Models of Business Venture

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Traditional investment avenues become less appealing in today’s economic world, and investors pursue alternative investment avenues focused on technology. The emphasis is generally on creating market openings that are difficult to avoid and therefore succeed in the business. The modern market world is becoming more competitive, and investors want to find unique business prospects in which to invest. The planned investment should be in accordance with customer desires and capable of representing the community’s interests. The establishment of the business opportunities paves the way for the owners of the business to identify the viable business strategic models in which they define the set objectives and the mechanisms they apply to monitor the performance of the investments. The identification of the corporate investment opportunities compels the corporate to identify a market gap and develop the alternative investment projects that can serve the interests of the customers. A well-developed venture should identify the customers and the manner in which the new venture satisfy the individual’s needs as well as those of the society at large.


The corporations in the business environment have the desire of experiencing growth and diversification in its operations. Consequently, the investors are turning out to find new investments in which they believe they shall get the maximum revenue possible. In most cases, the new ventures are subject to failing, and in other cases, they take a long time for them to become sustainable in their development. The business idea developed originates from the need of the investors to establish operation strategies where they serve the interests of the people that they have not been helping in their operations. Alternatively, the business ideas can result from the fact that companies have the desire to venture in completely different markets and develop products that are different from the primary commodities that the firm usually offers to the market. Therefore, a new business venture should have the capacity to address the society’s properties if they think of winning the customers’ loyalty. The establishment of the new business corporate requires the company to focus on ensuring that they acquire an efficient group of employees, founders, and advisors that help in improving the performance of the business. The company does not hire the employees in a single approach. However, as the new firm continues to accrue profits, it continues to engage both qualified and highly paid employees. Additionally, there is the need for the establishment of the resources such as the raw materials required in the business. This essay explains senior care, direct sale, and the pet-related investments as the unique business venture models and connects the new venture with the canvas business model.

Senior Care Venture

In the modern society, there is the increasing concern for the corporation to expand their activities through the establishment of the child care facilities. The objective of this kind of business is the establishment of an institution where the children can receive a companion in situations where their parents report to work. However, this kind of investment ignores the adults in the society who retire and fail to have the family members always present to provide joy and happiness in their lives (Fischer et al. 2014, p. 5). The increasing concern for the support of the folks creates a business opportunity where the investors need to get the resources and the management team that will ensure the viability of the business. The management team of a company brings various advantages to the business. For instance, the customers remain essential to the success of any business. The stakeholders of the new venture include the directors, employees, and the managers. The team members bring in diverse talents and resources to the firm. For example, when various investors come together and decide to venture into a particular business, they pull their resources together thus creating capital for the company. Also, the team has a higher capability of ensuring managing the resources efficiently. In coming up with the business management team, the firm encourages diversification, and it is always in a position to create a viable social network. The people act as the ambassadors for the company’s products thus bringing many customers to the business. Customers emphasize the quality and the time in which they receive the commodities. The team can employ the qualified stakeholder for innovation thus improving the quality of products. Teamwork is an essential aspect of the performance of the business as the members of the group offer psychological support to their mates thus success in their activities. Through the establishment of the business opportunity and the acquisition of the employees and the relevant raw materials, the folks will be in a position to live a happy life as the employed team possesses the interest of working with the people.

The establishment of the senior care provides a solution to the loneliness that the folks experience in their old ages. High care business ensures that the employed them has the capability of handling the aged people in a manner that they shall remain happy. Though the company does not concern the senior care venturing with the medical treatment, they may employ a clinical expert. In solving the problem where the members of the society confuse the old age behavior and sickness, the group of experts can come together and try to offer a solution to such issues. However, the primary objective of establishing the senior care is the need to provide happiness and companion who would otherwise live mysterious life in the absence of family members (Mejia et al. 2014, p. 632). Therefore, the qualification of the employees to work in this sector should rely heavily on the personal qualities of the employee such as patience and the level of happiness of the people. Alternatively, the investment may include the production of video and the movies that offer education to the folks regarding the life at the old age. This kind of business is unique as the young generation is committed to their work and purchase of items that educate the children in the manner in which they should enhance their thinking capabilities. Therefore, most of the investors focus on teaching the children thus ignoring the folks in the society.

The old people in the community who are the target customers in this venture pay for the investment through the purchase of the related products. For instance, the production of the video games and movies that address life at the old age will draw most of the customers to purchase such products that will enhance the behavior of the old people in the community. Additionally, the expert members of the team will offer advisory services to the clients in case they discover any signs of abnormal behavior of the victims. Through the continuous check of the action of the folks, the customers remain active, and they end up continuing productive in the society. Despite the positive effects that the business venture has on improving the lives of the old members of the community, it is evident that all the new investments are subject to risks that may occur upon its operations. The business needs to be closely monitored until it becomes fully developed such that it can sustain itself. This argument calls for the need of the entrepreneurs to set aside alternative sources of capital to finance the corporation in situations where the findings fail to meet the expectations of the research projects.

Direct Sales Venture Model

In the modern world, the business environment is increasingly becoming competitive, and the companies attempt to increase their market share relative to that of the competitors. Consequently, the producers of particular commodities try to apply all the available mechanisms to ensure that they win the market share. Unfortunately, the companies are not always in a position to cover all the markets where the customers need their products. As a result, there are shortages of some commodities in the regions where the manufacturers have to incur an additional cost in supplying such markets thus leading to market failure (Bludova and Kulyk 2014, p. 474). The identification of the gap creates a business opportunity as an individual may set up a direct sales investment where they obtain the commodities from the producers and sell them to the markets on behalf of the company. In this case, the target customers are the consumers who have the desire to make purchases of particular commodities, but they fail to obtain them due to the delay in the supply from the manufacturers. The investors in this field are not restricted to the sale of commodities from one particular company, but they can engage in diversification where they sell products from different manufacturers. This kind of business is not free from the sale of the risks that other investors may experience. The commission that the investors incur in advertising the commodities may be too large such that the benefits may fail to recover the expenses. Under such situations, the venture may be not sustainable thus requiring external sources of funds.

The problem of shortage of commodities in particular regions that originate from the delay in supply of commodities may lead to the loss of reputation of the corporation. This problem can be solved through the encouragement of investors to act as the sales agents of the company’s commodities. In this case, they will be in a position to acquire the products from the manufacturers and sell them direct to the consumers. The investors in this sector can make use of the technological advancements thus advertising and marketing the commodities online (Horak 2017, p. 47). The customers who make orders online can receive the direction on the convenient point where to collect the products. In this case, the position of collection may be the manufacturer’s outlets or the sales agent point f collection. The entrepreneurs in this sector should have the capability of communicating directly to the client and should be able to employ diversification in their operations. This type of business venture model appears to be unique as the investor can choose to deal with commodities from different manufacturers, unlike the sales stores where they deal with commodities from the same company.

In the direct sale business venture, the investor sells the commodities on behalf of the companies in which they have entered into contract. The clients of the products pay for the goods or services to the sales agent who in turn gives the money to the producers. The sales agent is paid on a commission basis for the total sales that he or she makes. However, the sales agent is not restricted to the sale of commodities from one company. Instead, they can maximize the profits by dealing with products from different manufacturers thus maximizing the benefits. For instance, the sales agent can choose to sell the kitchen materials and combine it with the sale of food. In this case, the customers will feel attracted to purchase the commodities from the store since there is diversification of the products. As a result, the sales clients will be in a position to make sales thus accruing more commission from the companies.

Pet-Related Business Venture

The target customers for this type of investment are the Americans and all the other people who possess pes such as dogs. In this case, many of the homesteads have pets like the dogs and cats, but the owners are always committed to their work during the day. As a result, the animals spend most of their time lonely. Observing the boredom that the animals experience, an individual may create a business opportunity where they invest in per caring business. The people with the pets will find it better for them to take the animals to the daycare rather than leaving them at home (Blazina et al. 2011, p. 224). The investor should focus on offering an affordable alternative way of taking care of the dogs rather than the owners living them at home. The identification of such business opportunities requires creativity and the ability to observe the market gap that is existing in the society. If this happens, the people will be in a position to identify the market failures that they need to address thus creating a business venture model.

The entrepreneur in this sector can fulfill the market gap through the creation of thriving business where the primary objective is the creation of dog walking or the petty sitting. The investor can accrue more customers through the advertisement and the offering of quality care of the pets. If this happens, the members of the community possessing these animals will be compelled to pay for their pets to enjoy the services they get from the entrepreneur. Like any other business, the investors can make use of different forms of advertisements such as the online marketing and the construction of the billboards (Gerasymenko et al. 2017, p. 82). The costs incurred in the marketing process ensure that the entrepreneurs recover the costs incurred in the advertisements. For the investment to be more effective, the investors need to rely on referrals from the veterinary offices and have the forms in which the owners of the animals sign agreeing on the terms and conditions for the animals. This type of business appears to be unique as it solves the problems that the society remains stuck on the approach they should use to fill the market gap. Additionally, the people usually associate investment with the production of goods and have little concern on the services kind of investment. If the owners of the animals feel contented with the kind of service the investors offer to the animals, there pay for the service. However, the business is prone to risks as the investors incur costs in advertising and complying with rules from the veterinary offices. Therefore, the cost may be too high for the pets’ owners to afford.

The Business Model for the Direct Sales Investment

Ventures Value Proposition

In the modern world, the business environment is increasingly becoming competitive, and the companies attempt to increase their market share relative to that of the competitors. Consequently, the producers of particular commodities try to apply all the available mechanisms to ensure that they win the market share. The creation of this business will create value to the products involved by reaching the customers on time when needed. Unfortunately, the companies are not always in a position to cover all the markets where the customers need their products. As a result, there are shortages of some commodities in the regions where the manufacturers have to incur an additional cost in supplying such markets thus leading to market failure (Meertens et al. 2012, p. 1696).

The Organization of the Resources

The venturing in any of the businesses requires the investors to set up business plan through the identification of the required management team and the resources establishment. After the identification of the market gap for particular products, the entrepreneur should approach the manufacturers and for an operational agreement between the sales agent and the producers (Mejia et al. 2017, p. 636). Upon the agreement for the contract, the investor should collect the financial, technological, and the physical resources needed for the operation. The inputs should expose the organizational into the minimal operation cost as a possible to avoid losses that may accrue to the business.

Creating the Value for the Customers

The identification of the gap creates a business opportunity as an individual may set up a direct sales investment where they obtain the commodities from the producers and sell them to the markets on behalf of the company. In this case, the target customers are the consumers who have the desire to make purchases of particular commodities, but they fail to obtain them due to the delay in the supply from the manufacturers (Muhtaroglu et al. 2013, p. 34). The investors in this field are not restricted to the sale of commodities from one particular company, but they can engage in diversification where they sell products from different manufacturers. This kind of business is not free from the sale of the risks that other investors may experience. The commission that the investors incur in advertising the commodities may be too large such that the benefits may fail to recover the expenses. Under such situations, the venture may be not sustainable thus requiring external sources of funds.

How Value is Captured through the Minimization of the Costs of Operation and Maximizing Benefits

The problem of shortage of commodities in particular regions that originate from the delay in supply of commodities may lead to the loss of reputation of the corporation. This problem can be solved through the encouragement of investors to act as the sales agents of the company’s commodities. In this case, they will be in a position to acquire the products from the manufacturers and sell them direct to the consumers. The investors in this sector can make use of the technological advancements thus advertising and marketing the commodities online with the objective of minimizing the operational costs (Horak 2017, p. 48). In the case of maximizing the benefits, the entrepreneurs can sell products from different firms thus ensuring the maximization of revenue through diversification. The customers who make orders online can receive the direction on the convenient point where to collect the products. In this case, the position of collection may be the manufacturer’s outlets or the sales agent point f collection. The entrepreneurs in this sector should have the capability of communicating directly to the client and should be able to employ diversification in their operations. This type of business venture model appears to be unique as the investor can choose to deal with commodities from different manufacturers, unlike the sales stores where they deal with commodities from the same company.


The senior care, direct sales, and the pet-related investments appear to be some of the unique business venture models that the investors may implement thus serving the interests of the customers. Like any other business, these types of investments are subject to the risks that the new corporations incur in their operations. Therefore, there is the need for such investors to consider the Canvas business model which addresses the investment problems that range handle the issues on the costs of production and the revenues they obtain from the sale of the commodities. In this case market segmentation and the maintenance of good customer relationship plays a vital role in maintaining the sales volume a bit higher than the costs the investors in carrying out the marketing process and the collection of the resources required in the process. Therefore, it is indispensable that creativity and innovation plays a vital role in the determination of the business opportunities in the market.


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