Application of POLC in Dairy Farming Management

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Management in an organisational setting requires an outright strategy which involves coordination of the employees to accomplish the objectives through the available resources. The four primary management functions consist of the Planning, Organizing, Leading, and Controlling (POLC) of the organisation. Dairy farming management was one of the scenarios that give an insight into the application of the POLC. I had a chance of being elected as the manager of the organisation for six months under the company rules on the most efficient, disciplined, and most punctual employee of the year. An effective management plan and strategies are set in place to assure the organisation’s daily operation and growth. Although it comes with numerous constraints, proper planning and formulation of strategies ensure a smooth running. For instance, setting up of the objectives, developing an organisational structure, and contribution to the employees’ attitude to the workplace involves having the qualities of a good leader.


The setting up of the objectives to be achieved by the firm in one month was quite tricky and needs a better understanding. Various factors are taken into consideration including the environmental conditions facing the dairy production and supply of milk to the industry (Durak, 2017). It involved deciding on the future forecast requirements to avoid the shortage of milk. Moreover, the analysis of the competitive opportunities and threats to determine how the organisation can healthily compete with other dairy firms regarding the supply of milk. 


Allocation of human resources to achieve the objectives was one of the criteria to champion the growth of the organisation. Developing an organisational structure was my area of focus which involved coordination of effort. For instance, the duties and the responsibilities of various employees had to be reshuffled to change the manner in which the tasks were carried out. It ensured the balance of the worker specialisation.


As the manager, I had the moral responsibility of inspiring the actions of the employees. For instance, I had to involve the employees in talks after a period of some time on the achievement of objectives. It ensured that they were motivated and they did quality work.


When it came to the performance of the organisation, I had to make sure that there was no deviation. The process involved the establishment of the performance standards, comparison of the actual performance against the rules and taking the corrective actions when necessary (Lukovic 2015). It heightened the growth of the industry.

My approach on the four on the four management functions was beneficial. The results from the application of the strategy were quite enormous and ensured the continued growth of the organisation. However, more alternatives include promotion of the employees to appreciate and motivate them. Moreover, the employees should set their own goals to achieve in a given period because they would work knowing that out of their efforts, they could get a promotion to a higher rank. It would have been more effective and would have ensured even much further growth of the organisation.


Durak, G. (2017). Open and distance learning administration: The organizational models, cultures. Administrative Leadership in Open and Distance Learning Programs, 84.

Lukovic, T. (2015). Culture as a differentiating factor in management. In International OFEL Conference on Governance, Management and Entrepreneurship (p. 892). Zagreb, Croatia: Centar za istrazivanje i razvoj upravljanja doo.

October 30, 2023

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