report of human resources

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Recruiters use human resources information systems (HRIS) much less often than traditional manual paper preparation. In addition to being processed, this paperwork must be held in the file for an extended period of time. Nonetheless, the use of human resource information systems will allow businesses to store and accept files in electronic format for individuals in the enterprise to view as needed. It will delete thousands of files and free up office space. Having all of the information in one location often helps experts to interpret data more efficiently in multiple locations when the information is consolidated. This document aims to consideration innovative methods of personnel search for the medical center ABC Medical.

Keywords: candidates, human resource, manager, recruiter.

Human Resource Report

The success and profitability of any organization directly depends on the employees and the quality of their work. Therefore, the process of recruiting staff and their further work should be done so that all employees work immaculately for the benefit of the company. At the same time, each employee has his or her own character and mores, as well as professional skills and the desire to work. That is why it is important to understand how to select people for work in order to minimize the number of problems related to personnel. In addition to usual recruiting, where vacancies are closed using an internal database, there are also other approaches. This is the publication of job advertisements in Internet resources, as well as more complex and expensive projects that require more laborious methods to close vacancies.


HRIS-system is replicable application software for the automation of personnel management (Boateng, 2007). Often it is realized by specialized modules of any ERP-system. The basic functions to be automated are personnel records management and payroll. Modern systems allow automating the key HR processes, such as maintaining employee cards, keeping track of work time, accounting for absences, and building and visualizing the organizational structure and staffing. The purpose of automating these processes is to free up working time and to facilitate understanding of the processes by employees. It would also allow tracking the stages of the process of making certain decisions. For example, confirmation of leave and payment of vacation, change of job responsibilities, changing the structure of the organization. When a company invests into this approach, it obtains an opportunity to handle the workforce.

Automation of operations and the use of a single database ensure the correctness of calculations, maintaining statistics and analytics, promptness of actions. The result of the second task is not so easy to evaluate, but it is undoubtedly significant. Information systems of personnel management allow the leader to build a personnel strategy, based on an accurate and comprehensive analysis of the indicators of each employee, make effective decisions, plan rearrangements, train, form a system of motivation. It would allow not only to retain the best specialists, but also to create conditions for further growth and even more effective performance of labor duties. Using the software of the personnel management system allows creating a single information space in the company and significantly increasing the efficiency of the work of the personnel service. More than half of the time staff managers spend on preparing, filling out and recording documents. The software product completely eliminates these routine operations.


The use of electronic recruitment tools and personnel to work in the workplace to track applicants and residents of jobs is very effective. It is the best way for professionals in the field of personal information to track the open working life of people and, accordingly, to make certain choices about hiring. In addition to HRIS, HR-specialists have the opportunity to inform social networks, which allows them to attract employees via the Internet. In social networks, specialists can create a brand company, posting company news and photos of gay corporate events. It all has a direct relationship and education. However, there are several rules that need to be followed if HR-manager intends to find and attract a professional. First and foremost, a recruiter who uses social networks to search and attract candidates, remember that his or her profile, comments and photos will be viewed and the company may also create a certain impression. Additionally, one would need to work in social networks all the time. Also, it is important to remember the main goal. Having a work plan in social networks can significantly improve the results of the work of a recruiter.

For instance, Vyas et al. (2015) conducted a study that aimed at explanation of the methods of recruiting by using social media networking sites. The websites that were used were Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn,, and As a result, it was concluded that when searching for decent talents and specialists, HR-managers should pay much attention to LinkedIn, since its users usually post much information about their education, experience and professional skills, which is useful. All other social networks can be appropriate for job search as well, but less, since people tend to use those for “self-promotion”.

In fact, LinkedIn is the most important recruitment tool currently available. It has a high chance that a passive candidate will become active. The main problem of recruiting is finding and working with passive candidates. With such candidates it is more difficult to find a common language, to establish contact. Linkedin is created for 90 processes that consists precisely of people who are employed and do not seek work. This social network is focused on professional contacts and communication topics. Additionally, recruiting in Linkedin is easier than in other social networks. Here one would not find any content overload that other social networks would cause.

The number of users of that site grows constantly. Since LinkedIn has a professional focus and is used not only for recruiting, many specialists create accounts in this social network. Its users can be visible to recruiters, and it would not spoil their relationship with the current employer, as he or she would not be able to suspect them of actively seeking work. The next fact is that all Linkedin profiles are equally decorated, and they are easy to find by internal search. On the mail recruiters resume comes in various formats, and this creates certain difficulties for recruiters. LinkedIn profiles also contain the exact information about candidates. One’s profile is viewed by many people, and many of those with whom he studied or worked in the same company, this minimizes all possible manipulation of information.

Additionally, one can calculate those who are planning to look for work. Certain actions of people can signal this. For example, a person joins new groups, updates his profile. Linkedin would allow posting job ads. With this website, recruiters can easily post and share information about them. It is advisable to use this function as an addition to the standard channels of publication of vacancies. The resource would allow closing the top positions. Many top managers have their own profiles on LinkedIn. It also contains recommendations. If a recruiter wants to obtain additional information about the candidate, then the resource has a special function to provide recommendations, thanks to which it is possible to obtain additional information, although subjective. Thus, it can be concluded that this method helps dramatically reduce the time for recruitment, as well as study the behavior and lifestyle of the candidate for a minimum of time.


This study intended to investigate the interaction between recruiters and potential employees through social services network. The task was to find 15 candidates for posts from the receptionist and secretary, to the deputy chief doctor. The social networks used were Facebook, Linkedin, Twitter and Instagram. Naturally, Twitter and Instagram were used to find employees at the reception, and not medical staff. The problem with using Facebook was that users of this have a tendency to embellish the reality and, at the same time, the given social. The network is able to tell a lot about a potential employee.

A useful source of information for a recruiter can be an analysis of what applications a particular person is using, and also their number. Facebook has a feature that translates the entire person’s activity on the Internet, so you can quickly get all the necessary information. In social networks, one more important observation can be made, namely, whether the candidate shows activity during working hours and, accordingly, instead of fulfilling his or her direct duties, he or she would spend time on the Internet.

Posts in Twitter about the vacancy are short and capacious. The main task is to promptly spread the news about the search for the right and exceptional professional. A social network consisting of a billion microblogs cordially accepts any news about which it is necessary to immediately notify as many people as possible. In turn, candidates interested in changing jobs, firstly, can be subscribed to accounts of employment agencies, career sites, and secondly, they will turn to search. Therefore, the company needs to be informed about the vacancy that has appeared, to intrigue, not to miss important details. When promoting a job, it should be kept in mind that the candidate would more likely track accounts that aggregate a large flow of vacancies, rather than following a large number of different companies, the work in which he or she might be interesting. Nonetheless, the message itself, the choice of ‘hashtag’, aimed at the right audience, can help the manager and the posts find each other.

In order to translate the plan into reality, it is necessary to employ 5 recruiters. Each of them must find 3 employees through social networks. It will be given 2 weeks. During these two weeks, recruiters will be required to record the data in the tables, as well as analyzed.


A team of five recruiters for this research is professionals with experience from 7 to 12 years. They are creative personalities, but at the same time they are very stress-resistant and their work for them is very informative and interesting. It is of great importance, since constant work with people is the most difficult in the work of a recruiter. The task of recruiters is to put all candidates to themselves and get maximum information from them. In this way, one can evaluate him or her as an individual and imagine how much he or she will fit into the organization and what benefit it can bring. In addition, a very important factor is the knowledge of labor legislation, the availability of skills in maintaining the workflow, and the skill of practical use of the knowledge of sociology and psychology.

Knowledge of modern concepts of personnel management and the availability of organizational skills are a must too. In turn, in order to achieve in a very short time the location of the interlocutor, these recruiters will show attention to the interlocutor and interest, benevolence, mental poise and the ability to interest your proposal.


Summing it up, it should be concluded that modern technologies can globally change and improve the hiring process. In the medical field this is a particularly urgent issue. As it can be seen, not only the traditional methods of searching for the desired candidates can be effective and with a long-term effect. Searching for applicants through social networks, for example, is not only saving time, but also the opportunity to see the candidate ”in real life” with all his or her real advantages and disadvantages. ABC Medical can carry out a study to make sure this approach is correct.


Boateng, Asafo-Adjei Agyenim. (2007). The Role of Human Resource Information Systems (HRIS) in Strategic Human Resource Management (SHRM). Master’s Thesis. Retrieved from Accessed on 1 January, 2017.

Vyas, B., Mirji, R., Hanji, S. (2015). Study On Recruitment through Social Media Networking Sites. International Journal of Commerce, Business and Management, v. 4(2).

November 17, 2022


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