MOONLIGHT Written by Barry Jenkins

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The PROTAGONIST, who is Chiron and is depicted as Little, Chiron, and Black, is the subject of Barry Jenkins' novel. The use of three different characters, each acted independently to depict his life as a youngster, a teenager, and an adult illustrates his WEAKNESS—he struggles to find his appropriate position in the world. As he grew up in a world where being gay was frowned upon, he developed the bad behavior that is depicted in the movie—becoming gay. This was a result of his vulnerability. Barry Jenkins puts more twist into the story and acts as the INCITING INCIDENT when Little is running and trying to hide from the children who are chasing him up with the mentality of beating him up (Jenkins 1). The FIRST ACT BREAK is initiated by Juan who also is the ANTAGONISTS in the same scenario with the great challenge to Little is that he is being used by the antagonist to sell drugs to which even his mother is a good client to Juan.


Chiron is a teenager and is subjected more to bullying and questions with regards to his sexuality. He escapes from the gloom as a result of losing all the semblance of his home life prior to SECOND ACT BREAK which is evident as Chiron uses the kindness of Kevin who happens to be his friend to find comfort (Jenkins 72). What is considered as the CLIMAX CHOICE is when the young men consider violence as the better option and the best thing that will enable them to feel better and make them fit in. We can tell that the protagonist has changed in the RESOLUTION when he is a young adult and does his best to reach out to the teenagers.

Work Cited

Moonlight by Barry Jenkins

April 06, 2023

Movies Literary Genres

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