic Perspectives

The ethical theory of Utilitarianism places the position of right and wrong on the consequences/outcomes of choosing a particular course of action over the other (De, 2011). The morality of a decision is therefore determined by whether it yields the desired results. A utilitarian point of view requires an analysis of the decisions that should be made. The possible outcome should favor all the parties of the dilemma and as such, considerations need to be made so that the choice minimizes any bad possibilities. In this case, informing the boss would have been the best decision because it yields the best outcome. Ignoring the issue or confronting the work colleague would have had dire consequences on the working relationship and career paths.

The relativistic perspective is based on the belief that nothing is right or wrong and as such, the definition of a justifiable action depends on an individual’s view or cultural influence (Shaw, 2008). This perspective holds that the moral norms of a society determine the actions that are deemed right and wrong. It states that an action can be morally right in a particular society and morally wrong in another. Since this theory advocates for no particular course of action, any choice would have been appropriate depending on the moral norms. Consequences are not considered in this perspective, only what individuals feel is right. As a relativist, I would have probably confronted my colleague about the issue so that he can change his behavior at the work place. Since my career was also on the line, I believe the best choice would alternate between telling my superior and confronting him, but I would have opted for the second choice.

Testing Employee Understanding


In this case, it would be prudent to develop a scenario where employee theft presents the ethical dilemma. If the person stealing or committing fraud is a close friend, what would be the best course of action? In this scenario, it would be very important to consider the decision because it may lead to the loss of a job. In the case, it would be advisable to confront the employee and advise them accordingly by explaining to them the risks that are associated with their actions.

The other course of action involves seeking advice from a colleague so that together you can find a possible solution. Since informing superiors would pose a serious threat to the employee, it would be imperative for an individual to discuss with a trustworthy workmate on the best approach to take. A suitable methodology may be developed regarding the issue, and this may be used to deal with the situation at hand.

Justification of Unethical Behavior

A6: Justification of Unethical Behavior

Each decision in the above scenario involves the process of making a moral judgment between two possible choices that are in conflict. None of the decisions seem to resolve the situation from an ethical point of view. The best choice, therefore, involves weighing the course of action which may have the best outcome or least consequences. In the first choice, individuals may justify unethical behaviors using common excuses. For instance, they may blame the behavior on the organization for poor wages and low benefit schemes.

On the other hand, they may defend a particular action by implying that it is a basic part of human nature. In this scenario, they may ignore the behavior because they believe such actions are normal in every institution. They believe that some things cannot be controlled by ethics and as such, individuals cannot decide what is right or wrong based on an event where they have little or no control.

Personal Values and Goals

A7: Values and Goals

Personal Values:

Commitment, Loyalty, honesty, accountability and integrity.

Personal Goals:

Increase professional knowledge and training by attending workshops and seminars

Develop conflict management skills and improve communication effectiveness

Professional Goals:

To earn an executive position by advancing in management levels and taking on more responsibilities.

To increase my performance metrics.

To attain higher education levels by pursuing certificates, accreditations or other credentials.

My goals at home and work are all geared towards improving my skills and knowledge when it comes to management of core issues. I believe that my personal goals play a very important role in improving my performance at work. They ensure that I stay focused in both spheres and keep me motivated to challenge myself and achieve greater heights. In addition to this, they provide a personal measure of my accomplishments and failures, an aspect that enables me to device effective strategies for improvement.


Ahner, E. C. (2007). Business ethics. New York: Orbis.

De, G. R. T. (2011). Business ethics. New Delhi: Dorling Kindersley, licensees of Pearson Education in South Asia.

Icheku, V. (2011). Understanding ethics and ethical decision-making: Case studies and discussions. Xlibris.

Fredrick, R. (2007). A Companion to Business Ethics. Chichester: John Wiley & Sons.

Shaw, W. H. (2008). Business ethics. Belmont, Calif: Thomson Wadsworth.

February 22, 2023

Business Life Law



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