The Al Capone Business

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The Al Capone Business had an extremely high overhead. Most of the gang money was spent on payoffs to law enforcement, aldermen, and judges. It also paid for distilling equipment and trucks. Despite the high overhead, the Al Capone Business was still profitable. It’s not clear exactly how much money Al Capone made in the business. The answer depends on who you ask. Let’s look at some of the main characters.


Mae Al Capone stayed in Chicago for many years and was infamous for her role as Mammy in the crime family’s business. Though she was a little older than Al, she hid her age well and was a charmer to her family. In fact, she was so charming that her family allowed her to live openly in their house, even after she got pregnant. The two met at a party in Carroll Gardens, New York, in the late 1890s. The pair’s mother may have arranged their courtship, or at least made sure that their parents knew about it.


The Netflix documentary, Sonny and Al, follows the rise and fall of the infamous organized crime group. Although he was the son of the notorious Al Capone, Sonny lived a law-abiding life until his father’s death in 1947. In his youth, he began working as an apprentice printer and later moved into the business of tire distribution. He also ran a restaurant with his mother.

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Johnny Torrio

Despite the fact that Johnny Torrio primarily operated in the underworld, his gang also had legitimate interests in other businesses. In addition to his interests in gambling, Torrio also ran a billiards hall and owned the Harvard Inn, a infamous gambling establishment in Coney Island. Capone hired Johnny Torrio in the Harvard Inn while he was establishing himself as a businessman and consolidating his power.

Dion O’Banion

One of the most infamous victims of the Chicago gangster, Al Capone, was flower shop owner Dion OBanion. His office was located at 738 North State Street. It is unclear what caused him to be murdered by Al Capone, but three men broke into his flower shop while he held a pair of scissors in one hand and a shotgun in the other. While he was at work, he was beaten and shot seven times by the agents of the criminal organization.


The infamous Mafia boss, Al Capone, was a well-known figure of Chicago history. His murders, gangster activities, and infamous reputation led to a series of Hollywood films. Borla’s fascination with Capone began after he watched the 1987 film The Untouchables, which starred Robert De Niro as Capone and Kevin Costner as Ness. Though he was aware of the Mafia’s evil, he felt it was a man he wanted to emulate.

Mae’s home in Florida

When looking for a beach house in Miami, Florida, you’ll probably find a place that reminds you of Mae’s hometown. Al Capone owned a waterfront property on which he spent his last years. Although his last years were marked by his violent crimes, he was still able to find the time to live in his home. Here’s a look at the Al Capone home.

Mae’s letters

The letters written by Mae Capone to Al and his associates have come under scrutiny in recent years, as they were widely circulated online. But it’s also possible that these letters have some hidden meanings. The letters are an excellent source of information for anyone looking to learn more about the infamous crime lord. Here are three letters from Mae to Al Capone that are worth reading. The letters are not the only sources of information about Capone, though.

Sonny’s marriage to Mae

The marriage of Al Capone and Mae Coughlin was a saga that spans over two decades. Originally from Ireland, they met while working for the same company. They married in 1918 and had one son, Sonny. Al had a reputation as a womanizer, and his wife, Mae, contracted syphilis from his philandering. Sadly, Capone did not seek treatment and allowed his disease to affect his mental faculties.

Mae’s death

Before her death in 1986, Mae had tried to protect her family from the reputation that their late husband had built. In 1964, she and her husband sued Desilu Productions, the company that produced the television series The Untouchables, which was similar to the real-life story of Al Capone. Mae, who had fought for her children’s rights, burned love letters and diaries that Capone had written to her while he was in prison.

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Mae’s relationship with Sonny

Laurence Bergreen, a gangster biographer, heard about Mae’s flirtation with respectability from her father’s family members. When Capone’s father died, he returned to rackets, but he was only 20 years old. At that time, the Capone household included Capone, Mae and their young son, Albert Francis, also known as Sonny. Capone had been a grade-school dropout and was seeking employment in arithmetic.

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