The Role of GPS in Aviation

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Rail Transport in the United States

Railway transport became popular during the time of industrialization in the United States of America due to the need to transport large amounts of goods from their points of production to other places for marketing and other purposes. However, the development of the motor vehicle industry and the increases in the speed and sophistication of tracks on roads almost rendered rail transport impractical in the movement of goods (Coyle, Novack, Gibson & Bardi, 2015). Nevertheless, current trends show that the ever-increasing sophistication in the intermodal systems of transportation will keep trains relevant in the future of intermodal transportation.

Role of Rail Transport in the Intermodal Freight System

Railroad transport is an important aspect of the modern intermodal transport. Rail is an important part of the intermodal freight system that commonly involves air, roads, and rail. According to Coyle, Novack, Gibson, and Bardi (2015) rail transport are slower as compared to the other two forms of transport. However, it moves large amounts of intermodal containers at the same time. Therefore, in the modern times, people are more likely to trade the efficiency of the rail transport for the speed. Also, rail transport is less costly because of the ability to move many containers at the same time. Unlike air and road transport, rail transport transports a lot of goods across the vast and diverse American terrain.

Relevance of Rail Transport in the Future

In conclusion, rail transport will remain relevant in the foreseeable future because of the ability to move large amounts of goods at low costs. Even though the speed in which goods take in the supply chain matter, the cost and efficiency of the modes of transport is also important. Therefore, regardless of the fact that railroads are slower as compared to either roads and air, they are there to stay.

Global Positioning System (GPS)

Global Positioning System (GPS) is used by pilots and other aviators in the world to make flights more efficient and safe. The continuous, accurate and world-wide capacities of Global Positioning System allow pilots to access satellite navigation services that allow them to meet many of the requirements of the navigation industry. The GPS system allows for the space-based position of the crafts and navigation and hence three-dimensional calculation of the position of crafts at all points of their flights. Therefore, GPS allows the aviation industry to handle more crafts than it was before the invention and implementation of the GPS system.

Enhancing Airspace Efficiency with GPS

First, the three-dimension positioning of the airplanes by place satellites will enable the space to accommodate more planes at the same time. The accurate calculation of the positions of the planes will allow more pilots to fly at the same time within the available airspace. More planes in the air, in turn, will allow for the transportation of many goods at the same time. This will, therefore, reduce the amount of inventory (Coyle, Novack, Gibson & Bardi, 2015). The planes that are currently able to fly in the airspace now are not adequate to move all the goods on time and reduce the congestion. However, in the future, the ever-expanding capacities of the GPS will allow the sector to me not only faster but also safer to allow quicker transport.

Impact of GPS on Air Transport

In conclusion, GPS will enable the aircraft to reduce the inventory because of quicker transportation that will enable goods to move based on their demand. The reduction of congestion will be due to the increased safety, speed, and accuracy of the Global Positioning System. Such accuracy is important and will become very important in the future as the number of aircraft is expected to increase.


Coyle, J. J., Novack, R. A., Gibson, B., & Bardi, E. J. (2015). Transportation: A Global Supply Chain Perspective. Cengage Learning.

October 30, 2023


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