Orgon of Tartuffe Book Analysis

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In Tartuffe book analysis, we will discuss the main characters Dorine and Orgon. We will also discuss Dorine’s gullibility and her relationship with Tartuffe. Ultimately, this book is a tale of love and lust. However, it also highlights the human side of Molière’s characters. While Tartuffe’s story may be considered a fantasy, it is still a compelling read.


An Orgon of Tartuffe book analysis will reveal the many themes of the work. Molière, a famous French dramatist, first conceived of characters like Orgon, a self-deceiving dupe who drops his mask to satisfy his lust. His characters are not amusing, but rather serve as dramatic caricatures. While serious events in the play do occur, Orgon remains in comic mode. The play’s plot is based on familiar motifs and themes.

The most compelling aspect of the novel is the love story of two main characters. The sisters are in love with each other. Valere is engaged to Mariane but is upset when she finds out that Mariane is to marry Tartuffe instead. Mariane pretends not to care about Valere but is forced to admit love for Orgon by Dorine. Ultimately, Mariane’s marriage to Tartuffe is successful because she bravely saves Orgon from death.


If you’re looking for an interesting character in the Dorine Tartuffe novel, you’ve come to the right place. This lady’s maid is one of the most interesting characters in the novel. She’s outspoken and unafraid to speak her mind. Dorine is also the most wise character in the book, able to see through Tartuffe’s schemes more easily than anyone else. Her fearless approach to life allows her to help Elmire expose Tartuffe’s wickedness.

In Tartuffe, Dorine is a servant who uses various forms of deception to protect her master Mariane. She’s a shrewd social mask who defends Mariane from Orgon. The villain of the story is Orgon, who wants Mariane to marry Tartuffe and is unwilling to let her speak her mind. This makes Dorine an excellent ally for Mariane, but Orgon accuses her of being an eavesdropper because she hides and overhears conversations.

Dorine’s relationship with Tartuffe

Dorine has been a common character in Molière’s comedies, and her character has since become a type. In this play, she is a wholesome servant who sees through pretense and is superior in a contest of wits to Tartuffe and Orgon. She has an appeal to readers because she is a wholesome person. She is also known for her honesty and straightforwardness, which makes her appealing to a variety of audiences.

Dorine establishes her role in Mariane’s household, as her brother’s maid. Her mouthy opposition to ignorance and injustice enables her to influence attitudes toward the family. She wants to make Mariane trust her and have a happy life with her lover, Valere. Dorine understands Tartuffe’s methods, but uses them for good. In L’Ecole des femmes, Dorine confronts her own inadequacies.

Orgon’s gullibility

To understand Orgon’s gullibility, we must first define the term “gullibility.” What exactly does gullibility in the Tartuffe book mean? This term refers to the ability to be easily swayed by external forces. In the Tartuffe book, Orgon’s gullibility is embodied by his failure to develop self-sufficiency. He is not a self-sufficient person, but a highly suggestible character. Ultimately, he becomes a victim of his own self-blindness.

Orgon is a typical common Joe, living in a comfortable family setup. His religious experience is set up by his rational, reasonable mother. But when he meets Tartuffe, the former slave trader is a cunning manipulator, and he uses Orgon’s vulnerability to manipulate him. His reaction to this scene is very telling. Orgon’s gullibility is a key component of the play’s underlying message.


The play, ”Tartuffe,” focuses on hypocrisy in a novelistic way. The playwright shows us how to spot hypocrisy in a character by comparing his words to Orgon’s actions. Orgon is fascinated by Tartuffe’s words and the contrast between the Catholic Church’s condemnation of carnal desires and Tartuffe’s readiness to seduce a married woman. Though Tartuffe’s hypocrisy is not always evident, he is largely based on religion.

Orgon’s son confronts Tartuffe face to face, exposing his gullibility and evasiveness. Orgon’s wife does not fall for his lies, allowing Orgon to see through his depravity. As a result, the King orders Tartuffe to prison and returns Orgon’s property to Orgon. By demonstrating his hypocrisy, Tartuffe ends up losing everything he has to offer Orgon.

Moral of the story

The Moral of the Tartuffe book is a play by French author Molixe8re about a man who succumbs to misdirected adoration. The story begins in Orgon’s house where he has recently taken in a beggar, Tartuffe. Despite his pious ways, Tartuffe eventually commits treason and steals property from Orgon’s house. The moral of the Tartuffe book is to be proactive in taking action and acting upon those feelings.

The plot revolves around Tartuffe’s relationship with Orgon. The two men were reunited in the church, and Orgon was impressed by Tartuffe’s virtue. But then, Cleante comes along to warn Orgon that Tartuffe may not be as virtuous as he claims, and that he is only using religion to get what he wants. Orgon ignores Cleante’s warnings and goes on with his life.

July 29, 2022




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