The Attitudes of Health Care Workers towards Influenza Vaccination

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The research tradition is in perfect harmony with methods that have been used in the collection and analysis of data. This is so, given that the study involves numeric data and focuses on participants’ interpretations.

The study was designed to be done in a regulated time frame. Due to lack of adequate time, the study is streamlined to give a synthesis to be used in decision making.

The study clearly shows reflexivity given that some of the thematic data that was used in the study was based on the beliefs, perceptions, organizational and ethical issues.

Sample and Setting

The study has adequately described the healthcare workers, who are the group of interest. The setting of the study has been clearly stated to be hospitals, nursing homes, and facilities that deal with acute care. The sample has been defined, however, the sampling domains affected the quality of the information that has been provided.

The sample size that has been used provides the adequate and required information that is needed for the decision-making process.

Data collection.

Various data collection methods have been used, this has been mainly based on the inclusion, accuracy, and effectiveness of the methods and results. The findings provide and show the intended results. The researcher aims to obtain data on influenza vaccination which provides information that enriches knowledge on influenza and supports other previous studies and reviews on the disease.

The amount of data present for the study is enough to make conclusive findings and recommendations, however, there is a lack of sufficient literature research for the participants to make decisions. There is no appropriate evidence on the safety, efficiency, and effectiveness of the process of vaccination.


Data extraction, entry, and synthesis have been stated. To improve on the quality of data and information that have been gathered and presented, reviewers review the work to evaluate its quality.

Their mixed outcome obtained inform of quality. However, given that there are scores inform of bias, ethics, and transferability, the credibility of the results is assured.

Enhancement of trustworthiness.

The researcher implements various strategies for improving the uptake and integrity of the study. The strategies that have been used increased the trustworthiness, however, some strategies caused limitations to the study for instance strategies used in sampling.

Lack of extensive review of evidence makes interpretation difficult hence limiting the findings generalizability.


Data Analysis

The data analysis strategy has been streamlined to focus on the key themes of the study thus enhancing its compatibility. An approach that was used in the study was determined by the quality and depth of the research.

Thematic patterns and key themes have been identified.

The procedures identify the possible biases, however, they are minimized to improve the integrity of the study.


The data and information from the study have been used to clearly illustrate and enhance previous literature review that has been done.

The findings of the study provide a clear synthesis of literature on the attitudes of HCW’s towards vaccination of influenza.

Summary assessment

The findings are trustworthy and provide evidence-based literature and arguments and the illustrations are based on the on survey data. However, some of the data that were used in the study were hypothetical, the researcher could have improved on the integrity and trustworthiness of the research had they collected data that is based on the experience of the participants

The findings of the study provide an enriching information and literature that is important for reviews and studies in the nursing practice.

October 13, 2023

Health Life


Illness Medicine Myself

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Vaccination Attitude

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