planning and Operations

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A safety management system program is a sophisticated process that helps firms discover, assess, and reduce risks and hazards in a specific environment (An et al., 2015). It is helpful in the airport environment for identifying risks and enhancing mitigation techniques. Additionally, it is crucial for improving safety by lowering the likelihood of mishaps.

According to the film, a lack of effective leadership could result in accidents happening. Also, there could be unreported unsafe acts that have been conducted within the airport is a basis of the incidences and hazardous conditions leading to accidents (AHRQ., 2017).

Components of an SMS and use in ARFF

The safety management system is divided into four components within the jurisdiction of the airport. They include; the safety policy, safety risk management, safety assurance and safety promotion (AHRQ., 2017).

First, the security policy defines the processes and organization used in the to meet the set goals and improve the level of services provided (An et al., 2015). It ensures that the necessary policies are set in place to prevent the occurrence of fires and manage in the case of accidents. Second, the safety risk management necessitates the need for updated data on controlling the possibility of experiencing hazards while implementing strategies to reduce the damage through proper ARFF guidelines (An et al., 2015). The third is safety assurance that helps evaluate the effectiveness of the policy and risk management program put in place. The strategies put in place such as the firefighting mechanisms are tried and verified before they can fully be implemented in the SMS phase (An et al., 2015). It is the component that deals with the quality control plan of the whole program through successful evaluations. The fourth part is safety promotion that includes all the necessary actions in training the staff to use the set policies and standards in the system (An et al., 2015). It is essential to help create a positive culture of safety when dealing with ARFF.

Airport Emergency Plan Update

Updating the vital information in an emergency plan is essential to ensure that all the plans are in line with the current technology (Coppola, 2017). It is imperative to ensure that the plan is updated at least annually to ensure that it is made a living document. Reports have indicated that continued reviewing of essential information in the project should be done to ensure its workability and review of appropriate codes.

Benefits of AEP at the Airport

The airport emergency planning is beneficial when integrated into the safety management system since it helps in creating a direction and control system for the airport. It is a way through which the different hazards are identified and the specific responses that are needed (Coppola, 2017). In this way, it makes it easier to deal with various detrimental issues that may face the airport in the present and future while integrating necessary measure through the SMS.

Incidence Command Structure

In expanding the incidence command structure, it is essential to ensure that teamwork is enhanced regarding making the response to risks efficiently manageable and cost-effective (Castaing et al., 2016). Potential expansions could be done in the incidence base to enhance the administrative functions and primary logistics in the coordination of the program. It is also essential in reducing the gate blockage in the airport (Castaing et al., 2016).

Rationale for inclusion in overall AEP

The components that could be included in the AEP should be likely locations for emergency response, operational details, plan for activation, the welfare of staff involved and recovery options all placed within the aim (Coppola, 2017). It should, therefore, be a combination of the SMS and incidence command structure to create a reliable plan for the future.


AHRQ. (2017). Never Events | AHRQ Patient Safety Network. Retrieved 2 October 2017, from

An, G. R., Jang, J. L., Jang, J. H., & Lee, C. H. (2015). A Study on Efficient Operation of Safety Management System for Airport Organization. Journal of the Korea Safety Management and Science, 17(1), 13-19.

Castaing, J., Mukherjee, I., Cohn, A., Hurwitz, L., Nguyen, A., & Müller, J. J. (2016). Reducing airport gate blockage in passenger aviation: Models and analysis. Computers & Operations Research, 65, 189-199.

Coppola, M. (Ed.). (2017). Law Enforcement Aviation Unit Emergency Response Plan. TECHBeat Dated, 6.

March 15, 2023



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