The Pathophysiology of Lung Cancer

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Lung Cancer is the primary source of death in men and ladies on the planet. The known cause of lung cancer is Cigarette Smoking. Other causes include second-hand smoking, radon gas, air contamination, and hereditary causes. Lungs are the crucial factor to living, and if disturbed, it can’t work legitimately. The death rate for lung cancer is high as the stages go higher in number. Diverse sort of preventions and treatments are the ideal approach used in controlling the disease (Watt 2017 p723). Lung cancer is an incredibly complex disease and is still needing further research. Further research on how to treat the disease keeping in mind the end goal to save a large number of lives is as of now still in process. Lung Cancer isn’t about the general population smoking however it’s about what the public population smoke.


    Lung Cancer is the leading cause of death in the United States of America. In this research paper, we will evaluate, analyze, and, discuss the pathophysiology of lung cancer, its history, medical management and clinical manifestation.


According to previous research, the leading cause of death in the U.S.A. as well in the world is Lung Cancer. The mortality rate of cancer-related deaths is very high. Majority of patients diagnosed with lung cancer die within a short time frame. Men have a higher risk of dying of lung cancer than women.

Definition of lung cancer

The uncontrollable abnormal growth of cells in both or either of the lungs is what is referred to as lung cancer. The cells undergoing abnormal cell division do not function normally. They rarely develop into body tissues, and if they do so, the tissues do not function normally. Prolonged abnormal cell division leads to tumor development which alters the normal functioning of the cell.

There are two types of Lung Cancer. That is small cell lung carcinoma and non-cell small lung carcinoma. The mortality rate for both types is very high. They do not have a known cure. Physicians use several ways in lowering the death rate as well as slowing down the spread the disease in the body.

Lung cells are killed by the build-up of abnormal cells. The destruction of the lung cells alters its function either partially or completely depending on the magnitude of the disease. There is a low chance of living for patients diagnosed with cancer. However, their chances of living can be increased through treatments such as radiation therapy, chemotherapy and a combination of surgery.


Lung Cancer’s Pathophysiology

    Direct or indirect exposure to carcinogens causes Lung cancer. Establishment of its diagnosis is done by biopsy of tumors commonly found on chest X-ray or CT scan (Sholl, Lynette 2017, p567) As discussed earlier, Lung Cancer is divided into Non-Small Cell Lung Carcinoma (NSCLC) and Small Cell Lung Carcinoma (SCLC). NSCLC has three categories. They include large-cell carcinoma, adenocarcinoma, and squamous-cell carcinoma. According to previous research, “the leading cause of lung cancer is Cigarette smoking (American Cancer Society)”. It accounts for 85% of all lung cancers. The duration, depth, and intensity of smoking determine the risk of lung cancer. Tar and nicotine found in cigarettes are main contributors of carcinogen. Cigarette Smoking also causes Larynx cancer, nose cancer, stomach cancer, Oral Cavity cancers, throat cancer, Pancreas cancer, ovary cancer, Cervix cancer, Acute myeloid leukemia among others.

    Even if the leading cause of cancer is cigarette smoking, nonsmokers are also susceptible to lung cancer. According to previous research by Stacy Simon, it was approximated that about 16,000 to 24,000 non-smokers die of lung cancer in the USA.

Clinical Manifestation of Lung Cancer

    Lung Cancer has several stages. These stages often get worse when they are not detected (Ward, William H., et al, p80). Diagnosis of patients with SCLC is made either in the extensive or limited stage. There are four sages in the Non-Small Cell Lung Carcinoma.

    As noted from previous research, 10% of patients diagnosed with lung cancer lack the symptoms of the disease. The lung cancer symptoms include fatigue, continually coughing, unexplained weight loss coughing of blood, recurrent respiratory infections, dyspnea, new wheezing, hoarseness, and shortness of breath (”Idle, Prof. Jeffrey Robert, Scientific Contractor and Consultant, Laboratory of Metabolism, Center for Cancer Research, National Cancer Institute, National Institutes of Health, USA, since 2002). These symptoms are common to all cancer patients.

Lung Cancer Related Death Rates

In 1987, it outperformed breast cancer as the main source of cancer deaths in women. About 158,080 Americans died from lung cancer in 2016, representing roughly 27 percent of all cancer deaths. The number lung cancer deaths crested at 159,292 in 2005 and had since declined by 2.3 percent to 155,610 by 2014. The age-related death rate for lung cancer is higher for men (51.7 for every 100,000 people) than for ladies (34.7 for every 100,000 people). It is comparatively higher for blacks (45.7 for every 100,000 people) and whites (45.4 for every 100,000 people) by and large. Be that as it may, dark men have a far higher age-related lung cancer death rate than white men, while highly contrasting ladies have comparable rates.

Lung Cancer Prevalence and Incidence

Around 415,000 Americans living today have been diagnosed with lung cancer sooner or later in their lives. Amid 2016, about 224,390 new instances of lung cancer were diagnosed, which is around 13 percent of all cancer diagnoses (Yu, Binbing, p3920). The greater part of living lung cancer patients has been diagnosed within the most recent five years. Lung cancer is said to be a disease of the elderly. In 2013, 83 percent of those living with lung cancer was 60 years old or older.  In 2013, Kentucky had the most elevated age-related lung cancer death rates in both men (113.2 for every 100,000) and ladies (78.3 for every 100,000). Utah had the most reduced age-related cancer occurrence rates in both men and ladies (30.0 for each 100,000 and 22.9 for every 100,000, individually). These state-particular rates were parallel to smoking commonness rates.

Lung cancer is the most well-known cancer around the world, representing 1.8 million new cases and 1.6 million deaths in 2012.  The National Institutes of Health assess that cancer mind cost the U.S. general $147.5 billion out of 2015, $13.4 billion of which is because of lung cancer. Lost efficiency because of early death from cancer prompt an extra $134.8 billion of every 2005, $36.1 lung cancer-related deaths

Smoking-Attributable Lung Cancer in the USA

Smoking, a fundamental driver of the small cell and non-small cell lung cancer, adds to 90 percent and 80 percent of lung cancer deaths in ladies and men, separately. Men smoke’s identity is 23 times more prone to create lung cancer. Ladies are 13 times more probable, contrasted with never smokers.

In the vicinity of 2005 and 2010, a normal of 130,659 Americans (74,300 men and 56,359 ladies) passed on to smoking-inferable lung cancer every year. Presentation of used smoke causes roughly 7,330 lung cancer deaths among nonsmokers each year (Ward, William H., et al, p81). Nonsmokers have a 20 to 30 percent more noteworthy possibility of creating lung cancer on the off chance that they are presented to used smoke at home or work.

Survival Rates for cancer patients in the USA

The survival rate of lung cancer patients (17.7 percent) is lower than numerous other driving cancer causes, for example, the colon (64.4 percent), breast (89.7 percent) and prostate (98.9 percent). The greater part of individuals with lung cancer dies within one year of being diagnosed.

Health Management of Lung Cancer

Lung Cancer is a severe disease. Discovering the cure for the disease is tough. One may be unable to determine the cure, but rather one can treat the disease. There are a few approaches to of treating lung cancer. These courses are to experience: dialyses, chemotherapy, radiation treatment, surgically evacuate a tumor and experience a substantial eating regimen. In spite of the fact that it is still in certainty a low shot of survival even in the wake of experiencing these method relying upon the phase of cancer. Medicinal Oncologists are doctors who spent significant time in treating cancer (Kennedy, p552). The radiation oncologist, oncology medical caretakers, and thoracic oncologist likewise had practical experience in helping the patient treat the disease.

Chemotherapy is genuinely referred to use as a treatment. It is exceptionally suggested because it kills the cancerous cells. Oncology medical caretakers are particularly prepared to regulate the patients to experience chemotherapy (Research, National Cancer Institute, National Institutes of Health, USA, since 2002). They additionally screen the reactions and instruct families about the disease. At that point come the Oncology social specialists, the ones that are prepared to give guiding and generous help to cancer patients.

Radiation treatment utilizes high-vitality particles or waves to pulverize cancerous cells. Much the same as chemotherapy, it is a standout amongst the most widely recognized medicines for lung cancer. It is additionally like chemotherapy it might be said of killing cancerous cells. The system of getting radiation treatment is only the same as going for an x-ray. This is a similar kind of radiation yet a higher measurement to explicitly execute and treat cancer.

A healthy eating routine is incredible on avoiding a few cancers and is vital as a feature of the treatment. There are a few leafy foods that are rich in vitamins, and proteins that can keep the body healthy. Lung Cancer Preventions are not viable. There are as yet a few approaches to either treat the disease or counteract it (Kennedy and Callister). Numerous researchers and specialists are still in research for a cure with no symptoms and approaches to treating it. Researchers are taking a gander at particular highlights of lung tumors that can foresee whether particular chemotherapy or focused on treatment might be sufficient. Also, a standout amongst another approach to prevent lung cancer is to stop smoking.


Cigarette smoking is the primary cause of cancer. It accounts for 85% of all lung cancers in the U.S.A. The duration, depth, and magnitude of tobacco determine the risk of lung cancer. Tar and nicotine found in cigarettes are leading contributors to the carcinogen (”Mesothelioma and Lung Cancer”). The lung cancer symptoms include fatigue, continually coughing, unexplained weight loss coughing of blood, recurrent respiratory infections, dyspnea, new wheezing, hoarseness, and shortness of breath. These symptoms are common to all cancer patients. Lung cells are killed by the build-up of abnormal cells. The destruction of the lung cells alters its function either partially or completely depending on the magnitude of the disease. There is a low chance of living for patients diagnosed with cancer. However, their chances of living can be increased through treatments such as radiation therapy, chemotherapy and a combination of surgery.


In conclusion, it is evident that the leading cause of death in the U.S.A. as well in the world is Lung Cancer. The mortality rate of cancer-related deaths is very high. Majority of patients diagnosed with lung cancer die within a very short time. Men have a higher risk of dying of lung cancer than women. The uncontrollable abnormal growth of cells in both or either of the lungs is what is referred to as lung cancer. The cells undergoing abnormal cell division do not function normally. They rarely develop into body tissues, and if they do so, the tissues do not function normally. Prolonged abnormal cell division leads to tumor development which alters the normal functioning of the cell.

There are two types of Lung Cancer. That is small cell lung carcinoma and non-cell small lung carcinoma. The mortality rate for both types is very high. They do not have a known cure. Physicians use several ways in lowering the death rate as well as slowing down the spread of the disease in the body.

Works Cited

American Cancer Society. ”Mesothelioma and Lung Cancer.”,

”Idle, Prof. Jeffrey Robert, Scientific Contractor and Consultant, Laboratory of Metabolism, Center for Cancer Research, National Cancer Institute, National Institutes of Health, USA, since 2002.” Who’s Who, 2007.

Kennedy, M.P.T., and M.E.J. Callister. ”115: The effect of EGFR sensitizing mutation on survival in advanced lung cancer – a ‘real-world’ analysis.” Lung Cancer, vol. 103, 2017, p. 552.

”Mesothelioma and Lung Cancer.”,

Sholl, Lynette. ”Molecular diagnostics of lung cancer in the clinic.” Translational Lung Cancer Research, vol. 6, no. 5, 2017, pp. 560-569.

Ward, William H., et al. ”Clinical Presentation and Staging of Melanoma.” Cutaneous Melanoma: Etiology and Therapy, 2017, pp. 79-89.

Watt, J. “International Association for the Study of Lung Cancer (IASLC) - 18th World Conference on Lung Cancer (WCLC 2017). Yokohama, Japan - October 15-18, 2017.” Drugs of the Future, vol. 42, no. 11, 2017, p. 723.

Yu, Binbing. ”Predicting county-level cancer incidence rates and counts in the USA.” Statistics in Medicine, vol. 32, no. 22, 2013, pp. 3911-3925.

August 09, 2023




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