How to Prevent Fire and Accidents at Home

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Risk assessment is a thorough look at your place you live or work in efforts to identify processes, things, and situations among other things that may cause harm to individuals. The term is used to describe an overall method of identifying hazards and risk factors that have the potential to cause damage. After identification, a person is supposed to evaluate and analyze the risks that are brought about by respective hazards (Hopkin 24). The final step involves determining appropriate measures that should be introduced so as to eliminate or control the risk, in case the hazard cannot be eliminated (Manna& Sam 234). Essentially, risk assessment serves as a basis for risk evaluation and decision making with regard to risk control.

       Risk assessment is an important aspect as it helps to create awareness of risks and hazards as well as people at risk, it helps in pointing out those people who may be at risk, therefore, creating precaution in advance. Risk assessment also tells whether the control measures and policy on accidents are sufficient and also identifies aspects that enable the establishment of control measures to prevent injuries and illnesses caused by accidents. 

How to Minimize the Risks of Fire and Accidents

       Consideration of safety measures and regulations on fire and accidents is very crucial. This is because of the very expensive consequences that come up if the safety measures are not followed. Fire risks and accidents result in loss of property, severe injuries and sometimes death. Therefore it is the responsibility of all concerned to take measures of minimizing fire accidents by following safety measures on fire risks and accidents. Some of the actions that can minimize the risk of fire and accidents include;

       Preventing accidents at home by considering it as a place where fire risks are likely to occur. In the case of fire, it is of the essence to make sure that all fires and heaters are well guarded; additionally, portable heaters and candles should be kept away from curtains and furniture. Clothes should not be aired or dried near the cooker or fire; in the same way, a person should not smoke in bed. Wiring systems in the house should be checked at least once every five years. It is essential to make sure you do not use appliances with damaged flexes; make sure they are rechecked and repaired. Air vents and service appliances should be checked regularly to ensure that there is a flow of fresh air (Oxlade & Chris  65). Always keep a close watch on children and elderly people, especially when heaters and fires are in use.

      Landlords and other owners of public buildings have the responsibility of mitigating fire risks and accidents to the occupants of the premises. The landlords must carry out a risk assessment in their buildings at least semi-annually. The Passive Fire Protection Federation recommends using a third party certified product which must be adhered to by landlords. In addition, buildings should be fit with alarms, sprinklers and extinguishers as a precautionary measure in case of fire.


     Other accidents such as poisoning also occur at home in the event that drugs or substances that can cause poisoning are kept in the open or mishandled during use. Therefore, lockable cabinets should be fitted in the kitchen for chemicals and medicines. Consequently, medicines should be kept in their original packaging containers where they are clearly labeled; similarly, leftover drugs should be returned to the pharmacist for destruction. Household cleaning products should be in a different place away from food; in addition, they should be labeled clearly. You should not mix these products as they can cause dangerous gases, which are poisonous. Other products such as perfumes, cosmetics, and oils should be kept out of reach of children. When handling sharp objects, an individual should take extra care to avoid injuries; also, all tools, chemicals, and paints should be kept away from kids. Any chemical preparation, whether in the case of household cleaners or medicine, should be done with caution, by adults.

       Floods may be another form of accident that can get people unaware, floods usually occur due to bad weather in the form of storms, tornadoes and thunderstorms. Floods usually lead water in rivers and other bodies to overflow thus breaking their banks which destroys people’s property and sometimes floods causes deaths. In mountains and hills, floods usually result in landslides that also destroys property and causes death in animals and people. Preventive measures for floods accidents include; the government taking the initiative to evacuate people from areas prone to floods and landslides and take them to safer areas. Another measure is through the whether department which can warn people prior to bad weather.

Actions to Take in the Event of a Fire

    Immediately after discovering a fire, an individual should pull the nearest fire alarm; arguably, the response time for the fire services is approximately 14 minutes. Therefore, one is on their own for this time and must, therefore, function as your own fire fighter. After notifying the fire services, evacuate the building but in an orderly manner without tension, before opening any doors, make sure you feel for heat. This will ensure that you do not move into more danger by entering in rooms with more fire on the other side of the door. To avoid inhaling so much smoke, one should stay low to the ground in efforts to reduce inhalation exposure. However, if the fire is not large, one can put it out, while ensuring that they do not expose themselves to significant danger (Edlin et al. 55).  You should never go back to a burning building to get personal things or in efforts to save others as you will be putting yourself in danger. Go to the fire assembly point and wait for further directions from the emergency team

Work Cited

Hopkin, Paul. Fundamentals of Risk Management: Understanding Evaluating and Implementing Effective Risk Management. London: Kogan Page, 2012. Internet resource.

Mannan, Sam. Lees’ Process Safety Essentials: Hazard Identification, Assessment and Control. , 2014. Internet resource.

Oxlade, Chris. Fire Disaster. Mankato, Minn: Arcturus Pub, 2012. Print.

Edlin, Gordon, and Eric Golanty. Health and Wellness. Sudbury: Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC, 2015. Internet resource.

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