Manufacturing organizations

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The number of manufacturing companies has increased recently. Unilever Company’s development has been greatly influenced by the need for produced goods. Due to the nature of demand, Unilever has gotten into the food product manufacturing business. Global population growth is primarily to blame for the catastrophic events that have been seen in the food market.

Analyses of how information technology, people, and data may help firms stay competitive in their sector.

The daily activities of manufacturing companies are carried out by a sizable number of employees. The establishment of appropriate human resource policies is necessary due to Unilever’s focus on its employees (Dwived, 2009). Well, developed human resource policies lead to reduced costs of manufacturing and as well result in the production of unique products differentiated from those of other competitors. Organizations that have well developed and sophisticated human resource guidelines have a competitive advantage over their counterparts.

Proper information on industry trends is critical for the achievement of an organization’s goals. Adequate information enables an organization to make well-informed decisions (Reichwald, 2008). Organizations whose managers and human resources make proper decisions while utilizing the available, reliable information tend to reach their goals with ease. As such, organizations that have invested in abundant information acquisition end up reaching the top most level in the industry they operate. Adequate information is vital for the sustainability of an organization both in the short term and in the long term.

Information technology is a game changer for organizations that correctly implement it in their operations. It enables Unilever to develop well calculated and tried out strategies. Such strategies when well implemented have high degrees of producing suitable results. Apart from proper strategy development, information technology greatly fosters creativity and innovation (Mahr, 2010). Information technology has enabled the organization to discover new ways of carrying out its operations. These new methods end up being efficient and effective both financially and as well in regards to time.

Analysis of Porter’s five forces model about competition within the industry of an organization

Michael Porter’s model outlines the fundamental forces that significantly influence a team’s competitiveness in the sector it operates. With rising competition in the food industry, a Unilever opts to create ways in which it may quickly reduce the consumers bargaining power. The game helps the team set a higher bar, way ahead of its competitors. The company has introduced discount cards and also loyalty cards which would reduce the consumers’ bargaining power.

Most food organizations tend to develop unique products to retain its market supremacy and also increase it when favorable (Porter, 2014). Entities tend to hike up their quest for innovation ultimately leading to the introductions of such products. As such, industrial rivalry ends up being favorable to the most innovative of all organizations in the industry.

In recent times, organizations have established efficient and effective distribution channels such that costs reduce. Time consumed by the distribution drastically reduces. A competitive advantage depends on the business that has the most effective and efficient distribution channel. Consequently, bargaining power of suppliers decreases. Organizations are not compelled to adhere to the terms set by its supplies (Porter, 2014). Proper selection of vendors and focusing on the highest value for money by organizations ensure a bigger stride between such an organization and its competitors.

The threat of substitutes being part of the forces reiterated by Porter has gotten businesses on toes. Institutions take much time in focusing on prices of their commodities. Pricing of products directly affects the possibilities of introduction or increase in the use of substitutes (Porter, 2014). Organizations focus on the production of high-quality products and well-differentiated products to achieve the highest levels of consumer satisfaction. In a practical scenario, the food processing organizations concentrate on making their product packaging more desirable and appealing. Such practices help organizations maintain their levels of competitiveness in their industries of operation.

Many agencies in the manufacturing sector have their particular kind of products. Such groups tend to secure these unique products through the acquisition of patents and rights. Such legal measures protect the industry from new entrants acting as “copy cats.” Profitable markets, as a result, tend to discourage new developing competitors due to the high costs associated with successful entrances in such industries. As a result, competition is kept at bay by the organizations already in the industry, and with the effect the threat of new entries is curbed (Porter, 2014). The competition level is at sustainable levels with effect, industry supremacy is maintained.

An evaluation on how supply chain management systems could be used within the organization

Supply chain management systems have helped Unilever that has implemented them in their day to day operations. They form an essential part of an organization’s success as it directly affects the efficiency of the operations. A lot of advantages are tied up to organizations that have well-developed supply chain management systems (Zude, 2010). Some of these benefits are as follows: Customer services improve throughout the organization. Delivery of manufactured goods is timely to all the customers after sales services are well initiated, and as well commodities are well assorted and right quantities well delivered.

Supply chain management systems promise a reduction in operating costs of organizations that implement such systems (Zude, 2010). Supply chain management systems help the organization get the best deals from suppliers hence reducing the purchase costs of raw materials. Reliable supply chain management systems also help organizations to enjoy reduced production costs. Instances of material shortages kept at bay and as well, supply is always guaranteed to overcome the demand for the products. As such, expenses incurred during shortages reduce accordingly.

Supply chain management systems help the organization to improve and have a stable financial position (Zude, 2010). At any time during the manufacturing process, the teams find themselves at the right liquidity levels. The reason is that; supply chain management systems are useful and efficient forecasting tools. They help organizations predict their future needs with utmost certainty. Profit margins are also guaranteed to be on a rise when such systems get implemented. Due to reduced supply chain costs, consequently, profits increase. Firms also reduce fixed assets in their possession since well-handled supply chain management systems need a small amount of investment in long-term assets.

An evaluation of how a database management system and a data warehouse could be used within the organization.

Database management systems are crucial for management of organization’s data as well as vital information. These systems provide channels through which data can be kept safe and can easily be retrieved when required (Wang, 2008). Proper storage of data is crucial for any organization as it helps maintain the organization’s secrets and procedures. Maintenance of such vital data safeguards an organization from exposure and exploitation by its competitors. Database management systems have quite some roles and importance of an organization that implements them. Data access control is through a database management system, and as such there are no time lags during the dissemination of data and information.

Database management systems are subject to frequent updates and upgrading. The updates mainly work to the advantage of an organization. Security of the data is guaranteed, and as well, no data may be lost or dismantled during the updating process (Wang, 2008). Database management systems also help on saving of space at the manufacturing plants. No physical files need maintenance when an organization has a fully operational system. Space is a crucial requirement in a manufacturing organization since it enables the free flow of work and also free movement of personnel.

A search for information and attempts of being up to date with market trends are vital in any manufacturing organizations. The patterns administered through the implementation of a proper database management system eradicate errors (Wang, 2008). Database management systems help an organization reach its customers quickly and determine their desired needs. Consequently, products can be tailor made to suit customer needs with the aid of database management systems.

Organizations can also consider the implementation of data warehouses. Data warehouses help organizations store piled up data from a vast range of sources and quickly retrieve such data during decision making (John, 2008). Data warehouses are essential for data analysis and ultimate reporting as well. Data warehouses help organizations come up with comprehensive analytical reports that assist in the attainment of efficiency in the production process. They also enable an organization to perform data cleansing, whereby scrapping of old data from the system is possible. Data warehouses help organizations to properly administer their information and ensure proper decision making based on concrete facts.

An analysis of how agent based technologies could be used in the organization.

Agent based technologies help an organization in stimulating actions of individual and collective organizations with the sole aim of determining their impacts on the organization in its entirety (Paolucci, 2005). Agent based technologies combine models of statistics and analysis that help organizations review all ”what if” situations and develop back up plans in case such situations emerge. Agent based technologies help manufacturing organizations achieve goals such as enterprise integration, enterprise collaboration and as well as manufacturing sequencing through proper scheduling of processes and well laid out plans (Shen Et al., 2006). Agent based technologies also enable manufacturing entities to have control of the workplace floor.

Analysis of the use of E-Commerce models in the organization

E- Commerce has considerably grown its acceptance by consumers and also organizations. It has been working in favor of both organizations and users primarily manufacturing organizations (Khosrowpour, 2006). There are at least nine different e-commerce models whose implementation is comprehensive in organizations all over the world. Some of them are particularly acceptable in specific industries. In the context of manufacturing organizations, the flash sale model can be useful. The usefulness involves creating a temporary demand for manufactured goods and compelling customers to buy such products within a specified time frame. This model of e-commerce, when well administered by a manufacturing organization, produces the most suitable results. The goods do not over stay and as such no wastages incurred.

A manufacturing organization should consider implementing the flash sale model as it best suits its operations. Profit margins are guaranteed to be on a rising trajectory, and consequently, a well-established and ready market for goods is created (Khosrowpour, 2006). Proper utilization of resources is possible in the organization, and the value for money incurred is also actually realized.

An analysis on the use of the system development life cycle in the organization

The system development life cycle (SDLC) is a form of system engineering process that enables organizations to gather and analyze data. It helps design the information and data to suit its operations. Implementation of the model developed, testing the results of the implemented system, its final deployment and finally its time to time maintenance of the improved information system. The system development life cycle is useful for any particular organization as it enables organizations to perform feasibility studies before the implementation of decisions and to test the effectiveness of management tools (Shelly Et al., 2017). In the context of manufacturing organizations, SDLC is useful in that the systems developed are free from flaws and errors and as such adequate results that are reliable get generated.

A manufacturing organization can venture into the use of a system development life cycle for the processing and manufacturing section of the plant. The process will enable the organization to achieve the best attainable results about efficiency. The manufacturing process is precise because the implemented systems have been well tested and their capabilities are well known. Chances of success of an organization that uses a system development life cycle are considered overwhelmingly high (Shelly Et al., 2017). Consequently, the success of the organization is guaranteed and its prosperity is assured.

Analysis of how an organization could use emerging trends such as Bluetooth, WI-FI, cell phones and RFID to remain competitive in the future.

Bluetooth enables sharing of files at short proximities of up to ten meters. Laptops, cell phones, and even desktops come bearing the application and as such transfer of information is made accessible (Purpura, 2013). Organizations that have acquired devices that have Bluetooth implementation experience the easy transfer of data. Bluetooth transfers are very fast as compared to the standard workplace emails and fax. Bluetooth is also an inexpensive application; the organization needs not set aside funds for its investment.

A group that incorporates the use of Bluetooth conquers its competitors in various manners. Transfers administered via Bluetooth are not subject to congestion; therefore there is a lot of time saved. Dissemination of information is fast, and thus, the customer service center may also greatly benefit. Bluetooth requires no capital investment; hence it is an economical way of sharing information (Purpura, 2013). Monetary amounts set aside for investment in the information dissemination center end up being saved and deployed in other sectors of the organization. As such, the team is given a head start against its competitors.

Wireless fidelity, abbreviated as WI-FI, offers a group of online channels of communication of communication. WI-FI works for both short range and long range communication and can support some devices and users at a go. Even though many users may be logged on at the same time, there cannot be any delays witnessed by any of the users. Through the use of WI-FI collection of data from people in different parts of the world has been made easy and cheaper as well (Goncalves Et al., 2015). Organizations can make use of WI-FI in running its day to day activities such as teleconferencing, conducting interviews and also field researchers. All these activities traditionally were not possible without the parties involved being physically present at the place of meeting.

The use of WI-FI can enable an organization to carry out its activities swiftly while avoiding unnecessary movements (Goncalves Et al., 2015). The use of Wi-Fi proves to be advantageous to such an organization over its competitors who still dwell on the traditional modes of communication. The use of WI-FI is thus time conscious and less costly.

Organizations can also put into practice the use of cell phones in running their day to day operations. Cell phones have quite some advantages, the major one being that they are more attached to employees than to the offices unlike the traditional landline phones (Oz, 2008). The use of cell phones makes it possible for employees to work anywhere and can be monitored easily. Cell phones are easily portable compared to landlines. For an organization that may need to consider shifting of its location in future, cell phones may not be a barrier since no hustle is involved. Therefore, organizations may enjoy such benefits over its competitors that still dwell on the use of landlines. The use of cell phones may increase the competitive advantage of an organization in its industry of operation.

Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) has grown into being popular in its use in various organizations. It offers the organization with the advantage of monitoring the movements of its products without necessarily being physically at the place of operation (Purpura, 2013). RFID helps an organization in business data collection and may also prove to be time-saving. Organizations that have implemented the use of RFIDs, therefore, have an added advantage over its competitors.

RFID technology can also be used in writing tags and including all the product specifications and details. RFIDs help in streamlining the bar coding process for products as they are specifically built for such roles (Simpson Et al., 2009). Organizations that use RFID can, therefore, experience a swift flow of information on analysis carried out and consequently, effective monitoring and use of its resources.

An evaluation of measures that an organization can take to ensure information is protected and free from security vulnerabilities.

In the context of information systems and computer use, organizations can acquire such tools as antivirus, development of firewalls; increase the use of passwords and also restricting the access of information to specific personnel. The tools drastically reduce the vulnerability of security of information (Morel, 2017). Organizations may also put in place an IT team that continuously monitors the progress of the organization’s system. The need of installation of some authorization and authentications before the access of information may prove to be beneficial and less perilous to loss of information. Proper monitoring and restriction of users promise security of information.


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Khosrowpour, M. (2006). Encyclopaedia of e-commerce, e-government, and mobile commerce: Vol. 2. Hershey, Pa. [u.a.: Idea Group Reference.

Mahr, Ferdinand, Kretschmer, & Tobias. (2010). Complementarities between IT and Organizational Structure: The Role of Corporate Exploration and Exploitation. (Series: Discussion Papers in Business Administration; No.2010-03.

Paolucci, M., &Sacile, R. (2005). Agent-based manufacturing and control systems: New agile manufacturing solutions for achieving peak performance. Boca Raton: CRC Press.

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