Cultural Differences and Human Rights in Kenya

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1) Write a summary of the two cultures within one country.

The two communities are kikuyu and Luo communities in Kenya.

Kikuyu- This I the largest community in Kenya. Kikuyu believes they originated from Gikuyu and Mumbi. Gikuyu raised his face towards the Kirinyaga Mountain where their creator (Ngai) lived and asked Him to bless his daughters with husbands. Ngai commanded for a sacrifice. Gikuyu went ahead and sacrificed a lamb and a kid and burnt them with nine sticks. They then requested for rain to sustain their children. Out of the fire nine men came out whose backs were firm and strong like the stem of mugumo tree. Gikuyu thanked Ngai and welcomed the men home ( Droz, 2017).

Luo-amongst the largest communities in Kenya, some of their cultural beliefs include, sleeping with the dead, not marrying before your elder siblings, whipping suicide victims even if they are dead, wife inheritance, female genital mutilation is mandatory and harsh repercussions in case of overlooking traditions (Cohen, 1968).

2) Write an explanation of how the cultural differences in the ethical norms and codes of conduct in your chosen communities might affect a public administrator’s perception of human rights within that country.

            The FGM practice by the Luo community violates human rights of freewill as many girls are forced to exercise the right. The public administrators perception of human rights is affected in that they always find themselves in a dilemma where by campaigning against it they will be violating someone belief which is not still acceptable .

3)   Explain how global governance structures might address these differences in ethical norms and values in order to improve human rights in that country

By educating the various communities affected on the negative impacts of exercising the outdated and risky cultural beliefs i.e. effects of practising FGM to human beings.

4)  Explain how nongovernmental organizations might address these differences in ethical norms and values in order to improve human rights in that country.

Forming anti-FGM organizations to campaign against the practice (Leye, 2001). They also give support and counselling for FGM sufferers and offer expert advice on issues affecting FGM victims such as child birth, reversal procedures and reproductive health.



Cohen, D. W. (1968). Luo History without Court Chronicles History of the Southern Luo. Volume 1. Migration and Settlement. By Bethwell A. Ogot. Nairobi: East African Publishing House. 1967. Pp. 250. Sh. 20 paper, Sh. 36 cloth. The Journal of African History, 9(03), 480. doi:10.1017/s0021853700008690

Droz, Y. (2017). Gikuyu (Kikuyu) People of Kenya. Oxford Bibliographies Online Datasets. doi:10.1093/obo/9780199846733-0185

Leye, E. (2001). The Struggle Against Female Genital Mutilation/Female Circumcision. Understanding Circumcision, 113-128. doi:10.1007/978-1-4757-3351-8_7

August 01, 2023

Human Rights

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