SpaceX: The Solution for the Future

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Space X is one of the most known American Private company focused on space transportation and aerospace manufacturing. The company was found in 2002 through the hard work of Elon Musk with the primary objective of limiting the costs on space transportation and to eventually allow the mass colonization. The company has advanced due to the increased technological growth thus promoting Falcon launch as well as the launch of the Dragon family, also known as the spacecraft family (Stappert). Based on the aspect of technological growth, SpaceX is recognized for profound achievements including the first company to fund liquid based rocket reaching the orbit in 2008. This made it be the first known company to fully integrate and discover various problems that are associated with the issues faced within the planet.

Consequent Achievements of SpaceX

Consequently, in 2010, the company launched the orbit as well as recovering the spacecraft also known as the dragon. Other than the two achievements, the company is also known for the accomplishment in sending the first spacecraft to reach in the global space station. It is based on these numerous achievements thus most scholars and authors argue that the best viable solution for the future is SpaceX. In 2011, there was also an announcement through active management of SpaceX that it was to begin a new program which could make proper application of the reusable system technology to solve various problems within the planet. It is important to note that since its launch, there have been numerous developments which is experienced indicating that it is one of the solutions for the future. The paper, therefore, probes the reasons why SpaceX is the solution for the future based on its progress, obstacles as well as problems faced on the planet.

The Problems Face on the Planet Today

There are numerous problems faced within the planet today in correlation to the space exploration and travel, an aspect which is fully mitigated through the intensive development in SpaceX. One of the essential problems faced on our planet is the drag of gravity. It is important to note that the Gravity drag intensively lowers the rate and the cost of space transportation. This, therefore, lowers the luggage that is carried to ensure that such costs and risks are mitigated. The more the luggage is added, the lower the motion and the higher the conspiration of the force against the gadget (Seedhouse). According to Seedhouse, in any case, a gadget from the earth flees freely, it must go at above a speed of twenty-five thousand meters per hour. This is a double cost up to about $ 300 million incorporations of the launch as well. Therefore, this is an indicator that the gravity drag is one problem since it further leads to increased costs. Based on this aspect of cost and gravity drag, SpaceX has employed the use of various metals in the manufacture of their gadgets including the fibered sheets and alloys to mitigate the problem of luggage and increased weight. Through the application of such alloys, the reusability is increased as well as enhancing money saving which is significant in space transportation and travelling.

Other than the problem of gravity drags which further leads to increased costs, another problem within the planet is the slow-moving gadgets that are used for space travelling and exploration. It is substantial to note that to hurtle through space is easy due to its nature of being a vacuum. The problem will always be at start of the journey using the more massive objects. The more the gadget takes off, the more its massiveness is also increased (Prophet). It regards this aspect that SpaceX company focuses on the chemical propellants and not kerosene-based to ensure that there is an increased push at the beginning of the journey. Many Research institutes, as well as authors, have focused on the intensive research to understand the aspect of propulsion by focusing on the radical methods and with the assistance of SpaceX. Lastly, one of the vital problems on space which the company is entirely trying to mitigate is lack of GPS within the space. It is significant to understand that is contrary to the rational aspects on earth through the help of GPS, no collection of arrays is on space. It is the collection of the Arrays which eventually promotes the Integrated Space Network. The only navigation tools regarding the space Network is the collection of the arrays in Spain, Australia, and California.

Consequently, one major concern which must be fully understood is that whenever the flight is taken, the congestion in the network is increased which eventually leads to the lowered network capacity. This is thus a significant problem since extra costs are incurred to ensure that the problem is sufficiently mitigated. The problem is on the course and being addressed through SpaceX company, an indicator that in the future no such instances would be observed.

Progress in SpaceX

There is much progress that has taken place since the launch of SpaceX. The progress has been correlated to the main objectives of cost reduction on the space travel. At the beginning of 2018, there was the installation of two antennas specifically meant for tracking purposes which were an indicator of the intended space commercialization. This is also associated with Boca Chica Facility one of the vows which Musk took during the launch SpaceX. The leading investment towards the facility was aimed at $ 1120 million which was reached at the beginning of this year. This facility is aimed at increasing the speed on which the rockets are sent to space. More importantly, it is also crucial to note that irrespective of the progress, there are also increased difficulties that the company faces as well since the company sometimes relies on the state’s money.

Currently, the company has also planned to blast off from the facility of Boca Chica which is correctly oriented to take place towards the end of 2018. This was addressed through the company’s spokesman who adamantly stressed that SpaceX needs to embrace loyalty and also focus on solving the numerous challenges in his words “SpaceX has continued to make progress on building the first-ever commercial spaceport in South Texas while also overcoming many challenges in the last few years. We continue to target late 2018, but we’re reviewing our progress in South Texas, and SpaceX will turn the launch complex online as soon as it’s ready” (Waters). Despite the progress being slow, the company still works towards ensuring that its primary objectives and goals are fully achieved. Additionally, SpaceX has intensively progressed through the development of the most potent triple booster rocket which is aimed at reducing the space travel costs through relying on the chemical power plant which was developed in June this year. Through the assistance of Musk, the company has also emphasized on refunding Texas due to the support offered during the launch which was also completed early this year. These progresses and many others have been embraced through obtaining the company’s primary goals.

Obstacles regarding SpaceX

Irrespective of the progress on SpaceX, numerous obstacles are continuously faced. The major obstacle which the company faces is space politics. Initially, before private companies were allowed to explore space through sending their gadgets. Since the signing of treaties which allowed such private companies to operate, there have been a lot of politics regarding space. The treaties which were signed to manage such activities through the United Nations treaty have heavily been politicized (Bray). For instance, there are some private companies known for various activities such as emitting poisonous substances for the destruction of the planet. This has been a significant obstacle for SpaceX in carrying out different activities focused on the reduction in the cost as well as time in space exploration and travel.

In addition to space politics as an obstacle, climate is also one of the biggest challenges thus may inhibit SpaceX from being the future solution. Many authors including Bray have argued that the vision of colonization of Mars by Musk portrays the unachievable philosophy of the earth. The motivation is thus being that the planet is already messed, it is now the right time to move to the next planet. Climate change has inhibited various activities within the space and at the onset of the journey as well. Lastly, Bray argues that another obstacle faced by the company is the financial resources. It is crucial to understand that from the launch, through the journey and back, a lot of resources are required to ensure that space exploration and travel are affordable (Exploration). The company also requires a lot of finance to provide that the most useful devices and materials including the alloys are used to increase the speed and reduce the rate of travel. These are the major obstacles which inhibit the company from achieving its principal aims and objectives.

Arguments why SpaceX is a Viable Solution for the Future

Houser argues that since SpaceX applies the reusable rockets, the travel costs are massively reduced acting as a solution for the future. It is important to note that the company has developed booster rockets that are easily reusable. This has replaced the initial gadgets, also known as the cars. Once the rockets are used up, there is the aspect of the controlled drop which ensures that they effectively descend on the earth, fueled and another flight taken as well (Eldridge). This will eventually reduce the costs of travel since it is contrary to the initial times where once a rocket is used, it is no longer taken for another flight. Through the aspect of reuse, a lot of costs are saved which could be applied to the installation for another rocket, thus an indicator that SpaceX is the viable solution in the future.

Also, in addition to the reusable rockets, further development has been embraced from these rockets which allows them to increase the amount of luggage that is carried by such rockets to reduce the gravity drag and ensure the costs are profoundly reduced. Increasing the amount of luggage carried, also known as the falcon big also offers the opportunity for the travelers to carry other devices used for carrying out extensive research within the space advantage for the future space travel. Consequently, it is crucial to note that the rockets from SpaceX have not been in way infallible due to the reuse (Seedhouse). The company further integrated the idea of releasing the blooper reel which reduces the effects of explosions from the initial flight thus promotes the aspect of the reuse of such rockets.

Consequently, according to the argument by Klotz, SpaceX is the viable solution in the future due to its ability to explore space through the exposure to the GPS network. It is important to note that a critical problem on space which the company is entirely trying to mitigate is a lack of GPS. It is significant to understand that is contrary to the rational aspects on earth through the help of GPS, no collection of arrays is on space. It is the collection of the arrays which eventually promotes the Integrated Space Network. The only navigation tools regarding the space Network is the collection of the arrays in Spain, Australia, and California. SpaceX, therefore, has taken the aspect of GPS as their primary task which on full incorporation will entirely change the aspect of space travel, increase the communication rate and solve the problem related to costs.

Vozoff and Couluris also emphasize that the essential reason why the solution in the future relies on SpaceX is the new design that was recently launched, the big Falcon Rocket (BFR). This is an opportunity due to the change in the capacity and the engine of the rocket. Musk, the CEO claims that on completion of the rocket up to about 100 tones will be carried indicating that more travelers will find the opportunity of accessing the space (Jennet). This rocket will also reduce the instances of malignant-based diseases which are prevalent in space by being incorporated with Anti-cancer devices, thus a better solution for the future. Therefore, based on these arguments, it is evident that SpaceX is the viable solution for the future.


In a nutshell, Space X is one of the most known and American Private company focused on space transportation and aerospace manufacturing. The company has advanced due to the increased technological growth thus promoting Falcon launch as well as the launch of the Dragon family, also known as the spacecraft family. There are numerous problems faced within the planet today in correlation to the space exploration and exploring, an aspect which is fully mitigated through the intensive development in SpaceX, these problems include, gravity drag, increased costs as well as various cancerous diseases in space exploration. From the arguments stipulated by the authors, it is evident that SpaceX is the viable solution in the future due to the development of booster rockets that are easily reusable which has replaced the initial gadgets, also known as the cars, increased access to GPS networks and the new design, the Big Falcon Rocket.

Work Cited

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Klotz, Irene, “SpaceX Picks Up Its Launches To Set Record Pace.” Commercial Aviation Content from Aviation (2015).

Prophet, Chris. SpaceX From The Ground Up: 4th Edition . March 2016.

Seedhouse, Erik. SpaceX: making commercial spaceflight a reality. Springer Science & Business Media, 2013.

Stappert, S., and E. Dumont. Reusability of launch vehicles by the method of SpaceX. SART TN-007/2016, 2016.

Vozoff, Max, and John Couluris. ”SpaceX products-advancing the use of space.” AIAA SPACE 2008 Conference & Exposition. 2008

Waters, Renny. ”Review of Elon Musk: Tesla, SpaceX, and the Quest for a Fantastic Future.” Financial Times (2015).

Jennet, Frederik. “Where Will We Live After Earth?” D-Brief, 23 Jan. 2015,

Quora. “The Pros and Cons Of Privatizing Space Exploration.” Forbes, Forbes Magazine, 4

Apr. 2017,

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