The Role of the Abolitionists in Abolishing Slavery in the United States

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The abolitionist movement played an important role in fighting slavery in the United States. Most of the slaves were obtained from Africa as the slave trade was more rampant in the continent. Generally, the movement was a social and political organization that mainly advocated for the emancipation of all slave activities to end. It was based on the racial discrimination of the black American and therefore aimed to eliminate on ways that would end it. The paper will discuss the role played by the abolitionist to abolish slavery in America, how they addressed the widespread Northern racism, how the Dred Scott decision affected the slavery debate in the United States, effects of the decision to the black free American, and why the Chief Justice Roger B. Taney issued the ruling he does in the case.

1. How the abolitionists try to abolish slavery nationwide

The abolitionist movement based its antislavery initiatives by religious fervor which was spread in most of the churches and political gatherings. The contribution, therefore, heightened animosity between the South and the Northern parts of America leading the eruption of civil war. The main aim of the movement was to end the racial discrimination and segregation of the American which had led to increased suffering to the slaves. The abolitionist used strategic policies to abolish slave trade nationwide.

First, the abolitionist tried to abolish the slave trade by introducing religious themes in different churches in America. The eruption of religious leaders such as Lyman Beecher conducted crusades that aimed in encouraging the abolitionist movement. Such platforms mainly educated the slaves on their rights and also mobilized their rights to be realized (Anderson, 23). The movement directly appealed to the national U.S Congress in the aim to change the laws regarding the national slavery. Such efforts led to the formation of the two Quaker delegations which aimed in petitioning of the international slave trade.

 Consequently, there was the formation of the New York and Philadelphia delegations in 1970 in the Representative house. Moreover, there was also the formation of the robust Pennsylvania Abolition Society which was being led by Benjamin Franklin (Anderson, 25). However, the House of Representative affirmed that the slave trade could not be ended before 1808 which ignited the abolitionist to continue with their activities.

Secondly, the abolitionist published slavery literature that aimed at educating the slaves about their rights and freedom. Africa came up with a small group of abolitionist known as Sons of Africa who were mainly ex-slaves in the colonial period (Kogan, 9). The movement started a campaign by publishing different works such as Interesting Narrative which aimed in mobilizing people against the slave trade. This contributed to educating the slaves about their rights.

1.1 How the abolitionist address the widespread northern racism

To curb the racism in the North, the abolitionist came up with a ratified way which campaigned against slavery. This was made easier by publishing popular newspapers that were spread nationwide. For instance, in 1831, Garrison published a famous newspaper known as Liberator

addressing the increased slavery (Brooks, 300). The paper was gladly accepted by the African –American learning more on their rights and freedom.

In 1835, the abolitionist movement established many branches throughout the nation which aimed to spread the anti-slavery literature. This was to make sure that the Congress was to end all the slavery which most of the African-American were subjected.  The movement also attracted most of the women who campaigned against slavery.

The initiatives mainly mobilized the Northern group leading to increased violent mobs which attacked different American leaders who subjected them to slavery (Brooks, 306). There were also slowdowns in their working places which aimed to air their grievances to the government. Similarly, there was also the burning and protest from most parts of the nation which aired the slave’s grievances

2.0 How the Dred Scott

decision affected the slavery debate in the US

In the 1850s the abolitionism had been absorbed by other organizations that were against the slavery. The Dred Scott decision affirmed that the slaves had no right to have their rights in America as they were not equal to the Americans (Calomiris, 13). The decision affirmed that slavery was to be introduced in all parts of America thus increasing slavery in America. The abolitionist also felt defeated which slowed theiu7r contribution toward the end of slavery. This encouraged slavery in the United States.

2.2 How the Dred Scott

decision affected the free Blacks

The Supreme Court decision mainly affected the free blacks as they were termed as slaves. This was because the court declared that all parts in America supported slavery which meant that the free Blacks were not citizens of America (DuCille, 3). Moreover, the decision stated that the slaves were termed as property which the owners would move or stay within any part of America regardless of whether slavery was allowed or not

3.3 Why Chief Justice Roger B. Taney issue the ruling he does in the case

The chief Justice Roger allowed slave trade in America because he supported in the basis that it was not constitutional. He based his decision on the Missouri Comprise which had banned slavery in most parts of America to be unconstitutional and therefore the Congress was not supposed to work with laws that infringed the American Citizens on how to own their property (Bender, 23). In his ruling, he argued that the slaves had no right to sue the federal government in its decision because all slaves were termed as properties which the owner would move within all places he wished.

In conclusion, the abolition movement played a significant role in fighting the slave trade in America. The movement mainly used slowdowns and mob attacks which aimed in fighting the slavery among the African. However, the Dred Scott decision affected their program as the Supreme Court disregarded the existence of freedom of the freed slaves in the country.


Anderson, Elizabeth. “Social movements, experiments in living, and moral progress: Case studies from Britain’s abolition of slavery.” (2014).

Kogan, Nathaniel Smith. “Aberrations in the Body and the Body Politic: The Eighteenth-Century Life of Benjamin Lay, Disabled Abolitionist.” Disability Studies Quarterly 36.3 (2016): (1-39)

 Brooks, Corey M. “Reconsidering Politics in the Study of American Abolitionists.” The Journal of the Civil War Era 8.2 (2018): 291-317.

Calomiris, Charles W., and Jonathan Pritchett. “Betting on secession: Quantifying political events surrounding slavery and the civil war.” American Economic Review 106.1 (2016): 1-23.

DuCille, Ann. “Introduction: Black Marriage and Meaning from Antoney and Isabella to ”Beyoncé and Her Husband.” differences 29.2 (2018): 1-5.

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