Design Strategy to examine compliance with the Provisions

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The Eligibility Compliance Assessment Plan

The eligibility compliance assessment plan consists of both a substantive assessment and a physical visit. As a first action, I would like to make sure that institutional leaders understand the district's process for recording home learners whose income is less than her $30,000.

Substantive Assessment and Walkthrough

Next, we'll take a sample walkthrough to evaluate the efficiency of segregation of duties and execution control. The next step in my design is to get the full list of learners along with their household income pictured. A random sampling of students was performed to verify the accuracy of the information. Then I would then establish a complete list of learners who have been found eligible for the program.

Confirmation of Eligible Students

The suitable identified students would be drawn back to the earlier attained record to confirm that all these learners belong families earning less than 30,000 USD and below. From the qualified students, it would be advisable to perform an inquiry with the sample to find if they have been offered program benefits as deliberated. In case ineligible students are found during the examination, but their proportion is less than 10%, the program will continue as planned but they will be removed immediately (Montgomery, 2013).

Part II

In the US, the federal single audit act is a demanding, institution-wide inspection or evaluation of a firm which disburses $750,000 or higher of the central support received from its tasks (Montgomery, 2013). The district program has met the conditions required under the federal single audit act since it was supposed to disburse 3,000,000 USD to elementary school students who come from families earning less 30,000 USD in a month.

Ineligibility and Program Continuation

If 25 students out of 350 students failed to meet the provisions and were found to enjoy the program benefits, my initial report will not be affected. In such programs, we expect to see individuals who have not qualified, and as I stated in my design if the proportion of ineligibility is less than 10 %, then the program can be continue as planned.


Montgomery, R. H. (2013). Auditing. New York: The classics US.

March 15, 2023




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