an executive dashboard

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An executive dashboard is described as a graphic representation of the most important details needed to accomplish goals, combined and arranged on a screen to improve management of information at a glance (Selman & Jennings, 2015). It is regarded as a single repository from which senior management and executive teams may draw all pertinent information required for proper oversight and review of an organization’s or firm’s activities. The Dashboard offers a high-level analysis of the performance of all departments in the enterprise which is suitable since it provides a very simple evaluation of the performance of each department. Effects of a poorly constructed Dashboard

It is a computer interface that shows the major performance indicators in a business or organization and the event that it is poorly constructed, the normal operation of the business can greatly be affected or may lead to a loss which may only be realized when corrective measures cannot take effect. Poorly constructed dashboard deter the managerial and the executives the ability to receive great insight and visibility from the dashboard. They will be in a position where they cannot tell what is going in all the aspects of the business (Selman & Jennings, 2015).

Poorly constructed Executive Dashboards can also lead to time wasting as the executive will have no option but to continue logging in into the system of the business and running reports now and then which could otherwise be accessed easily on then properly constructed Dashboard.

Supervision of the employees can prove to be a difficult task since they can perform better in the event that they are made aware that their performance is being judged fro]m the dashboard. Finally, poorly constructed Dashboard does not give room for the executives to ensure that that the business is operating based on the planned expectations of the business which can be easily monitored in a properly designed dashboard.

Building an effective analytics program

The main solution to the management of many or even one websites for either then client or for organizing analytics and relevant data is the use of effective dashboard (Demchenko & Klous, 2014). Dashboards are only meant to display relevant data, and it is not meant to visualize all the available data. The main steps involved in the construction of an effective analytics program include:

Choosing the Target Audience

Ensure the Dashboard is intended to focus on a particular sort of client, that is, the dashboard being utilized by the officials to screen the financial activities or is it utilized by the Marketing group (Demchenko & Klous, 2014). It frequently comprises a blend of information some of which is important to one group of audience and some to another.

Choosing the Right kind of the Dashboard

There are three sorts of dashboard which incorporates;

Operational Dashboard - This kind of the dashboard shows the information that is required for the operations division in an organization like the Server use, CPU usage, and so forth.

Executive Dashboard - This kind of dashboard shows the KPI’s that an organization’s officials are intrigued like the Periodic income, costs, deals pipeline, headcount, and so forth.

Analytic Dashboard- This shows the vital information by investigating more on the information to get distinctive bits of knowledge.

The logical data structure

It has to be guaranteed that the information is shown along with their coherent groups. For instance, if a dashboard incorporates budgetary KPI’s and Sales pipeline, guarantee that the money related information are assembled, and likewise the business information is gathered (Demchenko & Klous, 2014).

Making the information Relevant to the Targeted Audience

Many target audiences can be included in the Dashboard; however, we have to guarantee that the information shown is pertinent to the clients. We have to recognize the target group such as the individual Department, the entire organization, people, providers, and so forth (Demchenko & Klous, 2014).

The intended metrics only should be shown

Dashboards ought to contain just the important data and metrics. It ought to abstain from utilizing every one of the measurements as it tends to lose the concentration of the information.

Trinity Mindset

To outline and build up an official dashboard, we require a vital approach to the basic leadership keeping in mind the end goal to work out a world class basic leadership platform which is known as the Trinity Mindset (Avinash, 2007).

Impact of Trinity Mindset on the Executive Dashboard

The objective of the trinity mindset is to locate the noteworthy bits of knowledge by examining the metrics to determine the key choice. There are three segments for a Trinity Mindset which are the behavior analysis, outcome analysis and the experience which is the most critical component as it used to dissect the client encounters by directing studies and ease of use tests (Avinash, 2007). The customers’ voice is essential as it takes a key choice for the administrators and furthermore to actualize a client driven development plan of action. The Trinity mindset engages to comprehend the experience of the customer so that you can impact the correct client behavior which will prompt win-win results for the organization and its clients.


Avinash Kaushik (2007). Web Analytics an Hour a Day.

Demchenko, & Klous, S. (2014, December). Instructional model for building effective Big Data. In Cloud Computing Technology and Science (CloudCom), 2014 IEEE 6th International Conference on (pp. 935-941). IEEE.

Selman, T. H., & Jennings, M. J. (2015). U.S. Patent No. 8,996,316. Washington, DC: U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.

“Web Analytics an Hour a Day” by Avinash Kaushik

December 08, 2022

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