Multiculturalism’s Impact on Europe

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The Formation of a Political System

The current regime’s formation of a country’s political system recognizes the importance of cultural coherence and the defining of the country as the area of unified groupings. However, cultural differences pose a challenge to the togetherness that co-exists among many European nations. Raised multiculturalism in recent years has increased political demand in diverse groupings.

Multiculturalism in Liberal Democracies

As a result, the emergence of political demand acknowledges multiculturalism, which has two origins: multiculturalism based on liberal doctrines and multiculturalism based on cultural relativism. While articulating on the dilemma of equality implementation in pluri – cultural societies in liberal nations of Europe, this article will argue and elaborate on how multiculturalism has become redundant through liberal democracy in the western states.

Defining Multiculturalism

In the context of political philosophy, multiculturalism refers to the idea that basically addresses the ultimate appropriate way of responding to the diversity in the culture and the religion within the society. The concept of Multiculturalism extends beyond simple act of tolerating group variations and seeks to evaluate the treatment of the minority groups as citizens on the equality level with the majority team by acknowledging and positively accommodating traditional or cultural differences by recognition of the rights of various groups (Sucharou, 2013).

Importance of Multiculturalism

The groups with various rights are espoused through minority groups e.g. there are some people who are exempted from certain norms due to their cultural and religious beliefs. These groups are also evaluated by minority nations or indigenous groups for the purpose of self determinations. Arguably, such practices are parallel to the nationalism. Precisely, multiculturalism is defined as an umbrella involving both moral and political recognition of marginalized and discriminated groups like black Americans in the United States, worldwide women and other groups like disabled or guy.

Multiculturalism Theorists and Immigrants

However, multiculturalism theorists have persistency emphasized on the immigrants of the country who comprises of the ethnic and religious minorities due to their differences. Common examples of such groups include minority nations from Europe like Catalans, Basque in Spian, and Muslims from Western Europe countries. Smith (2016) identified three aspects which are associated with the multiculturalism like difference, politics recognition and identity which are focuses at restoring the value which formerly disregarded altering patterns of the presentation, identity and the communication that had marginalized minority groups.

Economics and Political Issues

Moreover, multiculturalism concept also emphasizes on the economics issues besides political motives. This concept is the platform which is used to remedy economic and political injustices that citizens claim to have suffered from because of belonging to certain minority groups. Will (2015) differentiates multiculturalism and antiracism by arguing that the latter deals with the issues concerned with resistance and victimization while the former emphasizes on issue like cultural life, achievements, and cultural expressions. The following are the accommodations that bare excluded by multiculturalists include religious ground, certain laws, special treatment from problems where majority are unsatisfied ,financing of the associations and language schools, exclusive representation from government agencies and legal systems practices.

Multiculturalism in Western Countries

Smith (2016) provides a concrete description of the debate on the issue of multiculturalism and the minority rights that commenced in the late 19th century and gives account on the progress of the debate by raising essential question in matters that concern the part taken by the liberal nations in promoting their communities and citizenship. The idea of multiculturalism was given much weight by many stake holders in the period between 1970 to 1990 as strategy to of building a tolerant and cohesive Europe.

Challenges Faced by Liberal Nations

During that period many Europe nations adopted the idea of multiculturalism and tried to include the interest of their minority groups in the mainstream if the liberal culture. The evolution of the terrorist atrocities in the world raised anxieties over decreased popularity of the civic and the national identities. The capacity of recognizing culture paved way for the practices that was against the liberal principles that and many researcher s and scholars to steer a clearer view form everything that was associated with the multiculturalism.

The Decline of Multiculturalism

Apparently, most liberal European nations were against the offer of the special treatment of the cultural minorities. More emphasis was put off the change that promoted common bond that unites rather than division of the citizens of the democratic countries. This argument was is regarded to the best in understanding the analysis of the philosophical literature about the concept of the multiculturalism and adjustments that takes place in the political system in several countries in Europe (Rasman, 2000).

Difficulties in Promoting Multiculturalism

Multiculturalism was made redundant by the opposing cultural practices which were against the principle of the liberal nations as well the increase in the terrorism which decreased the significance of the national and civic identity. Therefore, liberal nations from the west are experience difficulties in keeping and promoting multiculturalism especially in treating minority groups in special way and the retaining equality for the their citizens.

Achieving Mutual Recognition

However, there were period when multiculturalism was significant in the liberal nations in the entire world. There were mutual agreement between those nations that advocated for the liberal traditions and unity in the Europe and the extension of the multiculturalism in the entire world, they fought and strategies on how they could unify their political system (Ana, 2017).

Protecting Individual Rights

Therefore, it was imperative to recognize the idea that all individual had the right to live appreciated and meaningful right, freedom of beliefs, freedom of expression and other activities which were imposed from minority groups. However, it was significant for group to mutually agree with each other and enhance respect among them as well. The nations were expected to protect and uphold the legal and constitutional rights of each member in the society and to make sure that they are treated equally and justly (Evelyn, 1995).


The paper has clearly articulated the concept of multicuralism from diverse dimension. Therefore, when multiculturalism is taken positively as a good idea it can lead to political and moral recognition of marginalized and discriminated minority groups like black Americans who live in the United States, small groups like guys and worldwide women as well as the disabled. There is need for Europe to persistently accommodate the concept of the pluri-cultural equality. However, the increase in terrorism will always continue to pose challenges to the civic and the liberal nations of the west. Therefore, nations should find possible ways of coping with the demand in multiculturalism.


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May 02, 2023

Culture Sociology

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