Employee Value Proposition at BMW Company

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The Employee Value Proposition (EVP) defines the specific benefits that the worker receives in return for the skills, knowledge, competency or the general capabilities that they possess in the organization. The EVP practices play a critical role in enhancing the productivity of the workers in the company, thus, it is important for the companies to adopt an EVP framework in their operations for effectiveness (Frow & Payne, 2011). This paper makes a focus on the EVP implementation at The Bavarian Motor Works (BMW) Company. The report discusses the current EVP practices implemented at the business and makes a suggestion of the potential EVP activities are potential for adoption in the company. Further, the report unveils the EVP measures that are currently implemented at the organization and also suggests the possible measures that can be embraced. Therefore, the paper is essential in offering an understanding of the current and the potential EVP practices at BMW Company.

The BMW is one of the world largest producers of the luxury motorcycles and the automobiles. The company was founded in 1916, with its headquarters based in Munich, Bavaria. Since its establishment, BMW has grown and reached many different parts of the world, now reaching almost all the continents. It has been trusted by many to be one of the superior producers of the luxury products. BMW has the vision of being the most successful organization in the premium manufacturing (Bmw.com, 2018).

Current EVP Practices

Currently, BMW employs different EVP practices in its operation. The organization makes efforts to ensure that the works gain value in working for the company. One of the major EVP practice employed by the business is the enforcement of compensations and the benefits. BMW offers a competitive package of salary to its workers, which is also associated with the periodic increments. Again, the organization has plans for other benefits such as the offerings and plans for the health and one’s uncertainties. They also offer the retirement benefits to workers after serving the company. Other benefits at BMW include the vacation and also the travel allowances. BMW believes that with better compensations and benefit offering to the workers, the company is likely to attract the desired skill and talent. The business will get the young engineers and other workers which will significantly help it to gain the competitive advantage over other players in the industry (Bmw.com, 2018).

Also, BMW has considered the day-to-day job elements as one of its critical practice towards the promotion of the EVP. Some of the main activities integrated into the job elements include the aspects of training and development, where the business organizes for both the internal and external training to help the workers. The company believes that training and development help the employees to develop the confidence, value and trust in BMW. They feel important and part of the success of the business. Also, there are programs for rewards and recognition, where the best performers are considered (Frow & Payne, 2011). BMW considers this practice as a strategy to enhance motivation to the workers, which in turn improves their productivity.

Potential EVP Practices

In as much as BMW has been on the forefront to embrace the EVP activities, there are still more practices that can be embraced for further promotion of EVP. One of the potential EVP practice that can be adopted at BMW is the integration of the organizational elements that promote the EVP at the workplace. They are the practices that that transforms the interaction of people, groups of people, clients and also the stakeholders. Usually, they are defined in corporate cultures such as the values, vision, beliefs and many others. Usually, the organizational elements have the capabilities to change the individual or group thinking, thus, impacting on the motivation and satisfaction of the employees (Ballantyne et al., 2011). Therefore, BMW will significantly benefit from EVP implemented through the organizational elements.

BMW should also consider the working conditions as one of the factors to promote the EVP. In as much as the business has attempted to embrace improved working conditions, it is important for the business to consider setting a framework that can help it to deliver standard working conditions for all its workers internationally. There should be work-life balance activities and flexible working schedules to give them time for the personal responsibilities (Paliszkiewicz, 2011). There should be a standardized framework to guide all its branches to enhance the practice. The employees value the working the conditions, and they will be motivated and positive to work in the company once the conditions are favourable.

Current EVP Measures

There are different approaches employed by BMW to measure its performance in EVP. BMW has implemented a framework to measure the number of employees who stay and those who leave the company in every year (Bmw.com, 2018). From the data, the company establishes the average length of service and comes up with important trends that exist among the people who leave the company. The statistical data from the exercise reveals various insights that are essential in providing an understanding of the prevailing situation in the company. The information is important because it aids the business to determine the retention level and the factors that cause them to leave. Thus, the company is better positioned to make strategic decisions that can impact on their retention.

BMW has also used the employee opinion as a measure of EVP. In this case, the business offers a chance to the workers to express their satisfaction level of the value that they get from the company. The employee surveys are performed annually to get the data on the worker satisfaction, trust and value that they have in the business. Some activities such as the conducting of the focus groups interviews, the surveys on exist and those of the senior leaders play a critical role in the exercise. Through the exercise, a lot of data on opinions are collected and analyzed, thus, acting as a representative of the EVP state of the company. The approach gives a deeper understanding of the worker’s phenomena, thus, the management team is capable of making sound decisions based on the statistical data provided.

Potential EVP Measures

Some of the potential EVP measures that BMW can adapt to enhance effectiveness in its business include the consideration of the employer review rankings. BNW should have a system that considers the ranking information provided by the established employer review websites. There also exists sites that lists the best places to work. They provide clear statistical data that ranks the EVP performance of the companies (Shuck et al., 2011). It will offer a good platform for BMW to know their EVP performance in the market, in consideration to those of the competitors in the industry.

The benchmark data will guide the business on the suitable activities that can be embraced to activate the employer brand in the market. Therefore, the data will guide elements such as timing and the specific activities to be adopted to improve the BMW’s employer brand. Once these triggered, the rankings can also be used to provide the post-evaluation data to determine the level of EVP achieved through the practices (Mish & Scammon, 2010).

Another potential measure system that can be adopted by BMW to measure its EVP is the social media. The current world considers social media to be a key aspect of business because it provides a platform for different people to come together. BMW should have a framework system to collect and analyze their employer data from the social media. Some of the common social media consideration that can provide insightful statistics include the shares, retweets, likes and many others (Bamberger et al., 2014). The strategy will offer a good way for the management team of the company to see the metrics from different people in the world in regard to employer brand level of the business (Christensen & Rog, 2008).


In conclusion, the consideration of EVP is an essential practice in every company. The EVP framework is key for the success of every business because it contributes towards the increased profits and the general business sustainability. BMW has adopted various activities such as compensations and benefits and also the day-to-day job elements to promote EVP in its operation. However, there still exists potential activities such as the working conditions that can be improved. BMW has also laid the EVP measures in places such as the retention level measure and the feedback system. The company has room to adopt more measures such as the consideration of data provided in the employer metrics sites and the social media.


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