Report on tourism signature event

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The global tourism business has developed from a basic organization that depended on errant travelers to one that actively makes it possible for people to travel to and visit particular locations. Countries have come to understand that industrial income can contribute to economic expansion. In fact, many nations list the tourist sector as one of the top 5 sources of GDP (UNWTO, 2015). A total of 1, 235 million foreign visitors arrived in 2016, according to the UN World Tourism Organization (UNWTO 2016). The data also shows that over the past seven years, tourism has increased at a rate that is both record-breaking and above normal. With the advancement in both transport and communication technology, it is possible for countries to attract visitors from all parts of the world. However, the streamlining of the factors that promote the industry has also led to increased competition for tourists in different regions. Consequently, tourism boards have learned the art of using innovative strategies that seek to attract new and return visitors every year.

The use of events is one of the tactics countries use to attract tourists who will stay for a long time and return on a regular basis. According to O’Toole (2011), events planning and execution in the tourism industry is a complex process that requires input from different areas. Even though it is evident that the use of events if effective in targeting and attracting visitors, there is also the possibility of failure. Poorly planned events end up spending money and time but disappoints in attendance and profitability. Several factors such as the time, venue, and nature of event must be considered in the organization process.

Statistics on the global events industry shows that the numbers are growing significantly. For instance, France, one of the leading tourism destinations in the world, had 6,081 business events in 2013, figure that has increased to around 10,000 events in 2016. In 2002, a report by Event Solution Fact Book estimated the industry to be worth about $400 billion annually (Kwon 2002). However, this figure has increased over the years. The business sector often hosts most of the events that include meetings and conferences. However, the tourism industry has realized the impact of event organization and many countries are organizing local and international events with the aim of attracting tourists for leisure. For instance, the annual Cannes Film Festival that takes place in the small town of Cannes not only attracts thousands of visitors but also creates positive publicity that builds on the reputation of the place as a tour destination long after the event is completed. McCarthy (2015) reports that in the 2015 Cannes Film Festival, the population of the town increased tripled, from 70,000 to 210,000. There were also 4,500 journalists from different parts of the world covering the event. Therefore, the country did not only earn massive revenues but also gained a global audience.

In as such, this report presents a signature event concept for Singapore Tourism Board targeting Chinese tourists. The event is a film festival that would be held in the capital city, Singapore. The report starts by offering in-depth and concise summary of visitors to the region and profile of event attendees. It then conducts a SWOT analysis of Singapore as an event host in comparison with the region and other local events. Finally, a detailed concept of the proposed film festival event will be presented with justification on its appropriateness to the country’s tourism industry.

Summary of Relevant Data

Overview of Singapore Tourism Industry

Singapore is one of the emerging economies of the world. The country went through a rapid transformation from the 1970s that made it a middle-level economy by the start of the 21st century. In 2011, the country had a population of 5,183,700 people living in a land area of 714.3 sq. km. the country has the highest GDP per capita in the world standing at S$61,692 (Department of Statistics Singapore 2017). The Travel & Tourism Competitiveness Report 2015 ranks Singapore 11th out of 141 countries in the world. The country leads in two categories that include best Business Environment and best in International Openness (World Economic Forum 2015).

Singapore’s tourism industry has been on the rise since 1991 when there were only 5,414,414 international arrivals to now when the country recorded 55,032,630 international visitors (Singapore Tourism Board 2015). The graph below shows the stead increase in the annual international visitors’ arrival in the country from 2000 to 2015.

Figure 1: Annual International visitors’ arrival in the country from 2000 to 2015

Source: Singapore Tourism Board (2017)

From the graph above, it is clear that the number of visitors to the country has been on a steady increase for the past 15 years. In fact, in addition to increasing the number of visitors from abroad, the tourism industry has also increased the average duration spend by the international tourists in the country.

Singapore receives visitors from different parts of the world including the Americas, Europe, Asia, and Africa. The fact that it has a conducive environment for international business makes it an ideal place for both leisure and business tourists. Statistics from the country’s tourism board indicate that 58% of the international tourists visit for leisure while only 20% have business interests (STB 2015). The graph below shows the annual number of tourists of international tourists in 2015 on the basis of the regions they originate.

Figure 2: Tourists who Visited Singapore in 2015 on the basis of regions

Source: Singapore Tourism Board (2015)

The statistics above indicate that countries from the neighboring regions in Asia, which are the main source of tourists visiting Singapore. In 2015, Indonesia recorded the highest number for tourists visiting Singapore at 2,719,027, followed closely by China at 2,566,184 (STB 2017). Other countries with high number of tourists visiting Singapore include India, Malaysia, japan, Australia, and South Korea. Apparently, proximity to the destination is a factor many tourists consider. They do not want to spend many hours travelling or pay expensive air tickets.

Profile of Visitors to Singapore. It is imperative to understand the general characteristics of the tourists visiting Singapore. When strategizing for the event, it would be instrumental to have in mind the behavior and nature of the tourists visiting the country. A cross-sectional analysis of the international visitors who went to Singapore in 2015 will help understand them based on the following categories.

Mode of arrival to the country

The majority of international visitors arrive by air to Singapore. However, there are few who prefer travelling by land from neighboring countries, either using rail or road, and some come by sea. The pie chart below shows how the 15,231,469 international visitors arrived in Singapore in 2015.

Figure 3: Mode of arrival

Source: STB 2015

Gender and travel companions

Understanding the gender of the tourists will also help in designing the event. More so, it is also necessary to know whether the visitors come accompanied by family members or they travel alone. The ratio of male to female visitors is almost the same with 52% male and 48% female. The table below shows how the tourists who visited Singapore in 2015 were accompanied.

Table 1: Tourists’ companions profile

Companion Profile




Amongst Those Who Didn’t Travel Alone:






Children Aged 19 Years And Below


Business Associates/ Colleagues


Parents/ Parents-in-Law






Partner/ Boyfriend/ Girlfriend


Children Aged Above 19


Average Family Size (Persons)(Family = Self With Spouse/Children/Parents/Siblings/ Relatives)


Average Party Size (Persons)


Source: STB (2015)

From the table above, most visitors either travel alone (35%) or with their spouse (44%). Only few travel with children or with their friends. Those who travel with children are often below the age of 19 years.

Age group

The age group of the visitors can also help in the analysis of interests and their likelihood to attend the proposed event. The table below shows the number of tourists who visited Singapore in 2015 based on their age groups.

Table 2: Age Groups of Tourists Who Visited Singapore in 2015

Age group



14 & Below



15 - 19



20 - 24



25 - 34



35 - 44



45 - 54



55 - 64



65 & Above



Not Stated



Average Age (Years)



Source: STB (2015)

Length of stay

The number of days the tourists spend in Singapore is another critical characteristic that will also help to develop the event. According to the Singapore Tourism Board (2015), most international visitors spend about 3-4 days in the country. The following table shows the duration spent by the 2015 visitors to Singapore.

Table 3. Length of Visitors Stay in Singapore

Number of days

No. Of visitors


Under 1 Day



1 Day



2 Days



3 Days



4 Days



5 Days



6 Days



7 Days



8 - 10 Days



11 - 14 Days



15 - 29 Days



30 - 59 Days



60 Days & Over



Average Length of Stay (Days)



Source: STB (2015)

Characteristics of Chinese visitors. China is a country that has emerged as one of the greatest contributor to the global tourism industry. According to the 2016 report by UNWTO, Chinese tourists are the highest spenders in the world. The figure below shows the top five world’s tourism spenders.

Figure 4: Top Five Tourism Spenders in the World

Source: UNWTO (2016)

In Singapore, Chinese visitors have also been increasing at a steady rate. In 2006, the number of Chinese tourists arriving in Singapore was 1,037,201. In 2015, the number increased to 2,106,164, which was a 22% increase from the number posted the previous year.

The Chinese tourists in Singapore are majorly motivated by leisure activities. According to STB (2015), over 70% of the tourists from China are first time travelers who want to experience what a few proportion of the global population has been doing. The stabilization of China’s economy implied that more people than ever before could afford vacation outside their country. The figure below shows the motivations of the different categories of Chinese international tourists.

Figure 6: General Chinese tourists’ Behavior

Source: STB (2013)

According to the report by Singapore Tourism Board, the Chinese tourists are not sophisticated. Unlike the European and America tourists that have strict itinerary and desires during their trip, the Chinese are easy to convince and are also ready to spend. Their lack of experience travelling to many destinations makes them flexible to the new experience of holidaying and are willing to take up exciting or adventurous ventures. The following figure shows the three top needs for Chinese tourists visiting Singapore.

Figure 7: Top Needs of Chinese Tourists

Source: STB (2013)

According to the information given above about Chinese tourists, they would certainly be ideal to target in the proposed signature event. They would delight in having the experience of attending a film festival for the first time. Those who usually attend such events in other parts of the world such as Europe, would be delighted to do the same in Singapore.

Events Attendees Statistics in Singapore

International visitors come to Singapore mainly for leisure activities. However, a marginal percentage of the visitors come to the country to attend business events such as conferences and meetings with clients, employers, or suppliers. Stringer (2001) explains that in most cases it is not easy to control the business events because they are guided by the specific objectives they intend to accomplish and not that of the tourism board. Currently, there is not much statistics that exist on the number of international tourists attending leisure events. Nonetheless, statistics from the Ministry of Culture, Community and Youth offer comprehensive information on the local attendance of arts and cultural events. Without a doubt, some international visitors also take part in the events and the number could increase.

A report titled “Singapore Cultural Statistics 2015” compiled by the Ministry of Culture, Community and Youth (2015) in the country offers an overview of how some of the arts and cultural events in the country are attended.

Ticketed performing arts events. The number of people attending ticketed performing arts events is relatively low. An average of about 1.8 million people have been attending such events in Singapore annually. Most likely, the events may be expensive and out of reach for the majority of the local population. The figure below shows the trend of ticketed events attendance from 2009 to 2014.

Figure 8: Ticketed Performing Arts Events Attendance Trend

Source: Ministry of Culture, Community and Youths (2015)

Non-ticketed performing arts events attendance trend in Singapore. The number of people attending free performing arts events in Singapore is also low compared to other events. It seems the local population is not interested in performing arts events that include dance, music, and theatre performances. The figure below shows the attendance trend of such events in Singapore.

Figure 9: Non-Ticketed Performing Arts Events Attendance Trend.

Source: Ministry of Culture, Community and Youths (2015)

Museum events attendance. Museum events that include visual arts exhibitions record an impressive attendance rate of about 8 million people from 2012 to 2014. The survey on tourists’ activities noted that many tourists like visiting museums and learning the history, culture, and heritage of the host country. Therefore, any activity associated with the museum is likely to attract many people. The figure below shows the trend museum events attendance in Singapore.

Figure 10: Number of people visiting museums in Singapore annually from 2004 to 2014.

Cinema attendance. The film industry records the highest number of people going to the cinema. Since the year 2010, over 20 million people in Singapore went to watch a film in a cinema. The figure below shows that the number of cinema enthusiasts has remained consistent for several years. With the introduction of an international film festival in the country, many tourists from places such as China will come in to join the locals in the cinema theatres.

Figure 11: Cinema Attendance trend in Singapore from 2006 to 2014

Destination Event SWOT

From the analysis of the target visitors and destinations, it is clear that the proposed event of a film festival will have the capacity to increase the number of visitors from China and the duration of time they spend in the country. However, as suggested by O’Toole (2011), event planning requires critical exploration by looking at the projected returns from the investment as well as the possible obstacles that may prevent the success of the event. Therefore, it is important to conduct a SWOT analysis of Singapore as the host of the proposed film festival event. The analysis performs an audit of the existing events in the region and reviews the available assets that would act to the advantage of the event.

Similarly, there is also a review of the threats faced by competitors in the region and the weaknesses that are inherent in the structure or processes of the destination.

SWOT analysis



The high rating of Singapore as an internationally open destination will help to attract visitors.

The geographical position of Singapore makes it accessible to the Asian tourists, especially from China and Southern Asia.

The good tourism infrastructure in the country will make the destination attractive to visitors.

The already established local audience in the film industry would motivate the visitors to join in and build a bigger audience.

The fact that the average days spent by the tourists is 3.6 days makes it easy to push for a five days’ event.

The apolitical nature of Singapore makes it a suitable destination for tourists from many countries of Europe, two Americas, Africa, and Asia.

The destination does not have many natural resources that are unique. Hence, visitors from the region such as China may fail to find the motivation to visit.

The reputation of Singapore is inclined towards a business destination and not a leisure destination. The country scores highly in terms of business environment but low in exciting leisure features.

Many regular tourists in the Asian region have visited the major attraction sites of the country and may have lack of motivation to revisit.



The film festival model is yet to be exploited as a tourists’ attraction strategy in the Asian region.

The world would likely be open to the idea of having an intentional film festival in Singapore.

The emerging film industry in Asian countries such as India and China would be a good chance for Singapore to build a reputation as the ideal film festival destination in the region.

The newly developed enthusiasm for the tour and spending vacations away from their country by the Chinese is a favorable chance to offer them a unique experience in Singapore.

Malaysia is emerging as a favorite destination for tourists in the region. Some visitors may choose to go to Malaysia because the two countries offer almost the same experiences.

As the Asian countries develop economically, their tourists may be inclined to travel to far off destinations in Europe and Americas, where they would enjoy a completely different experience.

Failure of Singapore to develop a unique brand as a tourist and travel destination may soon see fewer people going to the country for leisure activities as more prefer to do business.

Signature Event Concept

Given the success of events as strategies to attract tourists, it is imperative for tourism boards to have the capacity to organize events that will make an impact. O’Toole (2011) says that event planning requires meticulous strategizing that will help in ensuring sustainability and profitability. The aim is to bring many local and international tourists who will spend substantially and stay for several days, weeks or even months. Therefore, the proposed Singapore film festival is an ideal event that would help the country’s tourism industry to achieve its short-term and long-term objectives.

Ability to attract new visitors and encourage them to stay longer. An international film festival in Singapore is a perfect opportunity to bring in new visitors to the country who will stay longer than the average 3.6 days and spend more money. International Film festivals are few around the world because they require planning and publicity. However, such events target the tourists from the developed countries who are likely to stay in the country longer as they sample other local destinations. In Asia, not many destinations offer an elaborate film festival as a tourism event. The introduction of such an attraction in Singapore would drive considerable tourists traffic to the country for about one month. Besides, most film festivals are featured in the global media increasing the publicity of Singapore as a tour destination.

Consistency with Singapore tourism brand. Singapore’s Tourism Board aims to develop a sustainable industry by coming up with innovative events to capture diverse international visitors. The board acknowledges the effect of leisure, cultural, or arts events in building positive reputation of a country as an international tour destination. The initiation of the event will serve as a long-term strategy of transforming the image of the country from that of a business destination to an all-round destination that offers variety of services to the visitors.

Moreover, the country’s tourism board also wishes to curve the image of a choice destination for international visitors from Europe and the Americas who want a different experience from what they have in their regions. The film festival will integrate different aspects of the country’s rich heritage that includes art and culture. Besides, film is also part of the entertainment business that the country also aims to develop.

Leverages existing Singapore’s assets and infrastructure. The large number of locals attending cinema screenings annually is an indication of the robust film infrastructure in Singapore. The country is also a choice destination for the western and Asian box office releases that earn the country millions of dollars every year in ticket sales. Therefore, establishing the international film festival in the country would be the right step towards showcasing the film assets that exist in the country. The film production industry of Singapore would benefit as well as the many film screening theatres in the country.

Furthermore, the increased number of international visitors attending the event would make good use of the advanced hospitality facilities in the country that includes hotels, restaurants, parks, and other entertainment joints. The prolonged stay of visitors in the country would be a plus for the accommodation sector that has the capacity to host millions of international visitors every year. The transport industry that includes the airports, airlines, trains, and taxis operating in the city would also reap handsomely from the film festival. Therefore, the tourists who will arrive in the country will enjoy the modern infrastructure available in the country.

Positive contribution to the local community capital. The hosting of an international film festival in Singapore would be a good opportunity for the local community to benefit. Such events do not only involve screening of films but there are workshops conducted by world –class film makers to the local community. The upcoming film-makers in Singapore would also get a rare chance of showcasing their productions to the global audience. Consequently, the local community will benefit immensely, both directly and indirectly. Employment opportunities will be created by the event and the local community will also benefit from the spending done by the visitors.


Department of Statistics Singapore (2017).

Kwon, H. J. (2002). The impact of the cultural events on the cinema and tourism in a community. Event management, 6(2), 93-103.

McCarthy, N. (2015). Infographic: The Numbers Behind The 2015 Cannes Film Festival. Statista Infographics. Retrieved 10 September 2017, from

Ministry of Culture, Community and Youth (2015). Singapore’s cultural statistics 2015.

O’Toole, W. (2011). Events Feasibility and Development. Routledge.

STB (2013). STB Market Insights-China. Retrieved from

STB (2013). The Singapore Advantage.

STB. (2017). Market Insights. Retrieved 10 September 2017, from

Stringer, J. (2001). Global cities and the international film festival economy. Cinema and the city: Film and urban societies in a global context, 134-144.

UNWTO (2016). 2016 Annual Report. Retrieved from

World Economic Forum (2015). The Travel & Tourism Competitiveness Report 2015.

Retrieved from:

February 01, 2023




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