Environment Agency Essay

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The Environment Agency is a non-profit organization whose goal is to safeguard and improve England's environment.

The UK Micro and Nanotechnology Network is a science and technology hub that offers facilities to businesses and organizations. It also focuses on funding recruitment and the creation of spinoff firms.

At least four KETs, including nanotechnology, advanced manufacturing, advanced materials, and biotechnology, are addressed by the UK National Contact Point for Nanotechnologies, Materials and Production Processes (NMP). The Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) - Is a management organization whose function is to make sure that medical products and machines work in the most appropriate and safe way in the United Kingdom.

The European Medicines Agency (EMA) – Is an agency which works in countries attached to the European Union in ensuring the evaluation of medicinal products.


Food Standard Agency- Is a government department based in the United Kingdom that deals with protection of public health in relation to food and operates in England, Wales and Northern Ireland.

Advisory Committee on Novel Foods and Processes (ACNFP) – Is a self-regulated body of scientific specialists who advise the “Food Standard Agency” on matters relating Unique Foods and salient processes too.

European Food Safety Authority- Is a body that provides scientific advice to help in the protection of consumers, animals and the environment from risks related to foods.

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) - Is an organization formed by the U.S government that deals with regulation of drugs and food consumption.

The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) – Is an organization that ensures good health, safety and illness issues are addressed in the workplace.

The Health Protection Agency (HPA) – Is a self-governed body that deals with the protection of health and well-being of the population.

In China


State Science and Technology Commission (SSTC) – Is a form of ministerial level-organ of the state council that which studies the central issues of science and technology related to the development and restructuring of the nation.

Suzhou Nanotech- Is a Nano Science and Technology Institute which deals with advancements and integration of different technologies through conventions, businesses publishing, education and research services.

National Steering Committee for Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (NSCNN) - Is a high-level advisory group which coordinates nanotechnology activities in China.

The Commission on Nanotechnology Standardization- Is a body that deals with reviewing the nanotechnology standards to ensure development and commercialization in a defined, safe and responsible manner.

The National Center for Nanoscience and Technology (NCNT) – It is a subsidiary of the Chinese Academy of science which deals with research that is fundamental and applied in Nanoscience.

National Engineering Research Centre for Nanotechnology (NERCN) –Is a body sponsored by the” National Development and Reform Commission” in China which deals with acts as a research center for nanotechnology.


Suzhou Institute of Nano-tech and Nano-Bionics (SINANO) - Is an institute that was jointly established by the “Chinese Academy of Sciences” and provincial governments which deal with research focusing on science and technology information, life sciences, energy and the environment.

National Center for Nanoscience and Technology (NCNST) - Is a Chinese institute that is government initiated and deals with research with a significant emphasis on Nanoscience and nanotechnology.


CHINano Summit- It can be described as the most influential nanotechnology event present in China which brings about how nanotechnology is being applied in the nation.

National Institute of Metrology – Is the largest metrology research center and legal metrology technical center in China which deals with the provision of accurate and reliable measurements in support of the nation's economic and social growth.

List Landmark


Unwired Planet v. Huawei Technologies Co- a detailed opinion regarding the standard-essential patents which are subject to FRAND licensing indicated the possible judgments as; single royalty, global license, soft edge and significance of overstepping.

Oxonica v.Neuftec- It is a case that brought a clear indication of how a license should use technology that has been developed by both the licensor and licensee and should be protected under a string of patents and patent applications under the Patent Cooperation Treaty.


Consumer Law and Policy- is a policy that brings out some laws that ensure that consumer rights as well as fair trade, competition and the right information in the market.

Food Safety Policy-is a scientific discipline that describes how food should be handled, prepared and stored to prevent foodborne diseases.

Workplace Policy- Can be described as a statement that comes from the apex of the company outlining the behavior standards and limitations in a given company.


EU Food Law- It states that all European citizens need to have access to high standard food that is safe and wholesome.

Environmental Permitting Regulations (England and Wales) 2010- These regulations provides a consolidated environment system permitting and replacing the 2007 environmental permitting regulations that encouraged a single "environment permitting" system.

2008 EU Regulations on Food Additives- These regulations stated that all food additives in the EU must be registered with the conditions of use in the positive list of EU based on; their safety assessment, technological need and making sure that the consumers will not be misled by the additive.


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July 07, 2023

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