Alien Life Form

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Lavidia is an extrasolar planet that orbits a star called Etherios in its empirical setting. Its distance from Earth is measured to be 870 light-years. It is the only transit planet that orbits Etherios and is found in the constellation Xalioth. It is found in the farthest reaches of the universe and is one of the solar system’s least-known planets. It is heavier than the moon and has a distinctive trademark maroon hue that it illuminates due to iron oxide in its atmosphere, making it quite a sight in the sky on dark nights. Huge storms of dust on the planet usually make volcanoes and lakes invisible. The global surface of the planet contains a number of distinctive features which include rivers and river beds, fields of dune, volcanoes and crater terrains. The largest and most common crater is Lucia which has a height of 70,000 ft making it one of the highest peaks in the solar system. Along with the massive crater is a canyon, 3,000 miles long with a significant raise of 7 kilometers above the sea level (Brodal, 37).

In comparison, Lavidia_x0092_s atmosphere is considerably a bit thinner that of Earth with pressures found to lie between the confinements of 1/100 to those of Earth. Further, Lavidia is much colder as compared to Earth with low temperatures ranging from -80 degrees during winter and 6 degrees on a summer day. As Lavidia orbits, its seasons undergo significant changes which are categorized into three seasons in total. Its atmosphere consists of a variety of gases that span over nitrogen (2%), carbon dioxide (65%), Argon (0.8%) and oxygen at 5%. In addition, there are traces of water vapor in the atmosphere, which normally freeze as they rise into the planet_x0092_s upper atmosphere (Clayman, 68). As a result of the minimal levels of liquefied water, only a few clouds are able to form in Lavidia rendering it dark and cold. The planet has only one moon named Philos which is situated in planet miles of 5,500. In addition, Philos has a surface diameter of 18 miles. Similar to Earth, Lavidia has two poles covered in ice that subjects them into being much colder than the other points on the planet_x0092_s surface. These ice caps consist of both dry ice and water ice, which change, in size in accordance with the seasonal changes.

The features associated with Lavidia especially its characteristic ability to enable water retention in its polar atmospheres make it a viable home for organic life. However, life in this planet is only enabled through a set of adaptive qualities, which organisms must evolve into so as to survive. Life in Lavidia exists in various forms, its biosphere comprises of bacteria, fungi, plants and animals. The biosphere is connected to the planet via biochemical sequences which all together work in harmony to create a harsh but good eco system for organic life to survive. Among the organisms that exist in this area of the universe are the Thalamis. They are carbon-silicon based creatures whose bodies are made of moist skin and scales. They possess mammalian features such as fur and a defined digestive system but their reproduction is largely reptile like. They move by a set of six limbs which are positioned along their long physical compositions.

Thalamis have 6 eyes and 3 ears which are adapted accordingly to the cold harsh atmospheric qualities of Lavidia. They are able to take in energy from their surrounding and eliminate waste through openings in their exterior parts. Thalamis are chemical based creatures, they ensure propagation of their species by laying of eggs that they do in a definite season under the layers of ice. After the eggs have been laid, they require a little warmth, which the organism has to provide in order to propagate hatching. The hatching process is divided into two stages. At the initial stages, the eggs are subjected to warmth by being buried deep under the ice. The temperatures are significantly higher as compare to the surface. Later in the final stages, Thalamis have to reach out to the eggs and insert them into sockets on their cavities. They will have accumulated enough and sufficient energy and warmth after a long period of hibernation. The young baby Thalamis then hatch while inside the sockets after which a process similar to the mammary mode of reproduction occurs.

Bodies of living organisms comprise of organ systems. All these systems often work in unison so as to ensure functionality of the organism. Organ systems are often categorized in groups, which comprise various systems and their relative organs. These systems include the Endocrine system, Integumentary system, Muscular system, skeletal system and the Nervous system just but to name a few. The Endocrine system is made up of glands, which network to perform secretion of hormones that control functions of the body such as metabolism, response to stimuli, reproduction and growth. Glands in this system are grouped into endocrine (regulation of internal processes) and exocrine regulation of external processes).

Examples of these glands include the pituitary glands, thyroid gland, adrenal glands. Hypothalamus and ovaries. The pituitary glands control the functions of the other endocrine glands. The thyroid gland releases hormones, which work in regulating an organism_x0092_s metabolism (Howard 985). Adrenal glands are responsible for the release of hormones that trigger the responses instituted by the body. The hypothalamus is located in the brain and its role is to maintain internal balance in the body. At times, these glands may secrete inappropriate levels of hormones that may lead to diseases and fatalities (Saladin 68).

The Thalamis have complex organ systems as well. These systems work in conformity with each other in ensuring that they thrive and pass on life as they exist in Lavidia (Howard, 24). They have a defined endocrine system whose roles are much limited as compared to its functionalities in humans. In the Thalamis, the system mainly serves functions in metabolism, growth and reproduction. These organisms do not reproduce regularly; the average gestation period for female is about 19 months that is twice as compared to that of humans. As an adaptation to survive in the cold conditions, Thalamis spend a lot of their lifetime sleeping in an induced characteristic form of hibernation. This helps maintain the limited source of feed (silicon based fungi and bacteria) which is often in scarce.

Another major organ system is the Integumentary system. It includes the skin alongside features such as scales, nails and hair. Its main function in an organism_x0092_s body is to offer protection and cushion to the inner tissues, waste removal and control of temperature. It also serves in sensing stimuli such as pressure using receptors attached to its glands. This system is the largest known organ in almost all existing living forms. For example, the skin of the Thalamis covers almost the entire body. Humans have this system consistent of two defined layers, epidermis and dermis. The dermis forms the upper layer which is composed of epithelial cells and lacks blood cells (Howard, 74). It works as a protection and source for absorption of minerals. The Dermis on the other hand contains collective tissues that are arranged in woven patterns. They serve to offer elasticity and prevent skin wrinkling. The underlying sub-dermal layer has connective tissue whose physiological role is to store energy through insulation and storage of glucose and fat. The Thalamis_x0092_ body is covered by furless skin. It is adapted to the harsh features of Lavidia by specialized adaptations such as a fatty blubber pigment that lies underneath all of its skin. This adaptation also has provision for pores on the anterior region of the Thalamis that are used for breathing. The high amounts of carbon dioxide in Lavidia are broken down and converted into tiny bits of oxygen that the organisms diffuse into their bodies. The skin is used for respiration only during hibernation and in the poles where the temperatures drop to minimum.

Another vital organ system in living organisms is the muscular system. This system functions in supporting organism movement, posture maintenance and blood circulation (Clayman 1201). Muscles have been grouped into smooth, cardiac and skeletal muscles. Skeletal muscles perform voluntarily by design such that they can be controlled directly by the organism. Smooth muscles on the other end are located deep in the body organs. They are much weaker by design and are controlled involuntarily by the brain. The last of the muscles is the heart_x0092_s cardiac muscle. Cardiac muscles ensure pumping of blood by the heart to regions all over the body. They perform unconsciously and are controlled by hormones secreted from the brain. Muscles come in diverse sizes, direction patterns and shapes. Thalamis have specialized muscles and are grouped in categories similar to human muscles. They possess both skeletal and smooth muscles. However, most of the muscles are skeletal in formation, as the Thalamis do not have the capability to adequately control all their muscles. Their brains are so tiny that their functionality is limited to pumping of slera (blood). Muscles located deep in the body are dual smooth muscles that perform the role of initiating responses to stimuli. Their slera is pumped to all parts of their bodies and contains silicon and carbon based nutrients that the organism depends on for survival.

The nervous system includes a connection of cells and nerves which relay information to and from the organism_x0092_s spinal cord and brain to the rest of the body. This system is divided into two, Central nervous system (CNS) and the Peripheral nervous system (PNS). The CNS consists of the brain which has a series of cells (neurons) and other supporting cells together with the spinal cord. The spinal cord is a tubular organ which forms as an extension of the brain (Brodal 59). It consists of nerves which offer control to the sensory and motor aspects of organisms. The Thalamis have a nervous system too just like humans. However, their spinal cord consists of 50 segments. This is explained due to their sheer sizes especially in length. They further have meninges which offer protection to their small brains against micro-organisms and other bacteria that are found in Lavidia. The human nervous system has neurons which form the basic unit for the entire system. Its role is transmission as well as reception of nerve impulses. The neurons are often categorized according to their functionalities and structural qualities. The Thalamus only possess a single set of neurons, Bi-polar neurons. However, their performance covers the functionalities of the multipolar neurons as well. This adaptation locates the neurons at the retinas of their eyes whose dendrites are linked to their brains. Through this adaptation, the Thalamis can easily detect motion along with smell and decipher it in their brains even when they are hibernating.

The Skeletal system largely functions as a framework for the organism_x0092_s body offering support, motion and protection. These roles are derived from the skeletal system_x0092_s subdivisions in relation to the other parts of the human body such as the respiratory system, muscle system, nervous system and the cardiovascular system. It includes a series of cartilages, connective tissue and bones. This system is divided into axial (spine and skull) and the appendicular (hips and shoulders). A common yet distinctive characteristic of the human skeletal setup is the erect posture (Selvic 46). Unlike humans, the Thalamus walk on both of their six limbs. This feature has consequently favored humans as they have evolved and developed newer uses for the fore limbs (arms) which they don_x0092_t use for locomotion. However, walking on both limbs has also posed as a benefit to the Thalamis especially in dealing with their weight. The heaviness of the creatures could have been problematic if they had an erect posture as their delicate inner organs would be crushed.

The skeleton of humans as discussed is inclusive of two major parts. However, the Thalamis have a much different skeletal setup. Due to their 3 sets of limbs the appendicular division is elongated and comprises of extra joints that are linked to the limbs. Although both of their cranial capacity features are likened to those of humans as they appear to bear variations in thickness of the sinuses with each of the Thalamis. Both the Thalamis and humans have cartilages. They create a model which ensures growth of the skeleton. The delicate organs in the body such as the lungs and heart raise a need for an elastic covering protection as their activities involve movements (contraction and expansion). The rib cage, which part of the skeletal system creates a protective barrier for these delicate organs. The Thalamis have several vital and delicate organs which require such a means of protection.

However, most of their bones are huge and thick which makes them not valid in protecting these delicate tiny organs. As a result, the Thalamis have developed an adaptive feature whereby they have pockets of oft membrane deep in their bodies which house this organs. These pockets have a rich supply of vessels which nourish the organs with nutrients from slera. Further, the layer of blabber provides adequate internal warmth which keeps the organs at an optimum temperature required for survival. The

The Thalamus are creatures whose physical appearance and composition is much different from the common natural look of Earth_x0092_s organisms (Saladin,83). Due to the completely different environment they reside in, there is need for them to have organs and features which are termed as non-conventional as compared to humans. For example, the Thalamus have a pair of elongated antennae at the top of their heads. They are comprised of soft tissues with underlying vessels which enable transportation of slera that offers nutrient energy. In most instances they are normally erect as a result of the cold nature in Lavidia. The vessels in the antennae constrict hence making them consequently assume the erect position. Tiny openings along the surface of the antennae trap bits of moisture which is used by the creature in performing general body metabolism. The functions of the two antennae are variable. They can be used to detect motion from approaching intrusion hence enable the Thalamus to release hormones meant to enable its protection. Further, they are used break down the atmospheric gases into gases that are useful for the metabolism of the organisms systems.

Another novel organ known in the Thalamus_x0092_ composition are situated in their limbs. The thalamus is a creature that spends most of its life at the coldest regions along the poles. The poles are often constituent of both liquid and dry ice. This renders the surface slippery at most parts of the seasons and hence the Thalamus have adopted a series of hooky structures on their limbs which offer a strengthened grip and added stability as they move around. They are made of strong but thin pigments which protrude from the limb phalanges. These features are coupled by scales which serve the same function. In addition to aiding in locomotion, the structures can serve as a protection feature as they are extremely sharp, elongated and pointy. All these adaptive qualities which are still undergoing more evolution enables the alien creatures exist in an otherwise harsh and unfavorable condition unfit for the survival of human and most of the life forms existing on Earth.

Works Cited

Brodal, Per. The central nervous system: structure and function. Oxford University Press, 2004.

Clayman, Charles B. “Human Anatomy and Physiology.” JAMA 242.11 (2007): 1201-1201.

Howard, Andrew D., et al. “A receptor in pituitary and hypothalamus that functions in growth

Hormone release.” Science 273.5277 (1996): 974-977.

Saladin, Kenneth S., and Leslie Miller. Anatomy & physiology. New York (NY):

WCB/McGraw-Hill, 2008.

Selvik, Göran. “Roentgen stereophotogrammetry: a method for the study of the kinematics of the skeletal system.” Acta Orthopaedica Scandinavica 60.sup232 (1989): 1-51.

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