The Era Of Good Feelings

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The Era of Good Feelings

The Era of Good Feelings was a period in the United States’ political history that reflected the American people’s desire for unity and a sense of national purpose after the end of the War of 1812 (Woodburn 285). The Era of Good Feelings saw the end of the rivalry or bitter misunderstandings between the dominant Democratic-Republican Party and the Federalist Party during the First Party system. The era also saw or led to the collapse of the Federalist Party, a situation which reduced political competition and encouraged unity (Woodburn 286). James Monroe, the then U.S. President, made an effort to downplay biased or partisan affiliation during nominations, with the aim of fostering national unity and disregarding the influence of parties in national politics. The Era of Good Feelings, therefore, is closely linked to James Monroe’s presidency, which occurred between 1817 and 1825, and the era is often synonymous to Monroe’s administrative goals (Woodburn 286).

Marbury vs. Madison

Marbury vs. Madison was an 1803 U.S. Supreme Court case that led to the establishment of the judicial review principle in the United States. The ruling on the case gave the American courts the power or authority to strike down statutes, laws, and various government actions that undermine the U.S. Constitution (Woodburn 291). The Court made a unanimous decision requiring Madison not to deliver or provide the commission to Marbury. The Court, through Chief Justice Marshall, understood the threat posed by the case to the Supreme Court’s authority. Chief Justice Marshall, therefore, ruled that the judicial arm of the government is an equal partner to the Legislative and executive branches of the government (Woodburn 291). Besides, the Court’s decision established that the United States’ Constitution is not a mere statement of political ideals and principles, but an actual law. The Court’s decision, therefore, defined the boundary between the constitutionally separate judicial and executive arms of the American government (Woodburn 292).

The Panic of 1819

The Panic of 1819 relates to the first ever primary peacetime financial crisis in the history of the United States. The Panic got characterized by a general downfall of the U.S. economy, which continued until 1821 (Woodburn 309). Besides, the Panic marked the transition of the United States from its initial commercial engagement with Europe to an independent economy. The United States’ economic transition got influenced by the central bank monetary policy’s industrial and financial requirements, which increased the country’s susceptibility to boom and bust cycles (Woodburn 310). Although the country’s recession got driven by adjustments in the global market after the end of the Napoleonic Wars, the severity of the downturn got compounded by too much public land speculations, facilitated by the uncontrolled paper money issue from business and bank concerns. The resulting financial panic, coupled with the 1917’s sharp recovery of the European agricultural sector, led to significant unemployment and extensive bankruptcies in the U.S. (Woodburn 310).

Works Cited

Woodburn, James Albert. Introduction to American History. The classics Us, 2013, pp. 285-310.

November 24, 2023


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