A case study on different work scenarios

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Choose a recruitment strategy and sources, then justify your choice. There are numerous recruitment and selection criteria that businesses might utilize. As the name implies, sourcing refers to the process of using various sources to identify qualified candidates for employment when recruiting new personnel for human resource departments. Elimination should eventually be used to sort through the candidates to discover the best fit.

Existing personnel inside the company may use internal sourcing to fill open positions. This approach involves little to no training because personnel must move laterally or upward, and it is also less expensive because background no advertising cost and background check expenses is incurred. It also promotes employee loyalty and equality to the organization. (Richason, n.d.).

The other method is through external sourcing, it involves using external tools such as job boards, newspapers and publication announcements find candidates. Therefore, this candidate may not be expected to possess direct experience in a particular field, but they bring fresh perspectives to the organization. This method is also applicable where certain technicality is required for the vacant position and it lacks among the internal staff.

Assess what type of interview would work best when hiring someone in an entrepreneurial environment.

Hiring someone in an entrepreneurial environment requires a lot of alignments to the strengths and culture of the organization. First and foremost, it is essential to carry out a strengths assessment, to identify the major personality and behavioral and natural talents through asking questions. The individual being interviewed should compatible to the organizations strengths and culture. The strength based approach dictates the relevance of understanding the internal workings, especially for small businesses. In order for an organization to conduct a good interview, it should put into consideration the following aspects:

The practical experience required for the growth of the team and business, based not only immediate needs but also current and anticipated needs.

Specific strengths for a certain position, after finding gaps in the organization hence need for leverage.

Ensure the candidate will fit in the culture of the organization and team up well with others.

Hiring can be very much rewarding if done in the right manner and will help in avoiding expensive and time-consuming implications, it will also enhance positivity and effectiveness in the existing team (Kaiser, 2015).

Determine whether or not you would use selection tests.

Selection tests are used to assess the candidate’s ability to perform tasks. In the interview selection must be used for the organization require an individual with certain skills and conforms to the strength and culture of the business.

Scenario 2: Training and Development

Choose training and/or development programs to implement in order to keep operations employees loyal to the organization.

Cross training creates corporate readiness in case of a need to replace an employee. This enhances teamwork among the different departments hence they understand others work, therefore, creating happiness in the workplace. There will also be a reduction in the rivalry since cross trained employees acquire empathy bringing their contribution to the organization. With such a conducive environment, employees will definitely be loyal to the organization.

Evaluate the training methods you would use.

Classroom or instructor led training, employees share ideas and compare results through interaction with the instructor.

Interactive training techniques, it is funnier and more enjoyable as employing acquire skills while interacting freely.

Hands on training techniques, allows inexperienced employees to fit in and also convenient for usage of a new equipment.

Computer based training, this method is cost effective and employees learn at their own pace.

E-learning or online based training, it has become common due to its accessibility and it is first and reliable.

Scenario 3: Employee Relations

Assess the discipline steps to take. Determine how you would apply positive discipline.

Discipline is mandatory in every organization and involves five steps:

Oral reprimand, it should be given immediately by the manager in a tactful manner.

Written warning, given after the failure of the employee to respond to oral reprimand. Contains the issue at hand and the consequence of failure to adhere.

Final documentation, the employee is made aware of the possibility of termination.

Suspension with probation, it is the final chance given to an employee.

Termination, after suspension and the employee still portray the same behavior, he or she is unfortunately terminated.

Positive discipline encourages employee participation in fostering the required behavior. An organization can foster this discipline through giving rewards, bonuses, promotions and employing other positive methods (Strain, n.d.).

Determine the just-cause standards you should verify before termination.

Employees cannot be terminated unless with justified cause. The following seven factors need to be put into considerations.

If the employees were aware of the company’s policies

The company policy was reasonable

There was an investigation by the company to determine the violation of policy

Fair and objective investigation

Existence of substantial violation evidence

Application of company’s policy unswervingly

The type of discipline was reasonable and proportional

Scenario 4: Workplace Health and Safety

Assess the benefits of a wellness program.

Healthier employees are more productive. A wellness program is intended to improve and promote health and fitness provided in the work place. The program is through an arrangement by the employer and it can be in the form of premium discounts, cash rewards, gym memberships, etc. An evaluation of a wellness program seeks to ensure that employee health risks are reduced, health care spending is managed and as a general investment is undertaken in the well-being of employees. A good wellness programs ensure the organization’s health goals advance in a number of ways.

Summarize the components you would include in the wellness program.

A wellness program contains seven categories of processes that are important for better outcomes. They include:

Participation measures, this involves the level at which employees are involved in the program and becomes an eligible member.

Satisfaction measures, measures and recommends specific ways to capture information in the wellness program.

Organization support, this entails the level of support the program enjoys from the organization.

Health impact measures, special health issues involved in the program are addressed.

Financial outcome measures, health care costs are quantified.

Productivity and performance measures, it involves the effect and significance of health in employee performance.

Value of Investment, assesses the financial impact of the wellness program.

Scenario 5: Labor Relations/Unionization

Describe the process employees need to take in order to unionize.

First, they need to build an organization committee. Leaders are identified, representing all departments and should be a reflection of racial, ethnic and gender diversity.

Secondly, an issue program is adopted, the committee develops a demand or achievements needed to be achieved.

Signing of the membership cards, coworkers are urged to join a union by signing these cards.

The signed cards are used to petition the labor board to hold an election and it decides the eligible voters.

A contract is signed between the union and employers stipulating disputes resolution mechanisms and wages framework.

Explain the rights of employees.

The employment law covers the rights and obligations in the employment sector. The employer –employee relationship involves a lot of issues that are governed by the federal and state law. However, in case an employer, an employee relationship is governed by a contract only the state contract law can determine the right and privileges of either party.

Assess what an employer can legally do to prevent unionization.

Employees mainly join unions due to dissatisfaction and treatment by management. There are various strategies employers can do to discourage unionization:

Use of fair and consistent policies and practices.

Management policies that are friendly

Payment and benefits should be on a competitive basis

Trust and recognition of employees

Scenario 6: Motivation

Explain two motivational theories.

Expectancy theory-it states that individuals have different set of goals and they can be motivated if they have certain expectations. The theory mainly entails the manner in which individuals make their choices. Motivation is influenced by the way individuals expect a particular effort can produce the desired results. There is a positive connection between efforts and performance according to this theory developed by Vroom.

Maslow’s need hierarchy theory, it states that human behavior is related to his or her needs. The behavior is adjusted depending on their needs to be satisfied, these needs are arranged according to their importance and priority. Maslow arranged the needs into five categories, once one need was satisfied it stopped being a motivating factor.

Determine which theory would work best in this scenario to help motivate employees.

Expectancy theory will be very suitable in motivating employees as their beliefs about expectancy affect their motivation psychologically and they feel that the effort to satisfy their desire is worthwhile. Employees in this case are self-driven and management just needs to be aware of the type of training, resources and supervision they need.


Richason, O. (n.d.). Methods of Recruitment and Selection. Hearst Newspapers. Retrieved on February 28, 2017 from http://smallbusiness.chron.com/methods-recruitment-selection-2532.html

Strain, M. (n.d.).how Important Is Discipline to the Workplace? Houston Chronicles. Retrieved on February 28, 2017 from http://smallbusiness.chron.com/important-discipline-workplace-21714.html

Kaiser, M. (2015).How to Higher the Right Person for the Job. Entrepreneur. Retrieved on February 28, 2017 from https://www.entrepreneur.com/article/246903

February 09, 2023

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HR Management Learning

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