Different types of motivation

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Good management is correlated with a number of factors, including inspiration, personality differences, and leadership, among others. Appropriate application of these elements will lead to improved workplace productivity as well as an improvement in the quality of services provided. Motivation is a method of achieving certain goals purposefully by encouraging goal-directed actions among the staff or employees of a corporation or organization. It entails consistent efforts aimed at achieving the defined targets or objectives. The three crucial aspects of motivation are; effort, persistence, and directed goals are critical when considering motivation as an element of good management (Burton, p. 5). The effectiveness of motivation depends on the employee’s ability to perform a task, and this is where individual differences come into play. Different people will have unique personalities and so their ability to perform tasks. According to McClelland’s theory of needs, once the characters are acquired at the early stages of our life, they cannot be changed. They allow one to choose and perform well on jobs or tasks that closely matches their needs or skills (Maslow 45).

Motivation in an Organization

Motivation allows one to go for an extra mile to achieve the set targets. The extra mile could be in terms of acquiring more knowledge or skills in their field hence improving the ability of a said employee and subsequently improving their productivity. This is in line with the Maslow’s hierarchy of needs theory which says that after satisfying the basic needs, in this case, the skills, human beings will move ahead and look for ways to satisfy their higher order needs, news skills at work. The theory also indicates that whenever a low-level need is met, means of satisfying it again can no longer serve to be a motivator of behavior. According to McClelland, motivation facilitates the need for achievement between employees which is accompanied by the desire to perform a task in a better way and efficiently. It also helps solve work based problems as well as mastering complex tasks. Performance equations indicate motivation to be one of the key elements (Ramlall 56).

According to psychologist Victor Vroom, the developer of Expectancy theory, the importance of motivation to leaders cannot be overemphasized. For leaders or management to expect results, they should support work efforts from their employees as well as clearly defining performance goals. According to Victor, individuals will always question themselves on the rewards that will be associated with the desired level of performance outcomes, and therefore, a good management should at all times identify rewards contingent on performance (Vroom 98). The rewards should be adjusted in a way that they match the needs of the particular individual. Victor’s ideas are in line with those of Goal-setting theory which identifies correctly set and well-managed tasks as factors facilitating motivation. This theory also addresses individual differences between workers and recognizes that if participation by leaders is not possible, employees will always respond positively as long as supervisory trust and support is in place.

Motivation takes different forms which can be broadly classified as financial and non-financial. Non-financial forms include recognition, increased responsibility, public praise and or not limited to a personal or written thank-you for a job well done. They are recognized as the best servers of motivation because unlike financial forms, non-financial methods are long term and therefore are an excellent means of sustaining motivation.

Implementing Motivational Schemes

Implementing motivation requires creativity because other than improving the performance of the employees and subsequently exceeding the expectations of the organization, the motivator should try and meet the needs and excellence on the part of the employee. A good motivational scheme provides the employees with regular feedback on their performance as well as that of the organization including the expectations. In this process, leaders can commend the workers for work well done or offer advice in areas where expectations were not met. This way, immediate and sustainable improvement can be achieved without waiting for too long to correct for deficiencies.

The management should always schedule public announcements from where they can easily recognize their employees with exceptional performance expectations. Ramlall (2004) who in line with two-factor theory, also advocates that self-recognition can be a tremendous motivator. With such scheduled public announcements, employees will strive hard to ensure they are at one point or the other; they get praised for their efforts. The method will also provide sustained motivation to the employees.

Praising someone in public must not be the end of the scheme. To ensure that workers work even harder or go an extra mile as was discussed above, the management ought to promote or offer leadership opportunities to those employees who consistently perform beyond expectations. As was mentioned above, non-financial forms of motivation are the best sources of motivation. With employee’s promotion, you enable them to take more responsibilities, facilitate them to show their talents as well as improving their skills. It also improves employee retention and thereby reducing the organization’s cost of replacing workers in case of employee turnover.

A unique way to enhance motivation is to allow employees to at times go off the norm of the organization. This involves a break off from the daily routine and may take different forms like having office fun day, having an on-site or off-site seminar and or having any other company event. Not only will the employees learn something new, but they will also feel reenergized and motivated when they resume back to their work. They will feel the worth of being employees of the company, and this will help in ensuring employee retention.

Lastly, a good motivational scheme should allow employees to volunteer for tasks that demonstrate their capabilities. In case the organization has enrolled new staffs, the management should allow or request the current workers to handle orientation presentation sessions. Leaders ought to device scheduled survey probably once in a year where the employees can air their views or opinions pertaining issues facing the organization. Considering their views allows them to be happier and more satisfied with the running of the organization’s business. This way the staff stay engaged, feel motivated and part of the body.

Positive and Negative Aspects of Motivation

A rightly motivated employee whose supervisor understands his/her roles gets personal and job satisfaction from the daily routine. Such an employee is likely to have the organization’s mission statement as his/her guiding principle. The employees will each and every day follow the footstep they followed so as to get the reward, they handle full responsibilities of their job, and the morale for the job is internally generated within them.

Secondly, motivated workers exhibit high-performance indices. If for example a commission is offered for a services or job well done, the beneficiary will work tirelessly next time to make more sales or provide better services so as to acquire the appreciation. Conversely, if a leader threatens a worker on the basis of underperformance, the worker is likely to work hard to avoid the negative consequences of the threat.

On the other hand, motivation has its challenges, and they are as discussed below.

First, if the motivational schemes in an organization are flawed, unrealistic or even poorly executed, the chances are that the employees will lose confidence in the system or the body and this will lead to high turnover. If an employee is trying too hard to meet the targets and or his/her expectations are not even recognized by the organization, such a worker is likely to give up through either reducing the efforts or resigning. Staff turnover means a significant cost to the management.

Secondly, if leaders use wrong methods to motivate some workers, they are likely to promote dishonesty within employees and in the organization. Considering motivation by a commission, if employees’ satisfaction is not met, then sales will be made at any cost by default and such will result in integrity failure. This may further lead to quarrels over sales made and at the long run may cause reduced customer satisfaction. It is, therefore, the responsibility of the leaders to ensure that motivations are fairly and rightly made to their employees.

Individual Differences in an Organization

Individual differences imply differences in experiences, background, and attitudes and thus such people are likely to have different perceptions and ideas towards the same thing in an organization. This helps the organization to have a diverse range of experiences, approaches, and strategies while planning on how to meet the needs of its customers as well as the workers. A good leader should devise strategies on how to integrate individual differences to their advantage. Such integration can promote individuality among the diverse groups which are a benefit to the organization. For this reason, the diversities can have either a positive consequence or negative one depending on how it is perceived within the organization.

Managing Individual Differences

A good leader should welcome, accommodate and manage individual differences in the organization so as to easily meet the company’s goals. Below are some strategies to enhance this.

First is to strengthen communication between workers and within the organization. Every employee should be aware of the organizations’ policies, rules and regulations and procedure to follow under every situation and at any time. All necessary information regarding work should clearly be communicated so as to enhance a healthy working environment. Most task related failures and conflicts emerge from lack of proper information/communication.

Secondly, leaders should avoid stereotyping some individuals within the organization. General assumptions regarding certain groups can demoralize the said groups and thus impart their performance, trust and security in the workplace. Stereotyping can result in conflicts which have a very negative impact on the growth of both the workers and the company. Viewing the employees as individuals/humans can be the best principle, they have a difference in personality. Employees found judging other should firmly be reminded of policies that govern against discrimination.

Leaders should encourage everyone to work in the diverse groups. All team related task ought to be done in a combination of people who have different views, have contrasting personalities and values. By doing this, one is not only promoting team performance but also improving socialism between and within workers. This also eliminates any chance for rising form of stereotype, that is, promoting individualism. Diverse teams are a source of brilliant ideas through sharing out of experiences. They are a useful tool in sharpening and identification of one’s strengths and or talents. Leaders have the sole responsibility of making employees recognize that their personal experiences, culture, and background are not the very ones that got more value to the organization. They have the mandate to empower every individual regardless of their experiences and personalities.

As was discussed above, dishonesty can be promoted within the organization if motivational schemes are unfairly practiced. An organization will also suffer negatively if decision and particularly those emerging within a team are done subjectively. Open criteria can be used when considering the ideas made by all the team individuals as long it’s for the betterment of the company and not against the laid down policies. Equal chances of participation can be a great way to realizing team goals. Some leaders have the tendency to compromise the actions, shortcomings, and performance related issue of some workers which sets an appalling image to the hardworking and committed a lot of people. The principle of equality demands that equal measures be taken to anyone who goes against a certain standard.

Consequences of Individual Differences in an Organization

As has been discussed above, individual differences can be taken as an advantage or a challenge to a group depending on how well leaders or the management manage it. Some positive impacts of individual differences are as discussed below.

Firstly, an organization properly managing its employees’ differences can result in very innovative ideas. Individual differences involve a combination of diverse experiences and background and when well integrated can lead to bright ideas. People with varying experiences tend to have divergent views on problems facing the company. This alongside proper strategies implementation results in a productive and competitive organization.

Secondly, different people have varying production levels or capacities, differing levels of work quality, self-esteem, and levels of perceiving change among other personalities. Accommodating these differences means that chances of improving the levels of the less fortunate employees are higher, that is, it’s possible to improve the self-esteem and productivity of the less productive individuals. The rates of embracing changes by employees within an organization is very crucial because changes are inevitable. Some intended changes may unexpectedly result in negative results as opposed to bringing some good. It is, therefore, imperative that an organization have a mix of different change agents so as to neutralize the unexpected results.

On the downside, if poorly managed, individual differences can cause a great deal in conflicts within the organization. In situations where leaders fail to acknowledge the diversities and encourage a good working relationship with workers, individual generalities and conflicts are bound to occur. The inferior group feels uncomfortable in the workplace, and their work morale is significantly affected. They experience a general feeling that their values aren’t recognized nor respected and thus likely to attract disagreements.

Also, contrary to being innovative, the organization where some members value their personalities more than those of their co-workers is likely to experience wastage of precious time and resources. The inferior group appears to never care about what happens in and within the organization, and they attend job not because their roles comes from within them but just because it’s a must to be at work. Once they arrive at the job, what comes next to their mind is when the day will end for them to leave the facilities of the company. They misuse resources because they are irritated by what is happening around them and are just not concerned with whether the company makes profits or losses. This can mean a significant loss to the organization.


Motivation involves persistent efforts which are directed towards meeting the laid downs goals or objectives. As discussed above, it is it is a key factor influencing performance if well managed by the leaders. Different people will react or respond to different situations differently. Their response is mostly a function of the people they interact with as well as the environment of bringing up. These differences are paramount because they account for the varied productivity among employees in the same position and the same organization. Also, the rate at which they learn new tasks and subsequently their efficiency differs.

Works Cited

Burton, Kelly. “A study of motivation: How to get your employees moving.” Management (2012).

Maslow, Abraham Harold, Robert Frager, and Ruth Cox. Motivation and personality. Eds. James Fadiman, and Cynthia McReynolds. Vol. 2. New York: Harper & Row, 1970.

Ramlall, Sunil. “A review of employee motivation theories and their implications for employee retention within organizations.” Journal of American Academy of Business 5.1/2 (2004): 52-63.

Vroom, Victor H., and Arthur G. Jago. “The role of the situation in leadership.” American psychologist 62.1 (2007): 17.

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