Online Socialization: A New Agent of Socialization

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The Rise of Online Socializing

The essay demonstrates how recent years have seen a rise in socializing due to online networking. Additionally, it implies that Facebook and MySpace are helping to enhance online sociability. Furthermore, individual age is dependent on the social trends of online networking profiles. As a result, there is a definite relationship between age and online profiles. It demonstrates that older adults are less likely than younger ones to engage in social interaction. As a result, one's social influence may now be measured by the number of online friends they have.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Online Socialization

Online socialization has advantages and disadvantages from a social standpoint. The first item shown is the comparison between the online usage of the young and the old. The graph shows that the youth (18-25) years are more connected than the older people (25 years and above). It suggests that the youth socialize more than the old people. The other element in the graph is the frequency of connections represented by the different pairs of the graphs. In this case, this feature shows clearly that the youth misuse most of their time connected online. This usage is in terms of using the networking tools and the length of the day especially during school time.

The Negative Implications of Online Socialization

Notably, the above elements show that the youths are using most of their time socializing, something that is destroying their life. Online socialization is also increasing the level of social evils amongst them facilitating terrorism and discrimination, and this is affecting the society negatively. However, online socialization has more advantages than the demerits in the society because it is playing an important role in uniting people across a large area (Noreen, Sidney and Fergusson, 446). This unity creates an exceptional environment which facilitates the growth of other important elements in the community such as love and peace mentioning a few.

The Need for Research and Policy Changes

Impacts of online socializing through social networks are being witnessed every day, and as a result, a dynamic research about this issue needs to be created to counter the effects. Moreover, new laws and policies need to be set up to address those issues. All social networks need to create special programs to educate their users about the adverse effects of online socialization because they have negative implications for the youth especially the youth.

Works Cited

Kamala, Noreen, Sidney Feels. And Michael Fergusson. "Online Social Networks for Health Behavior Change: Designing to increase Socialization." Computers in Human Behavior 41 (2014): 444-453.

March 15, 2023

Sociology Business



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